NIKA2 Homepage

The New IRAM KID Array 2 (NIKA2) is a dual-band camera operating with three frequency-multiplexed kilopixels arrays of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors (LEKID) cooled at 150mK. NIKA2 is designed to observe simultaneously the intensity at 1.15 and 2.0 mm. In addition, it allows for polarisation observations at 1.15 mm. NIKA2 is built by an international consortium, led by the Institute Neel (Grenoble, France).

Since October 2015, NIKA2 is installed at the IRAM 30m telescope. After a phase of upgrades, tests, and commissioning, NIKA2 has been offered to the astronomy community for total power observations since October 2017. Polarimetry at 1mm has been commissioned in 2022 and observations of the B-FUN large polarimetry program have started.

Since October 2019, the PIIC software for the reduction of total-power NIKA2 data is available for download together with an extensive, regularly updated tutorial (see the PIIC dedicated page).

NIKA2 in the web:



Number of KIDs






NIKA2 2 mm/150 GHz


2.00 mm

125-170 GHz

9 ± 1 mJy*s1/2



NIKA2 1 mm/260 GHz


1.15 mm

240-280 GHz

30 ± 3 mJy*s1/2



Comments: The half-power beam widths and the NEFDs are taken from Perotto et al. 2020. The NEFDs are extrapolated to a sky opacity of 0 and 90 deg. elevation.

NIKA2 observing time estimator

A Python script to estimate observing times is available together with a document describing the approach and giving examples. Please find it here.

The five Guaranteed Time Large Programs

Four Large Programs (LPs) for NIKA2 in guaranteed time (GT) were submitted to the Program Committee for the deadline in September 2016, and one for the March 2017 deadline. All 5 have been rated high by the PC and have been observed. Here, we provide the proposal abstracts together with the list of sources and map sizes. The three large programs in Phase I have started observations in October 2017. while the Phase II large program on nearby galaxies, 160-16, has started in the summer semester 2019 and the B-Fun NIKA2Pol project has started in the winter semester 2021/22. Till end of November 2024, the four GT LPs in total power (GASTON, N2CLS, NIKA2SZ, IMEGIN) are still "fenced" against new continuum 2mm/1mm mapping projects at the 30m or NOEMA. The B-FUN GT LP in polarimetry is yet ongoing and continues to be fenced.

<CK 23-Jul-2024>


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Information for Observers & Technical Documentation

Science runs (October 2017 - February 2025)

Current Semester: Winter 2024

Previous Semester: Summer 2024

Older Semesters

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Commissioning & special test runs

Phase I [total power] (October 2015 - April 2017)

Phase II [Polarization, Tests] (June 2017 - September 2021)

Phase III [Commmissioning after upgrade of 30m servo system & new paint layer of M1] (January & August to September 2024)

Phase IV [NIKA2 upgrade & Re-commissioning] (March 2025)

Support teams

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Created: 2015.AUG.05 by Israel Hermelo. This page is maintained by AR, SL, CK, and the NIKA2 team.

Continuum/NIKA2/Main (last edited 2025-02-21 12:02:51 by CarstenKramer)