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[DIFF] 21:49 [INFO] NikaBolometer [1-41] #02 Upload of attachment '250304_47_old_and_n ew_Array_1.JPG'.
#03 Upload of attachment '250304_46_informati on_back_of_new_Array _3.JPG'.
#04 Upload of attachment '250304_45_polarisat ion_mark_back_of_new _Array_3.JPG'.
#05 Upload of attachment '250304_44_installin g_new_Array_3.JPG'.
#06 Upload of attachment '250304_43_removing_ smooth_array_side_le nses.JPG'.
#07 Upload of attachment '250304_42_removing_ polarizer.JPG'.
#08 Upload of attachment '250304_41_Arrays_3_ and_1_removed_KIDs_s ide.JPG'.
#09 Upload of attachment '250304_40_Arrays_3_ and_1_removed_back_h older_side.JPG'.
#10 Upload of attachment '250304_39_Arrays_2_ and_1_on_100mK_stage .JPG'.
#11 Upload of attachment '250304_38_Array_3_r emoved.JPG'.
#12 Upload of attachment '250304_37_removing_ dichroic_2.JPG'.
#13 Upload of attachment '250304_36_1K_lens_t hrough_the_100mK_mag netic_shield.JPG'.
#14 Upload of attachment '250304_35_100mK_sta ge.JPG'.
#19 Upload of attachment '250304_34_removing_ ice_from_the_100mK_s tage.JPG'.
#20 Upload of attachment '250304_33_4K_and_1K _screens_removed.JPG '.
#21 Upload of attachment '250304_32_baffle_in _4K_nose_screen.JPG' .
#22 Upload of attachment '250304_31_4K_body_s creen_not_yet_remove d.JPG'.
#23 Upload of attachment '250304_30_black_whe els_rails_to_insert_ in_50K_screen.JPG'.
#24 Upload of attachment '250304_29_sliding_5 0K_screen.JPG'.
#25 Upload of attachment '250304_28_inserting _yellow_wheels_rails _in_100K_screen.JPG' .
#26 Upload of attachment '250304_27_sliding_1 00K_screen.JPG'.
#27 Upload of attachment '250304_26_rolling_s upport_bellow_100K_s creen.JPG'.
#28 Upload of attachment '250304_25_positioni ng_the_rolling_suppo rt_for_lower_T_scree ns.JPG'.
#29 Upload of attachment '250304_24_yellow_wh eels_rails_inserted_ in_300K_screen.JPG'.
#30 Upload of attachment '250304_23_sliding_3 00K_body_screen.JPG' .
#31 Upload of attachment '250304_22_cryostat_ body_1K_stage_entran ce.JPG'.
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#33 Upload of attachment '250304_20_50K_nose_ stage_M7-M8_dismount ed.JPG'.
#34 Upload of attachment '250304_19_dismounti ng_50K_nose_stage_M7 -M8.JPG'.
#35 Upload of attachment '250304_18_tie-rod_d ismounted_1of2.JPG'.
#36 Upload of attachment '250304_17_tie-rod_f or_50K_stage_height_ adjutment.JPG'.
#37 Upload of attachment '250304_16_nose_meas uring_50K_stage_heig ht_left.JPG'.
#38 Upload of attachment '250304_15_nose_meas uring_50K_stage_heig ht_right.JPG'.
#39 Upload of attachment '250304_14_nose_50K_ stage.JPG'.
#40 Upload of attachment '250304_13_nose_100K _2nd-screen.JPG'.
[DIFF] 02:11 [INFO] santiago [1-2] #01 Upload of attachment 'Planning_2025_02_27 .pdf'.
[DIFF] 08:26 [INFO] NikaBolometer [1-6]
[DIFF] 00:58 [INFO] NikaBolometer [1-3]
[DIFF] 00:55 [INFO] NikaBolometer
[DIFF] 12:02 [INFO] CarstenKramer
[DIFF] 07:26 [INFO] NikaBolometer
[DIFF] 10:58 [INFO] NikaBolometer

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