This page provides information on the current status of the 30m telescope. It is intended for visiting astromers at the telescope and for astronomers preparing 30m observations. The IRAM staff tries to keep this page up to date as much as possible, however, some information may still be outdated. Check the button Recent Changes and contact the Astronomer of Duty (AoD) or Operator in case of doubt.
This page is being updated after the upgrade of the telescope control system and new paint layer on the surface (MSP, 24/01/25)
Antenna and wobbling secondary
Sun avoidance: The sun avoidance radius is 2 degree (MSP, 24/01/25). The telescope vertex closes when reaching the avoidance limit.
The upper elevation limit of the telescope has been set to 88.5 degrees. Above this elevation, the vertex closes. The CLOUDSAT alarm/protection is no longer operational as the satellite has been deactivated (MSP, 24/01/25).
Observations with high wind speeds are degraded for several reasons. At velocities of more than about 10m/s tracking errors become larger than usual. In addition, the wind load may lead to deformations of the primary dish, depending on direction and orientation of the telescope (Morris et al. 2006). In this case, consider changing to a different source at a different antenna position. If the wind becomes too strong and puts the antenna in danger, the operator may have to decide to stop the observations and put the antenna in the safe stow position. (CK&JP 1.9.08)
The wobbler is available with a throw of +/- 100 arcseconds in the full range of elevations. (MSP, 24/01/25)
Frontends Status
See also the News section on the EMIR homepage
Polarimetry with EMIR has been commissioned in August 2009. VESPA is used in cross-correlation mode, as before. Phase calibrations will be done with a polarizer in front of an external cold load (hw, 10.3.2009). A commissioning report by H.Wiesemeyer & C.Thum is available on the EMIR homepage.
For E1 (and for E2) the observer has to select the sideband to be used for both polarisations (of the same band). It is not possible to observe simultaneously e.g. the upper sideband of the H mixer and the lower sideband of the V mixer. (ck & sn, 27.3.2009)
Simultaneous observations of HCN 1-0 and 3-2 using E0 and E2 are possible, but not recommended. The large dichroic losses in band E2 result in strongly enhanced receiver temperatures. See "Performance of the Dichroics" in the EMIR Users Manual
- C2H(1-0) @ 87.4 and C2H (2-1) @ 174.7 GHz has been observed, though the 2mm line is nominally outside the allowed tuning range and receiver temperature is high (~110K). (RA, 20.7.10)
- The CDOOCH3 line at 198.825 GHz is outside the nominal tuning range, i.e. the lower end of E230. The line can be made accessible on request. (CK, 4-Dec-2010)
- The HCN and HNC 3-2 lines are 6GHz apart, and can be observed simultaneously with E230 and the 8GHz sidebands, available after the EMIR upgrade in November 2011.
Please refer to the page NIKA2 Homepage for information on the NIKA2 continuum KID camera.
HERA (decommissioned)
This instrument has been decommissioned. This section is kept for information purposes.
Please refer to the page HERA Status Overview for information on HERA.
- For calibration, use the automatically measured values of the load temperatures (Tcold, Thot).
Watch the computer control of the derotator closely (2002-12-22). Make sure the derotator tracking is stopped after observations, i.e., set to zero degrees in "frame". Do this also if you continue to observe a source at a large angular distance. In MIRA, after loading a HERA scan, you can visualize the evolution of the derotator angle with time by using command "VIEW /DEROTATOR" (2008-09-12).
- Tuning and receiver temperatures:
- Due to degradation of the LO of HERA 2, it can not be tuned above about 240 GHz (2010-03-10, correction 2017-02-10: this statement refers to HERA 2)
- HERA 2 is noisier than HERA 1, limiting HERA2's useful frequency range to below about 242 GHz.
- Tests on 2009 Aug 2 have shown that the pixels of HERA2 (second polarisation) have higher receiver temperatures than those of HERA1, but it remains to be confirmed (by 2009 September 30) whether the tuning was manually optimized or not (see above). The high receiver temperatures of HERA2 (100 - 300 K, as compared to 100 - 150 K for HERA1) are present both in wide and narrow IF mode, i,e,., are not due to a noisier part of the IF reserved for HERA's narrow band mode.
- The automatic tuning of both HERA1 and 2 can be improved by manually changing the mixer current according to DJ; HERA Pool managers should be aware of this, and operators will receive training (2007-09-19 RM)
- when resuming HERA observations after a longer halt, wait for the Gunn oscillators to warm up, otherwise frequencies may be difficult to lock (2009-12-03 HW).
GISMO (decommissioned)
This instrument has been decommissioned. This section is kept for information purposes.
Backend Status
Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS)
In July 2011, we have upgraded to 24 FTS units, covering a total of 32GHz at 200kHz resolution. See the backend status page.
The transport of intermediate frequencies to all backends, including the FTS, is described here.
All observing modes are supported.
However, using the FTS increases the data rates, puts heavy load on the online-data-processing system, and in general increases the amount of data which need to be handled and backuped. Though dump times as short as 100msec have been successfully commissioned, observers who plan to take FTS spectra with dump times of 500msec or shorter, should contact the Astronomer of Duty (AoD) for advice, as at these high rates a large amount of data are being created in a short time. We recommend also to bring external USB disks to carry data home. Please contact the operator in case of questions. (16-Dec-2010 CB/CK)
- The FTS show intermittent "platforming" between individual units. Recall that at 200kHz resolution, 3 units comprise one CLASS spectrum of 4GHz width. A report by MPIfR/IRAM is available on request. And a CLASS procedure is available, which fits baselines to the individual units, and then stitches the spectra.
VESPA spikes are a known problem, in particular in conjunction with EMIR. They are under investigation. VESPA platforming is often caused by total power offsets between different phases, e.g. ON and OFF. Check with the AoD to run to check where the problem stems from. The local expert of VESPA is Gabriel Paubert. (22.7.09 ck)
VESPA has at most 512MHz of bandwidth:
- 13CO and C18O 2-1 can be observed simultaneously with WILMA but not with VESPA, as the two lines are 839MHz apart. Two high resolution units cannot be moved sufficiently, to cover both lines, as the maximum offset is 250MHz.
- It is impossible to observe simultaneously e.g. SiO (86.8 GHZ), HCO+ (89.2 GHz), and N2H+ (93.2 GHz). (ck, 27.3.2009)
- N2H+ and HCO+ 1-0 cannot be observed simultaneously with VESPA. These lines lie at 93.1733922 and 89.188523, with a difference of 3.98GHz. The centers of the outer and inner bands of E0 do *not* lie excactly at 10 and 6 GHz. Instead, they lie at 9.43 and 6.25 and are 3.18GHz apart. (ck, 28.3.09)
- N2H+ 1-0 at 93.2GHz and C18O 1-0 at 112.5GHz can --probably-- be observed simultaneously with VESPA. These lines are 19.3GHz apart. The centers of the outer bands are 18.86GHz apart, i.e. 440MHz different. When observing both lines at the band edges of VESPA, there still remains upto 30MHz of baseline, depending on the line widths. (ck, 30.9.2010)
The New Control System (NCS) supports source coordinates in Equatorial J2000.0 system. More coordinate systems, i.e. B1950, Galactic Coordinates, etc., will eventually become available. You may want to try NASA's HEASARC tool.
Data processing using MIRA or CLASS on mrt-lx3 occasionally slows down the observing system on mrt-lx1 as both system currently access the same disk, /vis, which is at present connected to mrt-lx3. This may mean that the work on mrt-lx3 has to be stopped as observations have priority. Please contact the AoD in case of such problems; for work with CLASS/GREG it helps to copy the 30m file over onto the local disk of mrt-lx2 and to continue working there. For MIRA processing of raw data, this would not help. We are working on a better solution. (2008-08-29 wb, ck). On mrt-lx2, please create a directory /aux/<project> and copy the spectraOdp.30m file to that directory. Use this file only for reading as it is not included in the standard visitor cd/dvd !
Automatic calibration and processing of heterodyne data using the MIRA software is in operation for all observing modes. MIRA can also be used manually and offline.
Exceptions (note added by H.W., 2009-01-12): (1) The processing of total-power on-the-fly maps without reference subscans (using MIRA's option /mask for command /calibrate needs user input). (2) XPOL observations (VESPA in polarimetry mode) when another spectrometer in non-polarimetry mode (e.g. 1MHz filterbank) is connected in parallel. To be reduced by hand, separating XPOL and filterbank data by e.g. "find /backend vespa" respectively "find /backend 1mhz".
When observing pointlike sources and when the intensity calibration is important, it is recommended not to use the beam switch (chopper) mode, but either use total power, or wobbler switched mode, with a small throw. This referes e.g. to observations of planets to derive the telescope efficiencies or to flux monitoring observations. The reason is that beam switching suffers from spikes. And large wobbler throws result in a reduced aperture efficiency.
Report on accurate line center frequencies by Buchbender, Kramer et al. (03-Aug-2011). Two bugs in mira and class caused frequency shifts and have been corrected for.
Pointing and Alignment
Heterodyne Pointing Model and Focus
General remarks
Pointing on spectral line sources like SiO masers is not yet supported by the data processing (MIRA).
Heterodyne pointing with wobbler switching is operational again in the default version of GILDAS. Reliable results for the beam separation can only be obtained if the pointing scan is long enough to show the source in both wobbler phases (MIRA).
swWobbler (wobbler switching) Pointing with the heterodyne receivers and rotated Wobbler is not yet supported by the data processing (MIRA).
- "normal" values for the aditional pointing corrections determined by the observer are close to a few arcsec (about 2-3 arcsec rms).
"normal" values for the optimized focus determined by the observer are close to -2mm for E0.
- depending on temperature changes (e.g. during sun set or sun rise) and the time of day, this may vary by +/-0.5mm, in extreme cases +/-1mm
- please inform the staff (AOD) about good quality focus results that are not consistent with this
- for good focus results one needs good weather and a strong source that is smaller than the beam, e.g., Mars, only when it is smaller than the beam, or one of the strongest quasars
- EMIR has two beams, which are separated by 90" on the sky. Observations are either done with the left beam or with the right beam. The Nasmyth offsets are:
left beam: +51.0"/+5.5" -- E1 or E3, E1+E3 (2mm or 0.9mm, 2mm & 0.9mm)
right beam: -39.0"/+5.5" -- E0 or E2, E0+E2, E0+E1 (3mm or 1mm, 3mm & 1mm, 3mm & 2mm) as determined during EMIR Commissioning in March/April 2009 by JP
Switching between the two focal plane positions is now transparent to the user. The observer does not need to command the Nasmyth offsets when switching between left and right beam. The currently active Nasmyth offsets are displayed on one of the status monitors. Observations using both beams simultaneously are not possible.
- Alignment between EMIR polarisations of the same bands
- E0 H/V 0.33"+-0.14" (see Mars observations of JP of 26may09, Appendix of EMIR commissioning report of 9jun09)
- E1 H/V 0.3"+-0.1" (see Mars observations of JP of 26may09, Appendix of EMIR commissioning report of 9jun09)
- E2 H/V 0.5" (see Saturn observations shown in Fig.1 of EMIR commissioning report of 26may09, no Mars observations available)
- E3 H/V 0.2"+-0.1" (see Mars observations of JP of 26may09, Appendix of EMIR commissioning report of 9jun09)
- Alignment between EMIR bands
- E0/E1
29-Nov-2011: E0/E1 alignment <1" after reset of positioning sensor for caroussel no 2 and mirror MR21
- Nov 2011: E0/E1 alignment ~5"
Jul/Aug 2011: E0/E1 varying between ~5" near 20deg elevation and ~2" near 80deg ali_E090right_E150right_20110701_0831.pdf (mail of RZ of 10-Nov-2011)
16sep09: E0/E1~2" (see Mars observations of JP on 16sep09 alignmentE0E1-16sep09.pdf and put on 30m status web page, compiling pointing results over several weeks RZ finds the alignment drops from 2" at low elevation to 1" at high elevations, see his mail of 24aug09 and compE090E150qB.gif)
- The E0/E1 alignment is better than 1", after repositioning the EMIR caroussel no. 2 on 29-Nov-2011, and later replacing its position sensor.
E0/E1 alignment has degraded somewhat after the upgrade of E0 & E1 in December 2015. See the corresponding report by Marka & Kramer.
- E0/E2
- ~1" (see Mars observations on 29mar09 in EMIR report, see also pointing results compiled by RZ on 24aug09: compE090E230qB.gif)
E0/E2 alignment has degraded somewhat after the upgrade of E0 & E1 in December 2015. See the corresponding report by Marka & Kramer.
- E1/E3~0.3"+-0.2" (see Mars observations of JP on 24nov09, Figure 15 in E3 commissioning report of 5apr10)
- E0/E1
- The HERA central pixel is lying near 0/0.
Old frontends
- MAMBO2 pointing model:
- Please contact G.Quintana-Lacaci or Robert Zylka for the most current results.
2008-11-09 by AS, RZ, 68 points, previous rms = 6.7", new rms = 1.7" (see internal wiki)
- 2007-12-19, 46 points, previous rms = 2.33", new rms = 1.75"
- 2009-12-09 31 points, previous rms = 7.3" , new rms = 1.9"
Observers weekly pointing results and last pointing model sessions
Heterodyne and MAMBO Pointings from the AoD reports and last pointing model sessions: PointingModelFits (this page is outdated)
To see the changes between the actual and the last version, please see Show Changes in the Wiki Interface. If you want to see the Revision History of this page, please see Get Info in the Wiki Interface.
Historical comments
4MHz Filterbank
The 4MHz filterbank occasionally shows platforming and ripples. The local contact is Salvador Sanchez. (Assuming that ripples are caused by standing waves between reflecting surfaces or connectors, the ripple period P and the path length L are related via: 2L=Clight/P, i.e. L/(m)=150/(P/(MHz)). In coax cables, Clight is reduced to about 70%.) (2.11.08 ck)
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