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Revision 8 as of 2009-01-03 17:52:20
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Editor: mrt-lx3
Revision 150 as of 2012-05-16 16:38:08
Size: 5345
Editor: 72
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== Science Support Group at IRAM/Granada == == Science Operations Group (SOG) at IRAM/Granada ==
=== Observer support ===
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 [http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/contact/index.html Members]  * [[https://mrt-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/ProjectManagement|Project Management]]
 * [[https://mrt-lx3.iram.es/pms/|Proposal Management System]]
 * PointingFluxes Which pointing sources to use ? A guideline for the observer.
 * LineCalibration Recommendations on HOWTO check the line calibration
 * CalibrationPapers on the IRAM 30m telescope
 * InformationObservations - Collection of information relevant for observations
 * Information on other telescopes: [[http://wiki.astro.cornell.edu/twiki/bin/view.pl/CCAT/CCAT_Memos|CCAT Memos]]
 * Atmospheric models:
   * [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/cso/weather/atplot.shtml|Interactive CSO plotter]]
   * [[http://cab.inta-csic.es/users/jrpardo/atm_publications.html|ATM publications]]
   * see astro atmosphere
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=== Activities === === Technical projects ===
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  * IramTalks Seminars at IRAM/Granada
  * [http://www.iaa.es/seminarios/ Seminars at IAA]
  * IRAM SummerSchools in Pradollano/Sierra Nevada/Andalucia/Spain
  * [http://www.osn.iaa.es/visitas08/visitasOSN2008.html Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA)]
  * Projects:
   * [http://amiga.iaa.es AMIGA project: Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies]
=== Links ===
 * Continuum arrays at the IRAM-30m telescope:
   * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/NeelBolometer|NIKA Bolometer Camera]]
   * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/GoddardIramSuperconductingTwoMillimeterCamera|GISMO Bolometer Camera]]
   * Arrays at other telescopes: [[http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/JCMT/continuum/|SCUBA-2/JCMT]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/laboca/|LABOCA/APEX 870um]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/saboca/|SABOCA 350um]], [[http://puuoo.submm.caltech.edu/bolocam/ProposerInfo.html|Bolocam/CSO]], [[http://www.astro.umass.edu/aztec/Instrument/instru.html|AzTEC at JCMT, ASTE, LMT]]
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  * Selection of UpcomingConferences
  * [http://www.astronomy2009.org/general/ International year of Astronomy 2009]:
    * [http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/ 100hours of Astronomy in April 2009],
    * [http://www.astronomy2009.com.br/ IAU General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro (August 2009)]
=== SOG internal information ===

 * AstronomerOfDutyChecklist
 * '''Selection of UpcomingConferences'''
 * BooksOnAstronomy

=== Public Outreach Activities ===

  * Seminars at IRAM/Granada: IramTalks and at [[http://www.iaa.es/seminarios/|IAA]]
  * IRAM SummerSchools in the Sierra Nevada/Spain
  * Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA). IRAM support: Christof Buchbender (IRAM coordinator), Jorge Abreu, Manuel Gonzalez, Sandra Trevino, Carsten Kramer, Gabriele Bruni. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The '''proposed''' dates for summer 2012 are:

 || || '''Date''' || '''Charla''' || '''30m visit''' ||
 || || || 11:30 (?) || ~15:15 and ~16:15 (?)||
 || 1 || 23.06. || || ||
 || 2 || 14.07. || Manuel || Manuel ||
 || 3 || 11.08. || || ||
 || 4 || 18.08. || || ||
 || 5 || 08.09. || || ||

=== Astrophysicsprojects ===

  * ColdGass: CO Legacy Project for Cold GASS. An IRAM large program
  * [[http://amiga.iaa.es|AMIGA: Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies]]
  * Herschel projects:
    * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/hermesWiki|HERMES]] Herschel M33 extended survey
    * [[http://www.ph1.uni-koeln.de/hifiwiki/index.php/Main_Page|WADI]] Warm and dense Interstellar Medium

=== Useful links ===

 * Poster printout: [[http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=es&geocode=&q=Acera+de+Canasteros,+16+Granada&sll=37.176487,-3.597929&sspn=0.148812,0.282898&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Calle+Acera+de+Canasteros,+16,+18001+Granada,+Andaluc%C3%ADa&ll=37.183442,-3.604556&spn=0.002325,0.00442&t=h&z=18|ALCOBA IMPRESORES S.L.L.]], Acera de Canasteros, 16, Tel: 958 273 970 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              958 273 970      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, aimpresores@yahoo.es (30Euro for A0 Poster, Apr-2010)
 * [[http://www.ugr.es/~rinvitadoscarmenv/|Carmen de la Victoria]]
 * [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/EmirProject|EMIR Project]]
 * IRAM Wikis: [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/FrontPage|IRAMES]], [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|gra-lx1]], [[https://mrt-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|mrt-lx1]]
 * ftp pages: [[ftp://granada.iram.es/|ftp]]
 * IRAM Databases: [[https://pool.iram.es/|Bolo Pool]], [[https://herapool.iram.es/|HERA Pool]], [[http://www.iram.fr/php/schedule/login.php|Scheduler]]
 * MAMBO2 pages: [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/PoolObserving|MAMBO2 pool observing]], see MAMBO2 related problems [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|here]]
 * Telescope Efficiencies: [[http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/JCMT/spectral_line/Standards/beameff.html|JCMT]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/telescope/efficiency/|APEX]], [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/cso/receivers/beams.html|CSO]]
 * Atmosphere: Atmospheric Models: [[http://transmissioncurves.free.fr/|Moliere]], Cumulative distribution of zenith opacities at 225GHz: [[http://www.cso.caltech.edu/tau_plot.html|CSO]]
 * MASSA [[attachment:QuickHowTo.txt]]

 * [[http://www.heavens-above.com/whattime.aspx?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Local Time and LST]]
 * [[http://www.heavens-above.com/skychart.aspx?SL=1&SN=1&lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Sky Chart]], [[http://www.heavens-above.com/moon.asp?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Today's Moon]], [[http://www.heavens-above.com/planetsummary.asp?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Today's Planets]]
 * [[http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi|JPL´s HORIZONS system]] (planet ephemerides)
 * http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/forms/calculator.html
 * http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Tools/convcoord/convcoord.pl, http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/tb_coordconv.cfm
 * [[http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/karma/ftp.html|karma/kvis]]

Science Operations Group (SOG) at IRAM/Granada

Observer support

Technical projects

SOG internal information

Public Outreach Activities

  • Seminars at IRAM/Granada: IramTalks and at IAA

  • IRAM SummerSchools in the Sierra Nevada/Spain

  • Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA). IRAM support: Christof Buchbender (IRAM coordinator), Jorge Abreu, Manuel Gonzalez, Sandra Trevino, Carsten Kramer, Gabriele Bruni. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The proposed dates for summer 2012 are:

  • Date


    30m visit

    11:30 (?)

    ~15:15 and ~16:15 (?)














ScienceSupportGroup (last edited 2019-07-17 16:21:58 by torne)