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==== Science Support Group at IRAM/Granada ==== == Science Operations Group (SOG) at IRAM/Granada ==
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=== Activities === ----
=== Support of visiting astronomers ===
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  * UpcomingConferences
  * IramTalks
  * IRAM SummerSchools in Pradollano/Sierra Nevada/Andalucia/Spain
  * [http://www.osn.iaa.es/visitas08/visitasOSN2008.html Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA)]
  * [http://www.astronomy2009.org/general/ International year of Astronomy 2009]: [http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/ 100hours of Astronomy in April 2009], [http://www.astronomy2009.com.br/ IAU General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro (August 2009)]

==== Calibration documentation and catalogues ====

 * InformationObservations - Collection of information relevant for observations
 * PointingFluxes Which pointing sources to use ? A guideline for the observer.
 * LineCalibration Recommendations on HOWTO check the line calibration
 * CalibrationPapers on the IRAM 30m telescope
 * Atmospheric models:
   * [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/cso/weather/atplot.shtml|Interactive CSO plotter]]
   * [[http://cab.inta-csic.es/users/jrpardo/atm_publications.html|ATM publications]]
   * see astro atmosphere
 * [[https://mrt-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/ProjectManagement|Project Management]]
 * [[https://pms.iram.fr/pms/|Proposal Management System]]

=== Technical projects ===

 * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/PolarimetryforAstronomers|Polarimetry]]
 * Continuum arrays at the IRAM-30m telescope:
   * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/NeelBolometer|NIKA Bolometer Camera]]
   * [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/GoddardIramSuperconductingTwoMillimeterCamera|GISMO Bolometer Camera]]

=== SOG internal information ===

 * AstronomerOfDutyChecklist
 * '''Selection of UpcomingConferences'''
 * GranadaGrenbobleSeminars
 * BooksOnAstronomy


=== Public Outreach Activities 2018 ===

 * Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), [[http://www.iaa.es/visitas-OSN-IRAM| webpage]]. Support: Pablo Torne <torne@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2018 are:

 || || || 11:30 || ~15:15 and ~16:15 ||
 || 1 || 14.07. || Pablo Torne || Pablo Torne ||
 || 2 || 21.07. || Alessia Ritacco || Alessia Rittaco ||
 || 3 || 04.08. || Pablo Torne || Pablo Torne ||
 || 4 || 18.08. || Paco Urbano || Paco Urbano ||

 * Visit of 50 participants of the [[http://evnsymp2018.iaa.es/content/program|Symposium and Users Meeting]] in the afternoon of Wednesday, October 10th

=== Public Outreach Activities 2017 ===

 * Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), [[http://www.iaa.es/visitas-OSN-IRAM| webpage]]. Support: Pablo Torne <torne@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2017 are:

 || || || 11:30 || ~15:15 and ~16:15 ||
 || 1 || 15.07. || Claudia Marka || Claudia Marka ||
 || 2 || 22.07. || Alessia Ritacco || Alessia Ritacco ||
 || 3 || 19.08. || Pablo Torne || Pablo Torne ||
 || 4 || 26.08. || Pablo Torne || Pablo Torne ||

 * Campus de Excelencia: In July 2017, Ute Lisenfeld (UGR) is again organizing the Campus de Excelencia via the Universidad de Granada (see links below). These are school kids of age 15-17 who work for a week at the university. They will mostly have only very limited background in astronomy and physics. The kids shall visit the OSN and the 30m on four Wednesdays. These will be groups of 32 students, and we discussed to split them up into two.
   * '''Dates: July, 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th''' [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/AstronomersOnDutySchedule|30m-guide]]
   * Ute Lisenfeld (27.6.2017): la semana que viene empieza el Campus de Ciencia para alumnos de instituto (Bachillerato y 4 de ESO) en la que nuestro grupo participa. La tarde del Miercoles los alumnos suben a Sierra Nevada para ver los telescopio (IRAM y OSN). El año pasado en el Campus está actividad les gustó mucho - así muchas gracias por darles la oportunidad! Ya sabemos los detalles de la subida: Las fechas son 5, 12, 19, y 26 de Julio. El autobus sale a las 3:30 desde Granada, asi llegara sobre las 4:30-5. Hay unos 30 alumnos mas 2 monitores mas 3-4 profesores, así en total unos 35-37 personas. Haremos dos grupos como siempre. La visitas terminará sobre las 7.30 o algo así. Yo subiré el 5 y 19 de Julio para hacerles la visita, y para las otras dos fechas Claudia y Alessia se han ofrecido de hacerlo. Juan: Hemos pedido la matricula del autobus, en cuando nos lo digan te lo mandamos.

   * Additional information:
      * [[https://www.campuscientificos.es]]

=== Public Outreach Activities 2016 ===

  * Seminars at IRAM/Granada and at [[http://www.iaa.es/seminarios/|IAA]]
  * IRAM SummerSchools in the Sierra Nevada/Spain
  * Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), [[http://www.iaa.es/visitas-OSN-IRAM| webpage]]. Support: Pablo García <pgarcia@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2016 are:

 || || || 11:30 || ~15:15 and ~16:15 ||
 || 1 || 09.07. || Albrecht || Pablo ||
 || 2 || 30.07. || Pablo || Pablo ||
 || 3 || 06.08. || Pablo || Pablo ||
 || 4 || 27.08. || Paco || Paco ||

 * Campus de Excelencia: In the summer 2016, Ute Lisenfeld (UGR) will be again organizing the Campus de Excelencia via the Universidad de Granada (see links below). These are school kids of age 15-17 who work for a week at the university. They will mostly have only very limited background in astronomy and physics. Ute plans to visit the OSN and 30m on four Wednesdays. These will be groups of 32 students, and we discussed to split them up into two.
   * Dates and 30m-guide:
     * 6-July: Pablo (AoD)
     * 13-July: Gabriel (AoD)
     * 20-July: Ute
     * 27-July: Claudia (AoD)
   * Daily schedule:
     16:30 - Llegada a la explanada del IRAM. Aclimatación, aseos...
     16:45 - Presentación de la actividad, división en grupos.
             Grupo A: entrada al IRAM
             Grupo B: desplazamiento al OSN
     17:00 - Grupo B: visita al OSN
     17:45 - Grupo A: desplazamiento al OSN
     18:00 - Grupo B: desplazamiento al IRAM
             Grupo A: visita al OSN
     18:15 - Grupo B: visita al IRAM
     19:00 - Grupo A: desplazamiento al IRAM
     19:15 - fin de la actividad en los observatorios
   * Additional information:
      * [[https://www.campuscientificos.es/index.php]]
      * [[https://www.campuscientificos.es/programa.php]]
      * [[https://www.campuscientificos.es/pdf/proyectos/Resumen_proyectos_Bio_Tic.pdf]]

=== Useful links ===

 * Poster printout:
   * [[http://www.copiascoca.es/inicio/|copiascoca]]
   * [[http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=es&geocode=&q=Acera+de+Canasteros,+16+Granada&sll=37.176487,-3.597929&sspn=0.148812,0.282898&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Calle+Acera+de+Canasteros,+16,+18001+Granada,+Andaluc%C3%ADa&ll=37.183442,-3.604556&spn=0.002325,0.00442&t=h&z=18|ALCOBA IMPRESORES S.L.L.]], Acera de Canasteros, 16, Tel: 958 273 970, aimpresores@yahoo.es (30Euro for A0 Poster, Apr-2010)
 * [[http://www.ugr.es/~rinvitadoscarmenv/|Carmen de la Victoria]]
 * [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/EmirProject|EMIR Project]]
 * IRAM Wikis: [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/FrontPage|IRAMES]], [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|gra-lx1]], [[https://mrt-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|mrt-lx1]]
 * ftp pages: [[ftp://granada.iram.es/|ftp]]
 * IRAM Databases: [[https://pool.iram.es/|Bolo Pool]], [[https://herapool.iram.es/|HERA Pool]], [[http://www.iram.fr/php/schedule/login.php|Scheduler]]
 * MAMBO2 pages: [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/PoolObserving|MAMBO2 pool observing]], see MAMBO2 related problems [[https://gra-lx1.iram.es/mainWiki/FrontPage|here]]
 * Telescope Efficiencies: [[http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/JCMT/spectral_line/Standards/beameff.html|JCMT]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/telescope/efficiency/|APEX]], [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/cso/receivers/beams.html|CSO]]
 * Atmosphere: Atmospheric Models: [[http://transmissioncurves.free.fr/|Moliere]], Cumulative distribution of zenith opacities at 225GHz: [[http://www.cso.caltech.edu/tau_plot.html|CSO]]
 * MASSA [[attachment:QuickHowTo.txt]]

 * [[http://www.heavens-above.com/whattime.aspx?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Local Time and LST]]
 * [[http://www.heavens-above.com/skychart.aspx?SL=1&SN=1&lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Sky Chart]], [[http://www.heavens-above.com/moon.asp?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Today's Moon]], [[http://www.heavens-above.com/planetsummary.asp?lat=37.183&lng=-3.600&loc=Granada&alt=793&tz=CET|Today's Planets]]
 * [[http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi|JPL´s HORIZONS system]] (planet ephemerides)
 * http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/forms/calculator.html
 * http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Tools/convcoord/convcoord.pl, http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/tb_coordconv.cfm
 * Adding offsets to absolute coordinates can be nicely done [[http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/forms/tab-conv.html|here at NED]]
 * [[http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/karma/ftp.html|karma/kvis]]
 * Information on other telescopes: [[http://wiki.astro.cornell.edu/twiki/bin/view.pl/CCAT/CCAT_Memos|CCAT Memos]]
 * Arrays at other telescopes: [[http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/JCMT/continuum/|SCUBA-2/JCMT]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/laboca/|LABOCA/APEX 870um]], [[http://www.apex-telescope.org/bolometer/saboca/|SABOCA 350um]], [[http://puuoo.submm.caltech.edu/bolocam/ProposerInfo.html|Bolocam/CSO]], [[http://www.astro.umass.edu/aztec/Instrument/instru.html|AzTEC at JCMT, ASTE, LMT]], [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/|SHARC-2/CSO]], [[http://www.gb.nrao.edu/mustang/|MUSTANG/GBT 3mm]]

Science Operations Group (SOG) at IRAM/Granada

Support of visiting astronomers

Calibration documentation and catalogues

Technical projects

SOG internal information

Public Outreach Activities 2018

  • Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), webpage. Support: Pablo Torne <torne@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2018 are:


    ~15:15 and ~16:15



    Pablo Torne

    Pablo Torne



    Alessia Ritacco

    Alessia Rittaco



    Pablo Torne

    Pablo Torne



    Paco Urbano

    Paco Urbano

  • Visit of 50 participants of the Symposium and Users Meeting in the afternoon of Wednesday, October 10th

Public Outreach Activities 2017

  • Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), webpage. Support: Pablo Torne <torne@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2017 are:


    ~15:15 and ~16:15



    Claudia Marka

    Claudia Marka



    Alessia Ritacco

    Alessia Ritacco



    Pablo Torne

    Pablo Torne



    Pablo Torne

    Pablo Torne

  • Campus de Excelencia: In July 2017, Ute Lisenfeld (UGR) is again organizing the Campus de Excelencia via the Universidad de Granada (see links below). These are school kids of age 15-17 who work for a week at the university. They will mostly have only very limited background in astronomy and physics. The kids shall visit the OSN and the 30m on four Wednesdays. These will be groups of 32 students, and we discussed to split them up into two.
    • Dates: July, 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th 30m-guide

    • Ute Lisenfeld (27.6.2017): la semana que viene empieza el Campus de Ciencia para alumnos de instituto (Bachillerato y 4 de ESO) en la que nuestro grupo participa. La tarde del Miercoles los alumnos suben a Sierra Nevada para ver los telescopio (IRAM y OSN). El año pasado en el Campus está actividad les gustó mucho - así muchas gracias por darles la oportunidad! Ya sabemos los detalles de la subida: Las fechas son 5, 12, 19, y 26 de Julio. El autobus sale a las 3:30 desde Granada, asi llegara sobre las 4:30-5. Hay unos 30 alumnos mas 2 monitores mas 3-4 profesores, así en total unos 35-37 personas. Haremos dos grupos como siempre. La visitas terminará sobre las 7.30 o algo así. Yo subiré el 5 y 19 de Julio para hacerles la visita, y para las otras dos fechas Claudia y Alessia se han ofrecido de hacerlo. Juan: Hemos pedido la matricula del autobus, en cuando nos lo digan te lo mandamos.
    • Additional information:

Public Outreach Activities 2016

  • Seminars at IRAM/Granada and at IAA

  • IRAM SummerSchools in the Sierra Nevada/Spain

  • Visits of the Sierra Nevada observatories (organized with the IAA), webpage. Support: Pablo García <pgarcia@iram.es>. The IAA coordinator is Emilio Garcia <garcia@iaa.es>. The fixed dates for summer 2016 are:

  • 11:30

    ~15:15 and ~16:15

















  • Campus de Excelencia: In the summer 2016, Ute Lisenfeld (UGR) will be again organizing the Campus de Excelencia via the Universidad de Granada (see links below). These are school kids of age 15-17 who work for a week at the university. They will mostly have only very limited background in astronomy and physics. Ute plans to visit the OSN and 30m on four Wednesdays. These will be groups of 32 students, and we discussed to split them up into two.

ScienceSupportGroup (last edited 2019-07-17 16:21:58 by torne)