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Daily Reports

Jan. 24th, Tuesday

16:00-21:00; Stergios: Maintenance finished around 16:00 (local time). Snowing and dense clouds prevent us from observing even with EMIR.
Weather clearing up. Some ice on legs and sub-reflector. Operator is going up (around 18:23 UTC). DAQ started around 19:00 UTC with 49/6/62 bad pixels for arrays 1/2/3, respectively. We continued with calibration observations on the closest source 2251+158. A series of pointing/focus shows astigmatism with two 'lobes' present at the final image, which might be caused from the recent stop of the de-icing. After many focus repetitions on this source the feature persisted. Eventually we moved to Uranus aiming for better calibration results. Carsten takes over. Good stability (peak-to-peak always below 3 Jy/beam) and tau around 0.2 at most times.

21:00-03:00; Carsten:

Jan. 25th, Wednesday

Jan. 26th, Thursday

Jan. 27th, Friday

Jan. 28th, Saturday

Jan. 29th, Sunday

Jan. 30th, Monday

Jan. 31st, Tuesday