1. General Info:

  1. all the products of the real time data analysis (.png, .fits, .save) are stored in this folder ……….. b. the parameter scan_num (number of scan) is an integer c. the parameter day (date of the scan) is a string as 'yearmonthday' (ex: '20121120')

2) Preliminary actions:

3) POINTING PROCEDURE Determine pointing offset by making 4 subscans (see pointing Pako procedure on …….).


offset returns the value of the RELATIVE offset for the two arrays wrt previous value set in Pako. The value obtained from 1mm array has to be considered as priority.

4) FOCUS PROCEDURE The procedure intends to maximize the power on one reference pixel (where the considered source is centered) when the position of the secondary mirror is changed by X steps (see Pako procedure on …..).

the procedure produces 4 plots, 2 for each array. Two plots, one for 2mm array and the other for 1mm array, show the TOD of the procedure. (and the fraction of the plateau chosen for the analysis (in green). Plots IDL33 (2mm array) and IDL35 (1mm array) show the total power (in Hertz!) versus the position of the secondary, for reference pixel (top right in red) and for nearby pixels (9). The best position is fitted with a second order polynomial.

z_final returns the values of the ABSOLUTE best position of the secondary mirror for the two arrays (z_final(0)=best pos 2mm - z_final(1)=best pos 1mm). The value obtained from 1mm array has to be considered as priority.

5) SELECT KIDS PROCEDURE This procedure computes individual maps to determine the kids parameters that can be upgraded in otf_geometry. This procedure should be run only once at the beginning of the campaign.