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Revision 2 as of 2011-10-24 07:44:15
Size: 477
Revision 11 as of 2011-11-24 14:19:54
Size: 1339
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FXD, 24 Oct 2011 - Photometric quality\\
Here are the maps obtained on one OTF scan with IRC 10216
[[NIKA3ListOfflineProcTask| List of offline processing tasks]]
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||{{attachment:Map2Radec2_A_IRC10216_20111018_65_65.jpg|IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 2mm map}}||{{attachment:Map2Radec2_B_IRC10216_20111018_65_65.jpg|IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 1mm map}}|| ==== FXD, 24 Oct 2011 - Photometric quality ====

Here are the maps obtained on one OTF scan with IRC 10216. Sky noise decorrelation is used.

||{{attachment:Map2Radec2_A_IRC10216_20111018_65_65.jpg|IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 2mm map|width=400}}||{{attachment:Map2Radec2_B_IRC10216_20111018_65_65.jpg|IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 1mm map|width=400}}||

The flux per kid is shown here using the calibration on Mars Scan #55. This is an indication that the new camera with its dIdQ modulation scheme provides a big photometric improvement with respect to 2010 campaign. The average flux is compatible with the range of fluxes measured on this (variable) source.

{{attachment:Flux_PerKid_IRC10216_20111018_65_65.jpg|IRC 10216 Scan65 18th Flux per kid|width=400}}

=== SL, 07 Nov 2011 - Expected field distortion ===
[[attachment:NIKAv2_Grid_distortion.pdf | grid distortion ]]

=== FXD, 21 Nov 2011 - Technical note on kid frequencies ===
=== FXD, 24 Nov 2011 updated v2 (Fits format exchange) ===
[[attachment:NIKA2011_TechNote1_v2.pdf | Kid frequencies, fits format]]

NIKA3 Offline Processing Results

2011 October run

=Private results for the collaboration only=

Public results

List of offline processing tasks

FXD, 24 Oct 2011 - Photometric quality

Here are the maps obtained on one OTF scan with IRC 10216. Sky noise decorrelation is used.

IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 2mm map

IRC 10216 Scan65 18th 1mm map

The flux per kid is shown here using the calibration on Mars Scan #55. This is an indication that the new camera with its dIdQ modulation scheme provides a big photometric improvement with respect to 2010 campaign. The average flux is compatible with the range of fluxes measured on this (variable) source.

IRC 10216 Scan65 18th Flux per kid

SL, 07 Nov 2011 - Expected field distortion

grid distortion

FXD, 21 Nov 2011 - Technical note on kid frequencies

FXD, 24 Nov 2011 updated v2 (Fits format exchange)

Kid frequencies, fits format

OffProcNika3 (last edited 2012-05-25 09:50:44 by NikaBolometer)