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In this wiki we aim to create a guide of the info displayed by the different monitors running at the telescope. The monitors Mopsic Monitor, and MonCoo must be running always at the telescope. The only exception is in case of maintenance time, when the version of mopsic can be changed, or doing Absorber measurements with MAMBO2 in stow position (in which case the mopsic monitor must be replaced by the MonInst monitor).


This monitor displays and reduces all the observations of the bolometer MAMBO2 and continuum data from heterodyne receivers. The vncviewer port of this monitor is the 27.

Information displayed

* General Info heterodine-o.png

This figure shows the normal display of the monitor.

From this snapshot we can see that the last pointing was done on G34.3, using the bands E1 and E3, at freq. 173.507GHz and 267.557 GH, 2160 seconds ago, the scan was the 214 and it consisted on 4 subscans. There were some spikes. We can also see the previous pointing and focus corrections and the elevation and azimuth of the source.

* Heterodyne pointing

* Heterodyne focus

* MAMBO2 Pointing


* MAMBO2 Focus

* MAMBO2 Onoff


* MAMBO2 Map

* MAMBO2 Skydip


Indication of Problems


Information displayed

Indication of Problems


Information displayed

Indication of Problems