Skydips with EMIR
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Starting PaKo
To run the observations in PaKo do:
$ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/setup.pako (to setup the line catalog, line sources, etc.) $ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/receiver_E1_NIKA2.pako (for the 2.0 mm observations or receiver_E2_NIKA2.pako for the 1.15 mm observations) $ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/backend_NIKA2.pako (to setup backends BBC and NBC to record the USB and LSB) $ PAKO> source YOUR-SOURCE /cat * (set a strong continuum source to correct pointing and focus) $ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/pointing.pako (to calculate pointing offsets. Script includes a calibration) $ PAKO> set pointing az el (introduce the pointing corrections az and el obtained from the fit to the measured flux of the source) $ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/focus.pako (to calculate the focus correction) $ PAKO> set focus fz (introduce the focus correction fz obtained from the fit to the measured flux of the source) *** BEFORE RUNNING THE SKYDIP: EDIT THE SCRIPT AND SET THE AZIMUTH USED FOR THE NIKA2 SKYDIPS***. $ PAKO> @ ./EMIR_SCRIPTS/skydip_EMIR.pako (it will first do a calibration (HOT/COLD/SKY) at 65° and then perform 8 measurements at airmases from 1.10 to 3.20 by 0.30, equivalent to elevation range from 65.4° to 18.2°. The scritp can be adapted to other settings if needed).
The data reduction has to be don in MIRA. Unofortunately MIRA does not work within the t22 account, so the skydips imbfits files have to be copied over into another account. In this case, the t00-14 account which is used only by the IRAM AoDs is used. To reduce the data do:
$ t22@mrt-lx3:~$ mira (to start MIRA) $ MIRA> file in “~/DIRECTORY-WITH-THE-IMBFITS“ (to load the recorded imbfits containig the skydips mesurements) $ MIRA> find /OBSERVED yyyy-mm-dd (to load the scans only for a given day) $ MIRA> scan 'calScanNumber' (to select the calibration scan) $ MIRA> scan 'SkydipScanNumber' (to select the skydip scan) $ MIRA> cal i (to calibrate the i-esimal scan) $ MIRA> solve i (to obtain opacities for the i-esimal scan)