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Projects which participate in the Bolometer observing pool have an account in the IRAM Database for Pooled Observations. Note that the Bolometer pool may include a few heterodyne backup projects.
The Database allows the users
to provide us with the necessary details how to carry out the observations (ObsForm),
- to check the progress of the project and
- to download the project data and related calibration scans.
- to download the software (MOPSIC) + the pipeline (for bolo obs)
Update the ObsForm while your project progresses. The Database also allows the PI's to add remarks on individual observation. In this way we hope to improve the communication between the PI's and the observers at the telescope.
In order to select the weather conditions needed for your project, please, follow the instructions bellow:
- mambo or 3mm backup tau 0.8
mambo mapping (rms >= 5 mJy) tau 0.4 - 0.8 for compact sources also with high sky noise
mambo mapping (rms < 5 mJy) tau < 0.4 with skynoise decision dependent on compact/extended
mambo onoff ( rms >= 1 mJy) > 0.3 also with high skynoise
mambo onoff (rms < 1 mJy) < 0.3
Since all details about your project will be available from the Dababase we no longer need a source catalog file.
If your project takes part in Pooled Observation, we will provide you with your username and password for the Database before the beginning of the Pool. Please log into the Database, fill out your ObsForm to provide your instructions, recommendations, and procedures. You may also send information to the interim pool manager Carsten Kramer indicating your project_id.
Heterodyne projects
For Heterodyne projects taking part at the Pooled observations it is still necessary to generate a
line catalog (if lines are not in the IRAM line catalog or if you observe redshifted sources)
- setup files for the tuning of the receivers
- backend file
- on-source procedure for observations of the target source(s).
Please see our instructions for heterodyne observations on how to prepare these files and for templates..