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In case an Antenna IMBFits file is not present in ${IMB_FITS_DIR}, a method is given below to generate it again in our project directory (t22) on the IRAM's machine (mrt-lxN, N in {1, 2, 3}). This is from a discussion with Albrecht on Oct. the 22nd. In case of an Antenna IMBFits file is not present in ${IMB_FITS_DIR}, a method is given below to generate it again in our project directory (t22) on the IRAM's machine (mrt-lxN, N in {1, 2, 3}). This is from a discussion with Albrecht on Oct. the 22nd.
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[TBC] 1. connect to an IRAM's machine (mrt-lxN, N in {1, 2, 3}) using the login of the project (e. g. t22)

>> ssh -X t22@mrt-lx3.iram.es

The currect directory is the project dir. : /mrt-lx3/vis/t22

2. load the NCS configuration (e. g. PATH of the pyrhon script) -- it relies on an alias that points to /etc/useNCS
>> useNCS

3. run make_BOLOMETER_NIKA.py <<scan_ID>>. For example:

>> make_BOLOMETER_NIKA.py 20151022s124

FYI, this script is in /ncsServer/mrt/ncs/bin/

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Observers HowTo and Tips

Antenna IMBFits recovery

In case of an Antenna IMBFits file is not present in ${IMB_FITS_DIR}, a method is given below to generate it again in our project directory (t22) on the IRAM's machine (mrt-lxN, N in {1, 2, 3}). This is from a discussion with Albrecht on Oct. the 22nd.

1. connect to an IRAM's machine (mrt-lxN, N in {1, 2, 3}) using the login of the project (e. g. t22)

>> ssh -X t22@mrt-lx3.iram.es

The currect directory is the project dir. : /mrt-lx3/vis/t22

2. load the NCS configuration (e. g. PATH of the pyrhon script) -- it relies on an alias that points to /etc/useNCS

>> useNCS

3. run make_BOLOMETER_NIKA.py <<scan_ID>>. For example:

>> make_BOLOMETER_NIKA.py 20151022s124

FYI, this script is in /ncsServer/mrt/ncs/bin/

CAMADIA Monitoring

To add a link to Martino's note.

HowToForObserversNika2Run1 (last edited 2016-01-12 13:37:08 by NikaBolometer)