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Plan for the NIKA2 upgrade operations (March 1st to 11th)

The elements on the following sections focus on the upgrade operation plan and people coming to do it.
- For more information on the historical background of the upgrade (since the discovery of the dichroic #2 "shadow effect" in 2018 we knew we wanted to upgrade NIKA2, changing several elements once the dichroic problem could be solved), browse the NIKA2 collaboration private wiki commissioning notebook, hardware development, and documentation sub pages.
- For more information on the upgrade as we have planned it, from the motivations to the various elements that will be changed and the expected gains in performances, see the June 2023 and November 2024 special meetings pages. In complement see also the w24 Pool #2 Daily report, and NIKA2 weekly meetings with a section about the upgrade (24/05/15, 24/05/29, 24/06/12, 24/06/26, 24/07/12, 24/08/24, 25/01/08, 25/01/22, 25/01/29).
- For more information about what is planed once the new elements are installed, see the upgrade re-commissioning pages.



On site: Samuel, Alessandro, Martino, Gregory Garde (from NEEL workshop), others (Dave, Carlos...) ?

Remotely (people who may be contacted for particular questions in their domain of expertise) : Andrea, Juan ?, Nico ?, Xavier ?, others ?

Hardware & tools situation

Hardware currently in Grenoble, to transport to the telescope (early January Samuel brought to NEEL everything that was at IRAM Grenoble):

Already at the telescope (checked by Samuel during Jan 14-21 pool):

Overall schedule

For more details on the optical and radio alignments with NIKA2 check the following link: History of optical and_radio alignments of NIKA2; this document (which is also available from the NIKA2 wiki main page) contains drawings that help understanding the procedures.

Detailed operations

Not sure it makes sense to describe all the operations the team will perform in details. This would be quite cumbersome and not necessarily super useful.