NIKA run #4 (28 May - 5 June 2012)
Goals of the run
Test the NIKA prototype in its final position in the Nasmyth cabin of the 30m telescope. Full characterization of the system on sky, not an astronomical oriented run.
- Test the new NIKA optics that should have better optical quality and less optical distortion.
- Test the new IRAM optics designed to allow NIKA and GISMO to co-exist as permanent guest continuum receivers. Simply turning the mirror M4 to 2 different positions can allow using the two instruments alternatively.
- Qualify the 1mm channel. The band-pass filters have been modified that should allow three times more photons on the Kids than on run3.
- Test the quick-look offline processing scripts: Raw to fits, fits to IMBfits, IMBfits to plots (via Mopsic).
- Test automation of Kid tunings.
- Suppress the electronic cross-talk that induced common glitches and the Mars “plateau”....
- Have a training session on how to start the NIKA cryogenics.
- Test detectors with a better cosmetics (many missing pixels in the last run).
- Test more canonical procedures (Focus, Skydip).