240 GHz band

Array: Same as runs 4,5,6. NICA 8e, 20nm Al IRAM (no bondings across-the-line). LO 1.955GHz, power per tone -52dBm (at cryostat input incl. 2m flex cables, assuming 2dB between niv5 and niv6, see later).

Pixels: pitch 1600 x 1600 micron. 224 pixels on design (16x16 array minus the corners). 196 identified resonances (about 20 more are higher in f, out of the NIKEL band), about 180-190 useful pixels. 40 OFF-resonance. Total number of channels 236.

Cold electronics: SiGe Caltech amplifier "Florence" (gain 40dB, 1dB compression point 0dBm integrated power, Noise T around 6K).

Warm electronics: NIKEL01. RF source (IFR 2024 Leasametric). 0dB attenuation at cryo IN. DAC 20,23,20,25,32; niv 6 (measured -54dBm per tone at cryo input, including 2m flex cables, FOR NIV 5). LO modulation 8kHz. VLF2600 low-pass filter at cryostat input.

Optics and spectrum: Same optical configuration as run 4 and 5. Except one filter (LPE 9cm-1) less compared to run 6. Also, using corrugated lenses (were smooth in previous runs) at 4K and 100mK. Spectrum peaking at 270 GHz (FWHM=230-290GHz).


Figure: Response spectrum measured in Grenoble on the 1mm array used for run7. Run PT33 (for more information see ELOG).

ASCII data for the spectrum on the pixel 1 (frequency(GHz), Response (AU)): pix1_1mm.txt

FITS interferograms data: interf_1mm.fits

150 GHz band

Array: NICA8f1, 18nm Al film made at IEF, litho PTA. LO 1.363GHz, power per tone -55dBm (at cryostat input incl. 2m flex cables).

Pixels: pitch 2305 x 2305 micron. 132 pixels on design (12x12 array minus the corners). 128 identified resonances, at least 125 useful pixels. 40 OFF-resonance. Total number of channels 168.

Cold electronics: SiGe Caltech amplifier SN 84 (unchanged), (gain 40dB, 1dB compression point 0dBm integrated power, noise T around 4K).

Warm electronics: NIKEL02, RF source (IFR 2025 IRAM), 3dB attenuation at cryo IN, DAC 20,23,20,27,35; niv 5 (measured -55dBm per tone at cryo input, including 2m flex cables). LO modulation 5kHz. VLF2250 low pass filter at cryostat input.

Optics and spectrum: Same optical configuration as run 4,5,6. Just using corrugated lenses (were smooth in previous runs) at 4K and 100mK. Spectrum peaking at 146 and 160 GHz.


Figure: Response spectrum measured in Grenoble on the 2mm array used for run 7 (FWHM=135-170GHz). Run PT33 (for more information see ELOG).

ASCII data for the spectrum on the pixel 1 (frequency(GHz), Response (AU)): pix1_2mm.txt

FITS interferograms data: interf_2mm.fits


Param file to be used as reference for run7, obtained with LN2 close to the pupil. 196 resonances at 1mm, 128 at 2mm, 40 OFF each

DetectorInformation2014N7 (last edited 2014-01-21 13:41:46 by NikaBolometer)