Acquisition software organisation
MiniMac1 NIKEL (user archeops), antenna, elvin (window ssh on sami, archeops crtbt01), message
MiniMac2 Acquisition, lecture (files on sami et mac, compressed)
MiniPC Cryostat
Sami Elvin (NIKA_Lib/Acquisition/NikaElvin/.nika_elvin) connettendosi come archeops, pipeline
archeops8 Skype and varia, internet, remote windows etc. VNC on minimacs etc.
archeops9 Acquisition, tuning (da mandare sul 35), hysto
archeops10 Acquisition, Lecture, Trace. For interactive monitoring. DO NOT FREQUENCY SWEEP.
Param. Define a run10.txt from run9.txt, commit and update on all Macs. Make sure you launch all the acquisitions with the same run10.txt param. Use the "restore tones" window. Doing very strange things in any case. Andrea explained that the shift for the 1mm is twice the real shift that is shown in the "hysto" (?).
Always verify the lecture errors, check in case the ethernet connections.
From NIKA switch in the computers room two cables to the control room. A yellow one to archeops10, another to a switch.
Change of the acquisition software parameters
1) To change the signe of the dIdQ angle:
Comment in "nikel_API.cpp" (test_nikel.xcodeproj)
#define _signe_dIdQ_plus
ATTENTION!!! : this is already done, it is supposed to work.
2) To go faster for frequency sweep.
Go to xcode "restaure.c"
#define _duree_mesure 10 // to be changed to go faster
#define _duree_mesure 3 // to be changed to go faster
3) To go faster with the tuning procedure.
Go to "tuning_cmd" (acqui.xcodeproj)
#define _attente 80 // Number of measurements. We should change to 40 to go faster
#define _moyennage 20 // Number of measurements.