Daily Reports
Jan. 17th, Tuesday
Frederic, Sofia, Angelos, Jean join Angel and Stefano at the telescope.
16:00-21:00; Angel: no observations. Frozen rain and wind. Deicing working since yesterday night.
21:00-03:00; Stefano: wind and ice. The telescope is parked.
Jan. 18th, Wednesday
03:00-09:00; Angelos: no observations. Frozen rain went to snow before dawn; mild wind.
09:00-15:00, Sofia: no observations.
Let's take a little walk outside...
15:00-21:00 Frederic: no observations.
21:00-03:00 Stefano: Wind and snow. The telescope is completely frozen and parked. Few minutes after 2 a.m. local time, the taumeter drops suddenly to tau=0.1. We take a look outside. The sky is completely clear, the fog and clouds are no more there, the powder snow does not "pollute" the air anymore, the snowcats are working on the mountain, the stars shine, the thermometer marks -14 Celsius. Gloria increases the power of the de-icing. While we wait to have the 30m operational again, it will soon be time to chase the comet with binoculars and camera.
Jan. 19th, Thursday
03:00-09:00; Angelos: no observations. Clear sky, 100% visibility, no wind after dawn. Pedro and Salvador inspected the telescope and optimised the deicing subsystems by increasing power to some sectors of the backside. The Sun is our best ally right now.
09:00-15:00; Sofia: no observations
15:00-21:00; Frédéric: no observations.
21:00-03:00; Stefano: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
An old dream come true. We start a new tradition: Thursday midnight homemade pesto!!! Thank you to Angel for supporting the idea, to the 30m staff for finding the basil and to all those who stayed up late and joined
Jan. 20th, Friday
03:00-09:00; Angelos: no observations. It keeps snowing.
09:00-15:00; Sofia: no observations. Sunny. Deicing in progress.
15:00-21:00; Frédéric: no observations.
21:00-03:00; Stefano: we start observing at 20:00 after 48 hours of de-icing. The telescope is miraculously on focus. Calib_scan on CRL618 (scan nr 5). First project 105-22, half repetition of B213-C6 (because then it's at too high elevation). Then I move to 126-22 but the scripts do not work. ~30 minutes lost trying to figure it out. The a set of calibration, including a beam map and a calib_1scan on Uranus (scans number 26 and 27). Then back on 105-22, that meanwhile has come down enough again and I perform 5 repetitions. The sky is then degrading and the shift ends.
Jan. 21st, Saturday
03:00-09:00; Angelos: Monitoring the stability of the opacity. It was varying significantly, with variations of +/- 10 Jy/b (2 mm). We shifted to EMIR and tried to calibrate but we encountered a small setback with the carousel. Calibration was not possible for EMIR. We switched back to NIKA2. Again, we tried to monitor the stability of the opacity, but the conditions remained unstable.
Jan. 22nd, Sunday
Jan. 23rd, Monday