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Daily Reports

Bilal, Charlene, Caroline, Iacopo, Florian, Stefano, Carsten arrive at the 30m. Full house.

Four shifts this time:
Afternoon (12:00-18:00 CET): Charlene and Caroline
Evening (18:00-00:00 CET): Bilal
Night (00:00-6:00 CET): Florian and Iacopo
Morning (6:00-12:00 CET): Carsten and Stefano

Last week NIKA2 was cooled down a bit earlier than normal, to allow doing a new frequency sweep at 1mm. Meanwhile, the pulse tube has been realigned by JLS, after notification by Martino who saw indications of a spike at 0.3 Hz in the power spectrum.

Jan 14, Tuesday


Maintenance and afternoon/evening shifts

Night shift

Jan 15, Wednesday

What a day!

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Morning shift

Afternoon shift

Evening shift

Night shift

Jan 16, Thursday

Today wasn't bad either...

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Morning shift

So far, the morning shift had their share of problems (yesterday/today); the night shift had their share (last night); the afternoon shift had their share (yesterday); Bilal had his share (during the night)... I think we're done... from now on everything can proceed smoothly... uhm.. wait.. when is the snow storm coming???

Afternoon shift

Evening shift

Night shift

Jan 17, Friday

The Sun's show

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Morning shift

Afternoon shift

Evening shift

Nights shift

Jan 18, Saturday

Morning shift

Stopped the remainder of the day.

Jan 19, Sunday

Stopped the full day. I think the run's over. We're deep into the snow storm...

Jan 20, Monday

Stopped the full day. High wind and some snowfall. No chance to use the platform.