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Daily reports, NIKA2 pool week #4, Winter 2024-25 semester

First week of the NIKA2 run 71 (Cryo run 83).

This time, 8 days, starting on Monday, instead of 7 starting on Tuesday. Change of plans: we will go up to the Observatory on Tuesday as usual, hence 7 days.

Observers on-site: Philippe André, Helena Mazurek, Chiara Mininni, Ioannis Myserlis (AoD), Monica Rodriguez, Ste B. (AoD)

Operators: Kike and Frederic

NOTE by SB: if possible, please take some total power beam maps (Uranus at best); and some pol beam maps on Uranus too.

Note by CK: During the holography run last week, several panel frames of the primary have been adjusted. Uranus observations were conducted on 10/11 Feb with EMIR. Telescope efficiencies may well have changed (slightly improved).

Feb 10th, Monday

The plan has changed. Spindle nr 6 is being replaced today and the operation will take until tomorrow, end of maintenance. Therefore the observations will start tomorrow.

Update on the Spindles work: yesterday the wind was rising, hence there's not been time to change the spindle motor. All electric connectors have been checked and few were found loose and have been fixed. The sub-reflector was mounted back in place. Few hours of EMIR observations were carried out as a test. During these few hours, three Spindle errors occurred.

Feb 11th, Tuesday

Mama, don't worry, I'm safe! We missed our beloved telescope

Chiara, Helena, Ioannis, Philippe, Stefano and maaaany others arrived to the telescope.

During maintenance, we prepare the NIKA2 setup: we open the VNC, start XEphem, start the PIIC monitors, start the make-imbfits (old). We test the rotation of the HWP: all works fine.

16:00-21:00 LT: Chiara + Helena + Stefano: wind, the telescope is parked. Training the new observers about how to read the PIIC monitor, fill Tapas, fill the Daily report, and everything they've ever wanted to know about what we are going to do when the wind will give us a break.

21:00-03:00 LT: Helena + Stefano; wind and snow -> telescope parked

Feb 12th, Wednesday

Good morning! Chilling

03:00-09:00 LT: Ioannis; I start the observed around 5 a.m. LT. Progress of the morning:

09:00-16:15 LT: Philippe + Chiara and Helena from 15:00 on.

16:15-22:00 LT: Ioannis + Chiara: special observations, under project T14-24, using a quarter wave plate (QWP) in front of the NIKA2 rotating HWP. This experiment allows to detect circular polarization with NIKA2! It is combined with X-POL observations of the same targets. Polarimetric SMA 1mm observations were also carried out this morning / last night (within the SMAPOL program).

It's not the full set of observations we would like to take (six sources, four QWP orientations) but should be fine for a first, "proof of concept" test. It will be a challenging but interesting data reduction. It would be nice if we manage to do one XPOL observation on 2251+158 within the next days (maybe also 2200+420, which was observed at very low elevation) to have four targets instead of three to compare their NIKA2 CP against XPOL.

Victor mounting the QWP The powerful means of technology

22:00-03:00 LT: Helena + Stefano

Between 12/2 @5:00 a.m. and 13/2 @03:00 a.m. (LT), we had a dozen spindle/homology errors, totaling at least 21 cancelled scans. SB will not continue to keep track of each single lost scan every day. It was only for today. See Tapas for the next days. The total time lost in science scans, today was:

Feb 13th, Thursday

03:00-06:00 LT: Stefano. I continue the total power observations

06:00-09:00 LT: Ioannis. Continue with NIKA2 total power

09:00-15:00 LT: Philippe. Clear sky; Opacity ~ 0.3-0.35, but very stable sky +/- 1 Jy/beam @ 2mm

15:00-21:00 LT: Chiara + Stefano. The NIKA2 total power observations continue.

SB counts how much time has been lost in science scans of 114-24 cancelled because of spindle/homology errors (+ other related scans used to recover the correct homology). When we started, 114-24 had 7.01 hours of observations done. Now @18:05 UT it has 17.89 hours observed. The following scans have been cancelled because of spindle errors and I mark how much time they wasted: 20250213s46 (8.8 min), s53 (2.2), s54 (4.2), s55 (0.3), s59 (24.2), s60 (25.3) s61 (3.7), s63 (10.9), s64 (2.7), s65 (0.3), s89 (7.6), s94 (14.2), s107 (2.9) s123 (20.0). Up to now, the total time wasted is 127.4 min, i.e. (127.4/60)/(17.89-7.01)=19.5% of the 114-24 time observed since we started!.

Africa, Europe and Gibraltar

21:00-03:00 LT: Helena + Stefano. Continue with NIKA2 total power. Tau ~ 0.25


Feb 14th, Friday

03:00-09:00 LT: Ioannis. Continue with NIKA2 total power

09:00-15:00 LT: Philippe. Change to NIKA-Pol

15:00-21:00 LT: Chiara (+ Stefano). Continue NIKA2-Pol

21:00-03:00 LT: Helena (+ Stefano + Monica). NIKA2-Pol continues

Feb 15th, Saturday

03:00-09:00 LT: Stefano + Monica. NIKA2-Pol continues

Feb 16th, Sunday

Feb 17th, Monday

Feb 18th, Tuesday