Differences between revisions 22 and 23
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- 188-24: 2 repetitions of A0520<<BR>> - 188-24: two repetitions of A0520<<BR>>
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- 191-24: 2 repetitions on MS1054<<BR>>
- 189-24: 1 repetition on CTRS27<<BR>>
- 191-24: two repetitions on MS1054<<BR>>
- 189-24: one repetition on CTRS27<<BR>>

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Daily Reports

Observers on-site: Alice Nucara, Antoine Zakardjian, Juan Macias, Tuan-Anh Duong, Wonju Kim, and Ste B. (AoD)

Operators: Frederic and Sergio

Jan 7th, 2025, Tuesday

Alice, Antoine, Juan, Tuan Anh, Wonju, Ste B. and maaaany others arrived at the telescope.

NIKA2 work fine, the HWP correct rotation has been checked. The new AoD, Stefano, is trained by Angel and Frederic with explanations about AoD specific tasks and safety measures. After maintenance and the AoD training, we start the operations at ~16:20 local time.

Hello! Blue skies Oooops

16:00-22:00 LT: Wonju + Alice, Stefano. We start with some training of the new NIKA2 observers, explaining in what a typical NIKA2 session consists and clarifying some specific features for NIKA2-pol. Then we proceed with the following observations:
- we start with polarimetry
- calib_1scan on MWC349, NGC7027, CRL2688
- 135-24: source IRAS21078 (... repetitions)
- when observing polarimetry, we monitor the instrumental polarization by taking roughly every hour one calib_1scan of either an unpolarized point-like source (Uranus) or a known QSO, depending on availability.
- skydip in between (scan 20250107s25)
- one gummy seal of one lower petal falls off at ~18:30 LT (not our fault, we swear, we're not trying to break the telescope ;)
- 166-24: four repetitions of CasA

22:00-04:00 LT: Antoine & Tuan-Anh. We switch to total power and observe:
- 188-24: two repetitions of A0520
- total power beammap on Uranus, 99 sub-scans (scan 20250107s76)
- 191-24: one repetition on MS1054

Jan 8th, 2025, Wednesday

04:00-10:00 LT: Juan. Low tau (between 0.2 and 0.3) but unstable weather (+-5 to +-20 Jy)
- 191-24: two repetitions on MS1054
- 189-24: one repetition on CTRS27
- we switch to polarimetry ~1h before the end of the shift

10:00-16:00 LT: Alice + Juan, Stefano. The sky is unstable (+/- 5 Jy/b peak to peak @2mm, evaluated on Az sub-scans of pointing scans). The wind is rising (~15 m/s gusts @10:30 LT). Uhm. Evolution of the shift:
- we start in polarimetry mode. Trying to point and focus on 3C273 and 3C286, in preparation of a possible polarized beam map. Hopeless. In the direction of 3C286 the wind influences the tracking less than in that of 3C273, but still too bad. We take a short break.
- we move to the direction of W43 (132-24) and 104316 (134-24) to test the wind, pointing/focus.
- at 10:00 UT we have to stop and park the telescope, because the wind reaches and surpasses 18 m/s three times in a row. Sigh

Jan 9th, 2025, Thursday

Jan 10th, 2025, Friday

Jan 11th, 2025, Saturday

Jan 12th, 2025, Sunday

Jan 13th, 2025, Monday

Jan 14th, 2025, Tuesday

DailyReportsNika2Pool070125 (last edited 2025-01-14 16:37:30 by NikaBolometer)