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- ... - 011-24, orion-b-4 (homology problems); orion-b-5; orion-b-6 (one repetition each)

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Daily Reports

Nov 5th, Tuesday

Rémi, Léo, Simon, Ste B., Léa, Ioannis and maaaaaany others arrived at the observatory.

We start the week in the best possible way...
attachment:20241105_170343_sm.jpg attachment:IMG_5309_sm.JPG

15:30 - 17:00; Ioannis: System check.

17:00 - 21:00; Rémi, Léo, Simon, Stefano, Lea & Ioannis: NIKA2 training + observations. Polarimetry: one repetition of project 043-24, source G75.78.

21:00 - 03:00. Léa & Stefano. We take over and continue with polarimetry:
- one repetition of source G75.78 for project 043-24.
- pointing, focus, pointing, beammap (95 sub-scans, 20241105s111), calib_1scan (20241105s112) on Uranus.
Then we switch to total power and we proceed with:
- calib_1scan (20241105s114) and beammap (99 sub-scans, 20241105s115) on Uranus in total power
- skydip (20241105s116)
- 011-24, orion-b-4 (homology problems); orion-b-5; orion-b-6 (one repetition each)

DailyReportsNika2Pool051124 (last edited 2024-11-12 15:43:44 by NikaBolometer)