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''Figures: VNA scans at 300K (0-8GHz). Left: 1mm array; right: 2mm array.'' | ''Figures: VNA scans at 300K (0-8GHz). Left: 1mm array; right: 2mm array. Vertical scale 20dB/div.'' |
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The 4K is slower compared to the last Grenoble runs. We have checked the PT compressor pressures and they're OK: high=28.5bar; low=10bar. So we haven't lost helium. At 18h20 we reduce a bit the preref flux (from 1000mbar to 900mbar) to see if the 4K was affected (it shouldn't in principle). |
The 4K is slower compared to the last Grenoble runs. We have checked the PT compressor pressures and they're OK: high=28.5bar; low=10bar. So we haven't lost helium. At 18h20 we reduce a bit the preref flux (from 1000mbar to 900mbar) to see if the 4K was affected (it shouldn't in principle). Actually YES, the 4K accelerated and the still slowed down a bit. '''Cryostat temperatures at 20h30 (T0 + 7h). 4K: 207K (20K/h slope); Still: 165K (27K/h slope); R_BM: 1020 Ohm.''' '''Cryostat temperatures at 22h30 (T0 + 9h). 4K: 164K (20K/h slope); Still: 115K (22K/h slope); R_BM: 1026 Ohm.''' === Wed 05/06 === Cooling a bit slower than last time in Grenoble but still comparable. Hopes for condensation start in the morning. Pressures in the PT compressor: 27bar (high); 10bar (low). '''Cryostat temperatures at 9h30 (T0 + 20h). 4K: 6.5K (0.4K/h slope); Still: 9.2K (4K/h slope); R_BM: 1190 Ohm (10.3K).''' '''Cryostat temperatures at 10h30 (T0 + 21h). 4K: 5.7K; Still: 7.1K; R_BM: 1220 Ohm (8.9K).''' '''11h (T0+21.5h) START CONDENSATION.''' '''12h15. Condensation started OK, mixing chamber cooling fast, Switching ON the cold amplifiers to check arrays connections. Waiting for the superconducting T.''' '''12h45. Both arrays seem CONNECTED. The Tc is between 1.35 and 1.5K (but mixing chamber thermometer calibration is not perfect) and as expected the transition is seen on the 2mm array first.''' '''16h30. RESONANCES !!! 198 at 1mm, 129 at 2mm. Cryostat reached 120mK at least but oscillating and now heating up around 200mK again. Noise (very preliminary) seems OK on both arrays: 1Hz/sqrt(Hz) on the 2mm, 3Hz/sqrt(Hz) on, the 1mm. Ongoing.. ''' 18h00. The first test we made is to turn the antenna by 180deg in AZ (EL was roughly 45deg) to check if the resonances are stable with B fields or not. They seem stable enough, but very small (around 20Hz only) jumps are in any case seen on some pixels of the 2mm array during the slew. {{attachment:saut1.jpg||width=700}} {{attachment:saut2.jpg||width=700}} ''Figures: Small jumps on one pixel (2mm array) during 180deg slew in AZ. The drift in the time trace is due to temperature drift of the mixing chamber during the test.'' Nicolas, working remotely from Grenoble, analyzed the timelines during the slew and found 3-4 detectors exhibiting larger jumps (see next figure), of about 1kHz. {{attachment:saut78.jpg||width=700}} ''Figure: Bigger jumps on a particular pixel (1mm array, numdet=78) during 180deg slew in AZ (NP).'' === Thu 06/06 === 1h00. Added roughly 30mbar of 3He in the reserve. 08h30. The cryostat spent in any case the night oscillating. {{attachment:BM1.jpg||width=700}} ''Figure: Mixing chamber of the cryostat oscillating.'' '''The heater on the mixing chamber, allowing to regulate the temperature, is broken inside the cryostat ! So no regulation possible unfortunately.''' That's a bit annoying since we are also quite warm with the cryostat in this shape. The white noise on the arrays seems good, but there are lines at 0.96Hz (both arrays), 1.9Hz (1mm) and higher (mostly 1mm array). Y9_10h11 (2mA chauffage, oscillations 204-216mK periode 150s, J4=980mbar) Y9_10h38 (2.3mA chauffage, oscillations 208-215mK periode 150s, J4=1020mbar) Y9_10h58 (2.6mA chauffage, oscillations 0.1-1mK periode 150s, J4=1530mbar) In this last conditions it seems more or less stable, but at 220mK. J4 is not too high. The detectors are working (the 1mm a bit limited), so we decide to leave it alone. Parameter file: run_0606_220mK_window.txt The 2mm array has been adjusted, the 1mm not yet. '''On the 2mm array, from window closed to 300K (window open, looking at the cabin), the frequency shift is 100-120kHz. In Grenoble this array exhibited a shift of about 180kHz between 80K and 300K, equivalent to 0.8kHz/K. So, it seems that the windows is only equivalent to 300-100/0.8=175K.''' === ..... Mon-Tue 10-11/06 'TO DO LIST' FOR MARTINO (sorry, in italian) === - Scan VNA sulle matrici (finestra chiusa e finestra aperta) con il PC del VNA. - Verificare i params e, soprattutto per la 1mm, aggiustare i livelli di potenza. Sulla 2mm dovrebbero essere già giusti più o meno, ma per favore ricontrolla se hai tempo. I params, che trovi su archeops9 (nella directory .../Data/param), si chiamano "run6_window.txt" e "run6_300K.txt". Per la 1mm i livelli sono tutti da fare. - allineamento (con Santiago e Nello martedi' mattina). Attenzione, i piedini regolabili sono molto più alti dell'ultima volta. La tavola anti-vibrazione è già in funzione. Al piano dove c'e' l'elettronica di GISMO abbiamo trovato una tavola inutilzzata con 4 piedini di quel tipo. Se per caso uno dei nostri si dovesse rompere, chiedete di smontarne uno di quelli. - PRENDERE TEMPO (tutto il tempo che serve !) PRIMA DI OSSERVARE SORGENTI ETC. PER RIFARE UN BUON PARAM SUL CIELO. Da fare martedi' alla first light. Quindi dite che avete bisogno di 1-2 ore per fare quello prima di mettersi a fare OTF_geometry etc. - controllare sempre il criostato. J4 non deve esplodere (diciamo rimanere stabile attorno a 1.5bar o un po' più, ma non andare verso i 3 bar. Il tutto è in equilibrio instabile - ho l'impressione che non si debbano schtchare i cavi semirigidi sulle barre del criostato. Ho messo degli "attenuatori di vibrazione" al posto. Mi sembra che questo riduca le righe di rumore almeno sulla 2mm. Ma magari è un mito. - tutte le nostre cose, da riportare a Grenoble, sono al piano appena sotto la cabina e in un angolo al piano del compressore. Un po' oltre la "trap", contro il muro sulla destra. .... altre cose che vi verranno in mente. |
Go to preparation run daily reports
Preparation visit before Run6
Daily Reports
Mon 03/06
Left Grenoble by car in the morning. Andrea, Alain, Alessandro. Reached the telescope at 20h30.
Tue 04/06
During the maintenance craned up again NIKA, installed. Warm impedance test: 20mbar/min at 3 bar
Start cooling down at 13h30.
Test with VNA at 300K:
Figures: VNA scans at 300K (0-8GHz). Left: 1mm array; right: 2mm array. Vertical scale 20dB/div.
Installed the electronics with the cables.
Figures: NIKA installed again.
We have also visited the back of the antenna and in particular the receivers cabin roof for possible installation of the NIKA-2 electronics. Space available is 80cm (H) x 200cm (Width) x 100cm (Depth). In order to have enough space to work, we will use a maximum depth of 60cm. The total COAX cables length if this solution is chosen is 6-8m.
Figures: Cabin top, possible place for NIKA-2 electronics.
Cryostat temperatures at 18h (T0 + 4h30). 4K: 255K (14K/h slope); Still: 235K (25K/h slope); R_BM: 1011 Ohm.
The 4K is slower compared to the last Grenoble runs. We have checked the PT compressor pressures and they're OK: high=28.5bar; low=10bar. So we haven't lost helium. At 18h20 we reduce a bit the preref flux (from 1000mbar to 900mbar) to see if the 4K was affected (it shouldn't in principle). Actually YES, the 4K accelerated and the still slowed down a bit.
Cryostat temperatures at 20h30 (T0 + 7h). 4K: 207K (20K/h slope); Still: 165K (27K/h slope); R_BM: 1020 Ohm.
Cryostat temperatures at 22h30 (T0 + 9h). 4K: 164K (20K/h slope); Still: 115K (22K/h slope); R_BM: 1026 Ohm.
Wed 05/06
Cooling a bit slower than last time in Grenoble but still comparable. Hopes for condensation start in the morning. Pressures in the PT compressor: 27bar (high); 10bar (low).
Cryostat temperatures at 9h30 (T0 + 20h). 4K: 6.5K (0.4K/h slope); Still: 9.2K (4K/h slope); R_BM: 1190 Ohm (10.3K).
Cryostat temperatures at 10h30 (T0 + 21h). 4K: 5.7K; Still: 7.1K; R_BM: 1220 Ohm (8.9K).
12h15. Condensation started OK, mixing chamber cooling fast, Switching ON the cold amplifiers to check arrays connections. Waiting for the superconducting T.
12h45. Both arrays seem CONNECTED. The Tc is between 1.35 and 1.5K (but mixing chamber thermometer calibration is not perfect) and as expected the transition is seen on the 2mm array first.
16h30. RESONANCES !!! 198 at 1mm, 129 at 2mm. Cryostat reached 120mK at least but oscillating and now heating up around 200mK again. Noise (very preliminary) seems OK on both arrays: 1Hz/sqrt(Hz) on the 2mm, 3Hz/sqrt(Hz) on, the 1mm. Ongoing..
18h00. The first test we made is to turn the antenna by 180deg in AZ (EL was roughly 45deg) to check if the resonances are stable with B fields or not. They seem stable enough, but very small (around 20Hz only) jumps are in any case seen on some pixels of the 2mm array during the slew.
Figures: Small jumps on one pixel (2mm array) during 180deg slew in AZ. The drift in the time trace is due to temperature drift of the mixing chamber during the test.
Nicolas, working remotely from Grenoble, analyzed the timelines during the slew and found 3-4 detectors exhibiting larger jumps (see next figure), of about 1kHz.
Figure: Bigger jumps on a particular pixel (1mm array, numdet=78) during 180deg slew in AZ (NP).
Thu 06/06
1h00. Added roughly 30mbar of 3He in the reserve.
08h30. The cryostat spent in any case the night oscillating.
Figure: Mixing chamber of the cryostat oscillating.
The heater on the mixing chamber, allowing to regulate the temperature, is broken inside the cryostat ! So no regulation possible unfortunately. That's a bit annoying since we are also quite warm with the cryostat in this shape.
The white noise on the arrays seems good, but there are lines at 0.96Hz (both arrays), 1.9Hz (1mm) and higher (mostly 1mm array).
Y9_10h11 (2mA chauffage, oscillations 204-216mK periode 150s, J4=980mbar)
Y9_10h38 (2.3mA chauffage, oscillations 208-215mK periode 150s, J4=1020mbar)
Y9_10h58 (2.6mA chauffage, oscillations 0.1-1mK periode 150s, J4=1530mbar)
In this last conditions it seems more or less stable, but at 220mK. J4 is not too high. The detectors are working (the 1mm a bit limited), so we decide to leave it alone.
Parameter file: run_0606_220mK_window.txt
The 2mm array has been adjusted, the 1mm not yet.
On the 2mm array, from window closed to 300K (window open, looking at the cabin), the frequency shift is 100-120kHz. In Grenoble this array exhibited a shift of about 180kHz between 80K and 300K, equivalent to 0.8kHz/K. So, it seems that the windows is only equivalent to 300-100/0.8=175K.
..... Mon-Tue 10-11/06 'TO DO LIST' FOR MARTINO (sorry, in italian)
- Scan VNA sulle matrici (finestra chiusa e finestra aperta) con il PC del VNA.
- Verificare i params e, soprattutto per la 1mm, aggiustare i livelli di potenza. Sulla 2mm dovrebbero essere già giusti più o meno, ma per favore ricontrolla se hai tempo. I params, che trovi su archeops9 (nella directory .../Data/param), si chiamano "run6_window.txt" e "run6_300K.txt". Per la 1mm i livelli sono tutti da fare.
- allineamento (con Santiago e Nello martedi' mattina). Attenzione, i piedini regolabili sono molto più alti dell'ultima volta. La tavola anti-vibrazione è già in funzione. Al piano dove c'e' l'elettronica di GISMO abbiamo trovato una tavola inutilzzata con 4 piedini di quel tipo. Se per caso uno dei nostri si dovesse rompere, chiedete di smontarne uno di quelli.
- PRENDERE TEMPO (tutto il tempo che serve !) PRIMA DI OSSERVARE SORGENTI ETC. PER RIFARE UN BUON PARAM SUL CIELO. Da fare martedi' alla first light. Quindi dite che avete bisogno di 1-2 ore per fare quello prima di mettersi a fare OTF_geometry etc.
- controllare sempre il criostato. J4 non deve esplodere (diciamo rimanere stabile attorno a 1.5bar o un po' più, ma non andare verso i 3 bar. Il tutto è in equilibrio instabile
- ho l'impressione che non si debbano schtchare i cavi semirigidi sulle barre del criostato. Ho messo degli "attenuatori di vibrazione" al posto. Mi sembra che questo riduca le righe di rumore almeno sulla 2mm. Ma magari è un mito.
- tutte le nostre cose, da riportare a Grenoble, sono al piano appena sotto la cabina e in un angolo al piano del compressore. Un po' oltre la "trap", contro il muro sulla destra.
.... altre cose che vi verranno in mente.