Differences between revisions 17 and 23 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 17 as of 2014-10-07 10:53:40
Size: 1137
Editor: dhcp-15
Revision 23 as of 2014-10-10 11:12:46
Size: 1163
Editor: gra-lx17
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Log into the '''gismos-14''' or the '''nikas-14''' pool account at the observer desk (mrt-lx7) and start a !PaKo session. Log into the pool account ('''gismos-14''' or '''nikas-14''' for the 2014 summer semester) at the observer desk (mrt-lx7) and start a !PaKo session.
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$ ssh -X account@mrt-lx1.iram.es (ask the AoD/operator for the password) $ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx1.iram.es (ask the AoD/operator for the password)
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$ pakoGISMO or pakoNIKA $ pakoGISMO2014 or pakoNIKA
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How to observe GRBs with the IRAM 30m continuum cameras

Log into the pool account (gismos-14 or nikas-14 for the 2014 summer semester) at the observer desk (mrt-lx7) and start a PaKo session.

$ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx1.iram.es  (ask the AoD/operator for the password)
$ gopako
$ pakodisplay                   
$ pakoGISMO2014 or pakoNIKA

Run the script for GRB observations:

PAKO> @ observe_GRB RAhh RAmm RAss DECdd DECmm DECss

For example:

PAKO> @ observe_GRB  23  58  09.1  +83  49  58.2 

This command sends an integration of about 30 minutes directly on the GRB. Pointing will be done afterwards. Choose the pointing source using XEphem and the catalog that was automatically generated by the script (see GRB.edb in the XEphem list of catalogs).

Repeat the script until reaching the allocated time. Check the pointing every hour or so.

Author: Israel Hermelo (GISMO &NIKA Pool Manager)

email: hermelo@iram.es

Created: 2014.Oct.03

Last update: 2014.Oct.03

Continuum/ObserveGRBs (last edited 2015-02-23 09:37:57 by gra-fw)