Wish list for NIKA

Current list



  1. Remove this warning: W-LISSAJOUS, WARNING--CONDITION: Elevation must be less than 83.28 [deg]. It is annoying and confusing for the observers (added by IH on 01 Mar 2014).

  2. Implement additional fields specific to NIKA in TAPAS.
  3. Link to quicklook plots in TAPAS (and possibly pools logsheets).
  4. Webcam pointing at the sky through the vertex of the primary (optimize observation quality in partially cloudy sky with slow evolution).
  5. Video files of various types of scans (focus, otf_map, etc.).
  6. Things would be nice to have: ....... humidifiers to sleep better, NIKA resident Moonboots to walk and breath, helmet, logos to identify NIKA space ...

Historical list (for the records)

Implemented or obsolete



  1. Use TAPAS to record automatically scans information and comments for users rather than the manual day to day logbook. -request run 6, implementation (with problems) run 7, upgrade run 8-

  2. Improve on plot quicklook. -request run 6, implementation (with problems) run 7, upgrade run 8-

Material to leave in the NIKA space of the spiral room

Remark: this is not a wish in the same sense at the items above, but a storage wish, valid for all runs since run 7.

Continuum/NIKA/WishList (last edited 2014-06-12 13:37:02 by gra-lx17)