
  1. pako> @wbolo (setting up pako)

  2. pako> bt (bolo tip)

  3. pako> p60 (pointing calibration)

  4. mopsic> @psn (reducing the pointint data in mopsic) Reapit 3 and 4 untill you get a good pointing

  5. pako> bf (focus calibration)

  6. mopsic> @fsn (reducing the focus data in pointintg) Repeat 5 and 6 untill you get a good focus

  7. on-off:

    paKo> onf 20 32 (# of scans, wobbler throw)

  8. mapping:

    paKo> bmap 520 408 8.8

Bolo tips

BolometerObservations (last edited 2009-04-16 08:26:39 by localhost)