MAMBO2/ABBA2 Checklist

This document describe the checks and test that must be done before and during the Bolometer pool, as well as the frequency needed for these tests. (Maintained by GQ.)

The tests are divided into different groups, as they supposed to be carried by different groups of the IRAM staff (operators, AoDs, or Rxs)


These items are explained below, in detail. This list is intended as a checklist. Do you have all these points under control?

agreed by the pool coordinator, or based in that no other projects can be observed at that moment.



In the pool account, enter in the reduction directory. There run mopsic. To reduce the last pointing run @psn. For the last focus @fsn.

The monitor and the MonCoo are those regularly running in the control room. The Monitor shows the result of the present scan. The MonCoo shows the tracking of the source. In case Absorber measurements are done in stow, the monInst monitor must be opened. The instructions to open this monitor can be found bellow. This monitor is intended to see jumps or oscillations in the signal. At the top-left side of the monitor, it is shown the total power channels. The signal of these channels can show a slope, but not jumps. The MonitorLoop, MonitorList are monitors that reproduce what was seen in the observations.

Read the mopsic Cookbook. The pool coordinator can provide some examples for practice.

The main problem is a failure in the reduction. The first step is to check the log files, located at flexible:reduce/, e.g. mopsicoocsf.txt. For instance:

 26.10.2010, Robert W. Zylka

W-SIC,  Session is not interactive, EDIT and MEMORY off
opLM: The LOG & MES files are MOPSIC.LOG1 & MOPSIC.MES1
      User Gildas using procedure ooCSF.mopsic
I-ASTRO_INIT, Ephemeris opened
init: INPUT LIST initialized
loadList: Loading the inList onOff.LIST
             2 observations in the inList
selInList:    2 OBJECTS with TYPE(s) o, selected
qSortOlist: List sorted according to Julian Date
prList: List of INPUT observations, page 1
    1 J0816+48   1199.1 20101115 55515.2396  9.1373 -1.00 o abba-20101115s21-imb
    2 J0816+48   1199.1 20101115 55515.2545  9.4964 -1.00 o abba-20101115s22-imb
  #  object     lambda   date      MJD       LST    elev obsp   file
setIDFN: iram30m-abba-20101115s21-imb.fits
setTel: Telescope set to IRAM 30m
getKindRC: RC   121 is not data
reaimbfitspht1: doZig T tIncS  0.520000 phTimeS  0.260000 smplRateHz  3.84615
reaIMBFitsSu: subScan 11 DATE-OBS incompatible with slowTraceRate=1: 31.001
calcEfBMsep: Effective beam sep.   32.0000 arc sec
trErStat2: trErAz: min   -0.193 max    0.163 <>   0.00036 <rms>    0.0529 asec
           trErEl: min   -0.492 max    0.510 <>   0.00070 <rms>    0.1492 asec
chkTrEr2: All not blanked coordinates have Az tracking error <     3.00 arc sec
chkTrEr2: All not blanked coordinates have El tracking error <     3.00 arc sec
maskSig: 4 records blanked (from in total 2181)
reaIMBFits: Source J0816+48

 No calibration available

getCmd: ERROR executing READ
I-ERROR,  Occured in /sw/gildas/gildas-exe-apr10/pro/oo_rea.mopsic at Line   20
I-ERROR,  Called by Loop  1 (#  1.000    )                                at line    2
I-ERROR,  Called by /sw/gildas/gildas-exe-apr10/pro/oo_run.mopsic at Line   84
I-ERROR,  Called by /sw/gildas/gildas-exe-apr10/pro/ooCSF.mopsic at Line   52
F-PAUSE,  Session is not interactive
F-SYSTEM,  Exit code           44 from call to SYSEXI

This log shows that there is no calibration (i.e. rcp data) available, therefore the calibration does not work.

However the most typical problem is that the file containing the opacities needed for the calibration is corrupted by the gopool. This file gets corrupted when any register is written twice. The file is flexible:reduce/dafs/current.TAUS . This problem is easy to solve. Ask the pool coordinator in person how to solve it.


This section details the test to be done with the bolometer, previous to the pool observations. Both general tests and particular session tests must be done. Also the Alignment test in case MAMBO has been reinstalled.





This tests are required mainly if the ABBA2 version has changed.

Other ABBA issues

 vncviewer -shared mrt-abba:2 

<!> If ABBA2 needs to be rebooted, the ABBA2 software is initialized automatically. If two ABBA2 processes are running it will not work at all.

ABBA2 Labview versions



Known problems



ABBA2 Chashes twice per day



Sync. problems for skydips (25% lost), 1 crash per day

Some notes on Operator duties

<!> Remember to remove the cable from the box when He3 is recycled manually

Some notes on receiver engineer duties



This is a quick guide through normal problems that appeared in the past and the possible reasons and solutions.

BoloChkList (last edited 2011-05-30 15:13:12 by lt-ck)