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 * Zermatt Conference, 7-11 September
 * 30 years of Photodissociation Regions: A Symposium to honor David Hollenbach's lifetime in science, June 28 to July 3, 2015, [[http://www.visitasilomar.com|Asilomar/Monterey]]
 * EWASS 2015, Guajara Campus, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 22-26 June, [[http://eas.unige.ch/EWASS2015/session.jsp?id=Sp19|Single-dish and interferometric submm/mm astronomy in the era of ALMA and NOEMA]]
 * [[https://indico.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=93| Symposium on SOFIA, 15-18 March]]
 * SZ Workshop, IRAM/Grenoble, 22. January


 * [[http://cnes.cborg.fr/gesf2014/|From Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation]] Marseille, 8-12 September
 * [[http:galaxy3d.univie.ac.at|Galaxies in 3D]] Vienna, 7-11 July
 * [[http://ism2014.strw.leidenuniv.nl/|The Interaction of Stars with the Interstellar Medium of Galaxies]] Les Houches, 20-25 April
 * [[http://www.astro.uni-koeln.de/sofia-ws2014|SOFIA Winterschool]] Cologne, 10-14 February
 * [[https://indico.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=69|APEX Workshop]] Ringberg, 19-22 January



 * [[http://herschel.esac.esa.int/The_FIR_Universe.shtml|The (F)IR universe three years later - the contributions by Herschel]] ESTEC Conference Centre, Noordwijk, 15-18 October 2013

 * [[http://www.astronomische-gesellschaft.org/en/event/tagungen|Fall meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft]], 24-27 September 2013, Tuebingen/Germany

 * [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-265-7-67-265-0-0.html|13-20 September 2013, IRAM 30m summerschool, Pradollano/Sierra Nevada/Spain]]

 * ERIS - Fifth European Radio Interferometry School, Dwingeloo, 9 - 13 September 2013

 * [[http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/~ismphases/program.php|ISM Phases]] Heidelberg 29.7.-1.8.2013

 * [[http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/ppvi/|Protostars and Planets VI]], Heidelberg, 15-20 July 2013

 * [[http://www.nordicastrobiology.net/Onsala2013/|Summer course "Molecules in Space", Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden, 25 June - 2 July 2013]]

 * [[http://jets2013.iaa.es/|Jets and their magnetic fields]], Granada, 10-14 June 2013

 * [[http://astrofisica.na.infn.it/restlessAGN/Home.html|AGNs]], 20-23 May 2013

 * [[http://www.alma.ac.uk/other/alma-band-2-workshop/alma-band-2-workshop|ALMA Band-2 workshop]], Bologna, 27-28 May, 2013

 * [[https://indico.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=21|The Modern Radio Universe 2013]] 22-26 April 2013 LVR - Landesmuseum Bonn

 * [[http://ufe.obspm.fr/rubrique344.html|Exploiting the Herschel and Planck data]] April 15-19th 2013 in Sèvres (near Paris)

 * [[https://indico.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=46|Radio interference in large bandwidth observations]] MPIfR, Bonn, 8-12 April 2013

 * [[http://obswww.unige.ch/lastro/conferences/sf2013/|Saas Fee School]] Star formation in galaxy evolution: connecting numerical models to reality, 11-16 March 2013, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

 * [[http://youngstars.nbi.dk/alma2013/Home.html|Astrochemistry in the ALMA era, Copenhagen, January 2013]]

 * [[http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2013/552/info.php3?wsid=552&venue=Oort|C+ as an astronomical tool]] 4-8 Feb 2013, Lorentz Center, Leiden



 * TIARA workshop in Hsinchu, Taiwan, "Star Formation and Its Environment in the Center of Galaxies", 2012 November 12-16, [[http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/|ASIAA]], [[http://www.tiara.sinica.edu.tw/guide.php|TIARA]]
 * [[http://www.cab.inta-csic.es/mol_astro_second_national_conf/scientific_rationale|2nd National Conference on Laboratory and Molecular Astrophysics, Sevilla, November 2012]]
 * [[http://astrochem2012.oa-cagliari.inaf.it/|third Sardinian Summer School of Astrophysics: Astrochemistry]], 30-September till 6-October 2012
 * [[http://webusers.fis.uniroma3.it/~agn10/|AGN meeting in Rome]], 10-13 September 2012
 * [[http://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/general_assemblies/812/|IAU General Assembly]] Beijing, 20-31 August 2012
   * [[http://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/symposia/1029/|IAUS292]] [[http://www.a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/IAUS292/|Molecular Gas, Dust, and Star Formation in Galaxies]], 20-24 August 2012
   * [[http://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/special_sessions/1044/|SpS12]] [[http://crescent.astro.illinois.edu/IAU_SpS12/|Modern views of the interstellar medium]], 27-30 August 2012
 * [[http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/starformation_2012/index.shtml|Galactic scale star formation]] Heidelberg 30.7.-3.8.
 * [[http://www.iku.edu.tr/TR/semp_icerik.php?kategoriNo=686&p=246&r=1|Th 3rd Azarquiel School of Astronomy]], “A bridge between East and West”, July 8-15, 2012, Istanbul
 * [[http://spie.org/x13662.xml|SPIE Conference]] Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2012
 * [[http://www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/ewass12/|The astrochemical universe unveiled with Herschel]] Rome, 2 and 3 July 2012
 * [[http://www.astro.cardiff.ac.uk/newsandevents/conferences/antfest/Home.html|The labyrinth of star formation]] Crete, 18-22 June
 * [[http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/ccat/schedule_1st.php|CCAT Meeting in Paris]]
 * [[http://www.aei.mpg.de/~pau/Aspen2012/A_window_to_the_formation_of_the_Milky_Way.html|A window to the formation of the Milky Way]] Aspen, May 20 - June 9
 * [[http://www.herschel2012.com/accueil.html|Herschel´s view of star and planet formation]], Grenoble, 20-23 March 2012
 * [[http://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/symposia/1023/|IAUS 287: Cosmic masers - from OH to Ho]], Stellenbosch/South Africa, 29-Jan - 3-Feb-2012

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 * September, 2-9, 2011: 6th IRAM 30m Summerschool (This is a preliminary, tentative date only, subject to change without notice.)

 * September, 12-16, 2011: FIR2011 in London (Organizer: S.Viti)

 * June, 14-18, 2011: Gas surveys at [[http://www.kloster-seeon.de|Kloster Seeon]] (Organizer: G.Kauffmann)
 * October, 5-7, 2011: [[http://www.astro.uni-koeln.de/CologneCCAT|CCAT: Formation and Development of Molecular Clouds - prospects for high resolution spectroscopy with CCAT]] in Cologne

 * September, 19-23, 2011: [[http://mw2011.ifsi-roma.inaf.it/|MW2011]] in Rome

 * September, 19-23, 2011: [[http://www1.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cadcbin/meetings/getMeetings.pl?meeting_no=3153|Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society]] in Heidelberg

 * September, 16-23, 2011: [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-202-7-67-202-0-0.html|6th IRAM 30m Summerschool]], Pradollano/Sierra Nevada

 * September, 12-16, 2011: [[http://zuserver2.star.ucl.ac.uk/~sv/FIR2011/|FIR2011]] in London (Organizer: S.Viti)

 * September, 5-9, 2011: [[http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/sed2011/pages/news.php|SED11]]

 * September, 5-9, 2011: 4th Radio Interferometry School will be held in Rimini, Italy

 * July, 18-20, 2011: [[http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/meetings/YERAC2011/|YERAC2011]]

 * June, 26, 2011 - July, 1, 2011: [[http://www.iap.fr/col2011dust/index.html|From Dust to Galaxies]]

 * 30.5.-3.6. 2011: [[http://cab.inta-csic.es/molecular_universe|The Molecular Universe, Toledo, Spain]]

 * May, 12-14, 2011 [[http://www.physics.uci.edu/submm|submm conference]]

 * 24./25.4.2011: PAWS Workshop in Heidelberg (Organizer: E.Schinnerer)

 * 26.-29.4.2011: [[|9th Sino-German Workshop on Galaxy Formation and Cosmology]]

 * 28.2.-4.3.2011: [[http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2011/448/info.php3?wsid=448|Herschel and the characteristics of dust in galaxies]], Lorentz Center, Leiden

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UpcomingConferences (last edited 2018-12-13 11:35:29 by CarstenKramer)