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Left in the cabin :
Cryostat, with all the components already prepared for the next cooldown : the pumping stage is plugged in and connected to the network, all the tombaks are in place... the mixture reserve is connected to the system but the manual valve on the reserve is closed for added security.
Electronics rack, plugged in. NOT connected to the cryostat (coax cables removed as they would have potentially been of hindrance). Inside the rack there is also the MppSync power supply, but NOT the MppSync itself that has been brought back to Grenoble.
Left at the first floor of the telescope (in the 'NIKA corner') :
Mirrors M4 et M5 + its structure. The structure holding M4 has been left mounted on the cryostat.
The portable VNA, model 'SIP technician'
Power supply for amplifier YEBES
Spare MMR3
Spare warm amplifier
Small toolbox with the essential tools, with inside the backup arrays!
Polarizer: structure and half wave plate.
Semi-rigid SMA coax cables, to be replaced with better and more reliable ones but still there and available in case of need.
In the computer room, behind the control room :
3 Mac with keyboards etc
A few ethernet cables
1 switch
In the control room :
The NIKA sub-net switch
1 ethernet cable arriving from the computer room and connected to the NIKA subnet router... Hopefully it will be left in place!