List of Astronomical Target for Nika Jun 2012 run4

FXD: First version before run (27/05/2012)

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1. Planets Mars for photometric calibration (primary calibrators)


Right Ascension


Size (arcsecond diameter)

Flux @ 1.25 mm

Flux @ 2.05 mm




7.85 * 7.81

391.1 Jy

134.7 Jy

Here are the ephemeris for the planets

and the other objects LST Pointing quasars Strong galactic sources

2. Usual bright quasars

3. List of bright ultracompact HII regions

Here is the full detailed formatted list Source_list_fmt2012v1.0.txt with fluxes

Here is the catalog for Pako NIKA2012v1.0.sou.txt has to be RENAMED to NIKA.sou on the pako computer Here is a list of IRAM pointing sources with fluxes at 3mm and 2mm (I miss fluxes at 1mm, SL) ListAstroTargetNika3/IRAM_pointing_sources_with_fluxes.xls

Here is a short manual on useful "Pako for Nika" commands Pako_helpv9.txt

Here is a collection of Pako scripts to gain time and have a reference on the observations we will do (to use them rename the files without the .txt, 2nd version updated with slower mapping speed to minimize tracking errors, 3rd version include pako line continuation sign (-)):

ListAstroTargetNika3/nini.pako => run the initial series of commands that always have to be run at the beginning of an observing cession, updated with choice of receiver and backend allowing to get fits files, updated with correct focus and correct nasmyth offset deduced from pointing model cession from 17 to 18/10/2011 night.

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_pointing.pako => OTFMAP 100"x84" in 22 subscan x 10 s = 4+1 ~= 5 min (10"/s) with 2.6 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for pointing & focus). 10s = minimum subscan time possible (Pako doesn't authorizes less), hence the choice of subscan length. Scan height changed from 60" to 92" to have more margins for the useful pixels.

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_geometry.pako => OTFMAP 300"x220" in 56 subscan x 20 s = 19+3 ~= 22 min (15"/s) with 2.6 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for the array geometry = pixels map in sky)

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_ps.pako => OTFMAP 140"x90" in 19 subscan x 14 s = 4+1 ~= 5 min (10"/s) with 2 sample (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for point source observations)

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_2x2.pako => OTFMAP 120"x120" in 25 subscan x 12 s = 5+1 ~= 6 min (10"/s) with 2 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for extended source < 2')

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_5x5.pako => OTFMAP 300"x300" in 51 subscan x 20 s = 17+3 ~= 20 min (15"/s) with 1.7 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for extended source < 5')

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_10x10.pako => OTFMAP 600"x600" in 41 subscan x 30 s = 20+4 ~= 24 min (20"/s) with 0.7 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for very extended source < 10')

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_faint_source.pako => OTFMAP 120"x80" in 21 subscan x 12 s = 4.2+0.8 ~= 5 min (10"/s) with 2.6 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for faint sources)

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_deep_field.pako => OTFMAP 360"x360" in 61 subscan x 20 s = 20+4 ~= 24 min (18"/s) with 1.7 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for faint sources)

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_sz.pako => OTFMAP 360"x240" in 41 subscan x 20 s = 14+3 ~= 17 min (18"/s) with 1.7 samples (subscan step) per convolved 1mm HPBW (for faint sources)

ListAstroTargetNika3/OTF_moon.pako => OTFMAP 2000x 2000 in 34 subscan x 40 s = 23+3 ~= 26 min with 0.17 samples (subscan step = 60) per convolved 1mm HPBW (to look at the moon in bad weather)

Here's an excel sheet which helps to find the best focus thanks to a 2nd order polynomial line trend fitting on beam width and amplitude (note that amplitude is much more robust):

Full focus Excel only,

Best focus with basic 2nd order polynomial

Status of observations: spread sheet of sources with integrated time