Attachment 'Source_list_fmt2012v1.0.txt'


   1 ; List of sources to be observed by NIKA run 4 during the June 2012 run
   2 ; Here formatted list to be read by Read_source_list.scr for ingestion by NCS
   3 ; Planets can be observed:  (Strong signal and Calibration)
   4 ; Not needed here. In IRAM catalog 
   5 ; Coordinates in J2000
   6 ; v1 starts 2010 run final list. FXD 14/09/2011
   7 ; add 3C111, PdBM= PdB daily monitoring Trippe et al AA 2011
   8 ; add Lestrade, Daddi, Smolcic, Swinbank sources
   9 ; add clusters
  10 ; v2, added Planck fluxes, M82 coordinates corrected (1950-->2000), 
  11 ;     Should recheck all coordinates (sigh!), Added two maps from Cardiff
  12 ;     Final list before start of the campaign
  13 ; v2.2 Add one cluster
  14 ; v3.0 Prepare Run#4
  16 ; Radio sources from IRAM catalog
  17 ; -------------------------------
  18 3C84,      03h19m48.154s,  +41d30'42.16",  =0316+413, RNeriPdB, PdBM
  19 3C111,     04h18m21.28s,   +38d01'35.8",     PdBM, 2Jy 1-2mm, z=0.0485 
  20 OJ287,     08h54m48.9s,    +20d06'31",     Highly Variable. S(3.3) = 2.9 - 8.3 Jy.
  21 0923+392,  09h27m03.01s,   +39d02'20.7",   RNeri PdB standard, PdBM = 4C+39.25 S(3.3) = 1.3 - 3.2 Jy
  22 B0954+658, 09h58m47.26s,   +65d33'54.70",  F2mm~1Jy
  23 B1039+811, 10h44m23.10s,   +80d54'39.30",  F2mm~1Jy
  24 3C273,     12h29m06.70s,   +02d03'08.6",   Variable. S(3.3) = 10 - 20 Jy., PdBM
  25 3C279,     12h56m11.1s,    -05d47'22",     Variable. S(3.3) = 6.4 - 8.2 Jy.
  26 B1418+546, 14h19m46.600s,  +54d23'14.80",  NIKA run1 S(2)=1.2 Jy
  27 3C345,     16h42m58.8s,    +39d48'37",     Variable. S(3.3) = 5.6 - 7.7 Jy., PdBM
  28 NRAO530,   17h33m02.7s,    -13d04'50",     Variable. S(3.3) = 5 - 7 Jy.
  29 1749+096,  17h51m32.8s,    +09d39'00.7",   RNeris PdB standard ~3 Jy?
  30 B1800+440, 18h01m32.310s,  +44d04'21.90",  NIKA run1 S(2)=0.1Jy
  31 3C380,     18h29m31.8s,    +48d44'46",     S(3.3) = 1.0 - 2.8 Jy. 
  32 CygA,      19h59m28.35s,   +40d44'02.1",   3C405 3 sources
  33 3C454.3,   22h53m57.7s,    +16d08'54",     S(2)=S(1)=6Jy variable? RNeriPdB, PdBM
  35 ;
  36 ; Secondary calibrators from the report by Lisenfeld et al. 2000
  37 ; created by CK, 14-Apr-2012
  38 ; Add from this list to the already available list (CWLEO=IRC10216)
  39 ; W3OH is already in the iram-J2000.sou but leave it here for good measure
  40 GL490,      03h27m38.8834s,   +58d47'00.719" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  41 L1551IRS5,  04h31m34.1541s,   +18d08'05.163" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  42 HLTAU,      04h31m38.4437s,   +18d13'57.978" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  43 LKH234,     21h43m06.7208s,   +66d06'54.618" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  44 W3OH,       02h27m03.8653s,   +61d52'24.829" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  45 G45.1,      19h13m22.0201s,   +10d50'53.392" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  46 CRL618,     04h42m53.3448s,   +36d06'52.750" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  47 ALFORI,     05h55m10.2737s,   +07d24'25.393" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  48 CRL2688,    21h02m18.7458s,   +36d41'37.780" , secondary calibrator 1mm
  51 ;Galactic sources ; strong source, complex map. Test of mapping procedures.
  52 ;------------------
  53 SN1181,       02h05m37.88s,  +64d49'40.7",  =3C58, SNR, 10x10 arcmin map, need 1sigma=4mJy/beam @2mm ie 100s per 2x2 map. See Haley Gomez (Herschel data) Changed coordinates
  54 NGC1333,      03h29m10.5s,   +31d13'30.9",  5x5 arcmin map, centered on IRAS 4A in Perseus, expect 1Jy at 1mm
  55 Crab,         05h34m31.95s,  +22d00'52.1",  SNR, Map should be 450x450", 200Jy totalflux, look at index variations, Bandiera
  56 Horsehead,    05h41m00.0s,   -02d27'00.0",  6x6 arcmin horsehead nebula PHBlant map with Mambo exists, Max Flux is low (50mJy/beam at 1mm)
  57 NGC2023,      05h41m26.73s,  -02d18'18.5",  (LBS 36 SM2) (SM1 is within 2 beams) Launhardt96, Peak1.3mm= 0.30 Jy, Total = 3.45 Jy (55x70)
  58 OrionLBS23SM, 05h46m08.81s,  -00d10'39.9",  Peak1.3mm=1.32 Jy, Total 4.80 (70x110") Launhardt96
  59 NGC2071,      05h47m04.84s,  +00d21'45.1",  LBS 8SM Peak1.3mm=2.27Jy, Total 11.1Jy (70x80") Launhardt96
  60 IRC10216,     09h47m57.41s,  +13d16'43.6",  F1.1mm=3.764 Jy 
  61 SgrB2_FIR1,   17h47m19.93s,  -28d22'18.3",  galactic center (Gordon 1993)
  62 G34.262,      18h50m47.0s,   +01d10'49", 
  63 G34.3,        18h53m18.50s,  +01d14'58.20", LSR 0.000 FL 12.50
  64 G35.191,      18h59m14.5s,   +01d08'46", 
  65 W49,          19h08m11.4s,   +09d03'32",    2200Jy at 100micron
  66 W51,	      19h23m42.0s,   +14d30'33.0",   
  67 K3-50A,       20h01m45.70s,  +33d32'43.518",
  68 MWC349,       20h32m45.44s,  +40d39'36.8",  S2mm=1.55 Jy (Secondary Calibrator) RNeriPdB
  69 DR21,         20h39m01.1s,   +42d19'43.0",  strong 1mm source (Hii region extended)
  70 DR21_OH,      20h39m01.1s,   +42d22'50.2",  strong source too (extended)
  71 NGC7027,      21h07m01.59s,  +42d14'10.183",
  72 CepA,         22h56m17.87s,  +62d01'49.8",  secondary calibrator (AGB star)
  73 NGC7538,      23h13m45.33s,  +61d28'10.6",  secondary calibrator (Uc HII)
  74 CasA,         23h23m27.85s,  +58d48'42.8",  SNR, 360x360" map, Look for contaminating dust, Dunne et al
  77 ; Weak galactic sources (stars and shells and one molecular cloud)
  78 ;----------------------------------
  79 FTTau,      04h23m39.19s,  +24d56'14.1",    F2mm= 51mJy,  Karl's expectation
  80 DHTau,      04h29m41.56s,  +26d32'58.3",    F2mm= 17mJy,  Karl's expectation
  81 B18,	    04h31m55.7s,   +24d32'33",      Cold core done by Mambo 37mJy near peak 4hrs J. Kirk Cardiff
  82 GKTau,      04h33m34.56s,  +24d21'05.9",    F2mm= 6mJy,  Karl's expectation
  83 AATau,      04h34m55.42s,  +24d28'53.2",    F2mm= 30mJy,  Karl's expectation
  84 DOTau,      04h38m28.58s,  +26d10'49.4",    F2mm= 37mJy,  Karl's expectation
  85 DRTau,      04h47m06.21s,  +16d58'42.8",    F2mm= 51mJy,  Karl's expectation
  86 GMAur,      04h55m10.98s,  +30d21'59.5",    F2mm= 70mJy, Karl's expectation
  87 V836Tau,    05h03m06.60s,  +25d23'19.7",    F2mm= 15mJy,  Karl's expectation
  88 NGC2268,    05h46m39.0s,   +00d00'00",      OrionB filament source at the Equator, 2 hrs 10x6 arcmin map (D. Nutter) Follow-up of Scuba2
  89 IRC10420,   19h26m48.100s, +11d21'16.70",   F1.1mm= 460.7 +-27.8mJy
  90 PCyg,       20h17m47.202s, +38d01'58.55",   
  91 WR147,      20h36m43.640s, +40d21'07.60",   
  93 ;Nearby Galaxies (Test of mapping)
  94 ;--------------- 
  95 M33,       01h34m11.80s,   +30d50'23.40",    600"x500" map -> 3 mol clouds F1mm~11mJy/11" F2mm~7mJy/18", S(353Planck)=2.5+-0.26 Jy Extended
  96 NGC1068,   02h42m40.7s,    -00d00'48",       =M77, F1.3mm =  22mJy, rising to 36 at 3mm, S(217Planck)=0.720+-0.065 Jy !... 
  97 M82,       09h55m52.7s,    +69d40'46s,       S(143Planck)=0.960+-0.053Jy, S(217Planck)=2.69+-0.050Jy 
  98 ;                                            (wrong coordinates used in 2009 and 2010 09h51m42.4s,    +69d54'59", were 1950),
  99 NGC3690,   11h28m32.200s,  +58d33'44.00",    Galaxy pair F1.2mm = 95+-11mJy on 30", Could be extended, S(353Planck)=0.644+-0.063Jy = Arp299
 100 Arp244,    12h01m52.8s,    -18d51'54",       Antennae galaxies, S(353Planck)=0.861+-0.097
 101 M87,       12h30m49.40s,   +12d23'28.00",    Easy to detect NIKA1 run, S(143Planck)=5.34+0.07Jy, S(217Planck)=4.04+0.09Jy 
 102 M51,       13h29m52.37s,   +47d11'40.8",     Too weak
 103 Arp220,    15h34m57.10s,   +23d30'11.00",    S1.3mm=106mJy, S2.6mm=25mJy (Downes, Eckart 2007 ), S(353Planck)=0.943+-0.080  Jy
 105 ;Distant Galaxy  or faint quasars (Test of point source flux noise)
 106 ; ------------------------------------------------
 107 XMM_M5,        02h18m56.74s, -04d35'44.9",  S(1.3mm)exp=10mJy, See Ismael
 108 XMM_17,        02h22m11.54s, -07d02'22.9",  S(1.3mm)exp=25mJy, See Ismael, very red Spire source
 109 XMM_M6,        02h24m22.87s, -04d44'22.9",  S(1.3mm)exp=11mJy, See Ismael
 110 XMM_M2,        02h25m15.10s, -02d47'09.2",  S(1.3mm)exp=12mJy, See Ismael
 111 4C05.19,       04h14m37.8s,  +05d34'42",    (lensed by MG J0414+0534),  z=2.639, S1.2mm=40+-2mJy, nonthermal
 112 J07561,        07h56m18.14s, +41d04'08.6",  J075618.14+410408.6, z= 5.09, F1.3 mm = 5.5 +- 0.5 mJy Wang et al 2008, ApJ, 135, 1201
 113 APM08279+5255, 08h31m41.7s,  +52d45'17.4",  z=3.91, S1.2mm=17.0+-0.5mJy (is IRAS F08279+5255)
 114 HSO_ID017,     09h03m02.90s, -01d41'27.6",  S1.2=15.3+-1.3 mJy, z=2.308
 115 HSO_ID081,     09h03m11.60s, +00d39'06.3",  S1.2=20.0+-0.7 mJy, z=3.042
 116 HSO_ID009,     09h07m40.05s, -00d42'00.0",  S1.2mm = 6.9+-1.2 mJy Mambo
 117 HSO_ID011,     09h10m43.06s, -00d03'22.4",  S1.2=12.2+-1.2 mJy, z=1.786
 118 HSO_ID130,     09h13m05.09s  -00d53'42.8",  S1.2=11.2+-1.2 mJy, z=2.626
 119 J09272,        09h27m21.82s, +20d01'23.7",  J092721.82+200123.7, z= 5.77, F1.3 mm = 5.0 +- 0.8 mJy, F3.5 mm = 0.12 +- 0.03 mJy
 120 F10214+4724,   10h24m34.56s, +47d09'09.5",  SDSS J102434.56+470909.5,  F1.3mm = 10 mJy, faint IRAS galaxy 2mJy expected at 2 mm
 121 HLSW01,	       10h57m51.1s,  +57d30'27",    Conley+ 2011, ApJ, z=2.958, S1.3=12.0 +- 0.5 mJy CSO/Z-Spec, S3.4=0.61 +- 0.19 mJy CARMA
 122 BR1202-0725,   12h05m23.08s, -07d42'32",    z=4.69 S1.2mm= 12.6+-2.3mJy
 123 BRI1335-0417,  13h38m03.4s,  -04d32'35",    z=4.41, S1.2mm= 10.3+-1.0mJy
 124 SBS1408+567,   14h09m55.6s,  +56d28'26",    (other name: J1409+5628), z=2.56, S1.2mm=10.7+-0.6mJy  
 125 H1413+517,     14h15m46.24s, +11d29'43.4",  Cloverleaf z=2.558 F1.3mm 18+-2 mJy 
 126 HSO_ID141,     14h24m13.9s,  +02d23'04",    Cox et al 2011, S1.2=36+-2 mJy Mambo, S2=9.7mJy PdB
 127 MM18423,       18h42m22.5s,  +59d38'30",    MM18423+5938 z=3.93, S1.2mm=30mJy+-2mJy Lestrade 2010, serendipitous discovery see 2010 iram news
 128 SMMJ2135,      21h35m11.6s,  -01d02'52.0",  z=2.326, S1.2mm=26+-4 mJy (SMA), S2.2=2.0+-0.3 (PdB), Swinbank Lensed galaxy
 129 PSS2322+1944,  23h22m07.2s,  +19d44'23",    z=4.12, S1.2mm=9.6+-0.5mJy
 131 ; Deep survey around these sources
 132 ;---------------------------------
 133 SXDF,         02h18m30.6s,   -05d31'30",     Centered on Orochi Aztec source: 34mJy at 1.1mm, 15mJy 1.3mmCarma and 70 mJy SMA data 0.88um.
 134 Aztec1,	      09h59m42.86s,  +02d29'38.2",   z=4.65, S1.3mm= 9.4+-1.6 mJy, S850=16mJy, Smolcic 2011, ApJL 731, L27  
 135 GN20,         12h37m11.90s,  +62d22'12.1",   z=4.055, S850um=30mJy, 3.3mm=0.33mJy, Daddi et al 2009, ApJ, 694, 1517
 137 ; Clusters of galaxies (mapping noise test)
 138 ; ---------------------------------
 139 CL0016+16,    00h18m33.3s,  +16d26'36",   rc=55", map 3x5', step 9", 20"/s, 5min, T=8keV, y~2E-4 (Hughes Birkinshaw 1998)
 140 MS0451,	      04h54m11.0s,  -03d00'53",   z=0.55, y0=3E-4, rc=60" seen by ; Bolocam, ACT, CARMA
 141 A665,         08h30m45.2s,  +65d52'55",   rc=17.7",  coordinates OK
 142 A697,         08h42m58s,    +36d21'56",   z= 0.28, y0=3.1E-4, rc=98", bolocam +PlanckESZ
 143 RXJ1347-1145, 13h47m32.0s,  -11d45'42",   Beware of south extension. Coord OK
 144 A2163,        16h15m45.91s, -06d08'53.5", Same map Thetac=1.2'
 145 M2228,	      22h28m33.0s,  +20d37'14.4", z=0.412, thetac=20", DeltaT0=-1.73mK, y0=3E-4, LaRoque et al 2006., = MACS J2228.5+2036

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