Submm-to-radio observations of molecular and atomic gas in massive high-redshift galaxies

by Jeffrey Wagg

at 1 p.m. on November, 13, 2008

in the IRAM library

The current generation of large single-dish submm/radio-wavelength telescopes and interferometers have opened up the study of gas and dust in galaxies and AGN out to the epoch of reionization at z>6. The IRAM facilities have been at the forefront of this revolution, and I will present our most recent results of an ongoing survey of dust continuum emission and molecular CO line emission in z~6 quasars using the CSO, the IRAM 30m, the PdBI and the GBT. I will also present our first attempts at using observations of redshifted CO line emission as a means of measuring redshifts for dust-obscured submm galaxies. Finally, I will discuss some of the applications of redshifted atomic lines such as neutral and ionized Carbon for studying star-formation in the first galaxies.