We bring back to Grenoble

- polarisation box (and cable) for Yebes amplifier (Martino)

- Backup arrays (Alessandro)

- PT pipes keys (Andrea)

- FP automate backup (Andrea)

We leave at the telescope (spiral room)

- Portable spectrum analyser with feedback

- iMACRT + MMR3 (backups for NIKA2)

- 4 cables SMA Minicircuits (2m long) plus a few shorter cables

- Tools box including some vacuum stuff and RF parts (connectors, amplifiers, mixers, attenuators etc.)

- Ammortizzatori

- A few Norcan bars

We leave at the telescope (after run polar)

- NIKA cryostat

- 3He reserve (well closed, and with "bouchon")

- NIKA Pumping system

- NIKA electronics rack