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Revision 5 as of 2008-10-27 22:49:07
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Editor: visitor11
Revision 305 as of 2014-03-31 13:30:45
Size: 227
Editor: gra-lx17
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'''GISMO - The Goddard-IRAM Superconducting 2 Millimeter Observer''' #acl GismoTeam,NicolasBillot,hermelo:read,write,delete,revert,admin Default
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This 8x16 BUG 2mm bolometer camera has been tested at the 30m telescope in November 2007 and in October 2008. The bandwidth is 125-175GHz, the HPBW is about 17", pixels are offset by 14". PI is [http://www.astro.umd.edu/people/staguhn.html Johannes Staguhn] [http://gsfctechnology.gsfc.nasa.gov/Detector.htm (Goddard)], [http://www.phys.ufl.edu/tes3/pdfs/Benford_TES_Bolometer_Arrays_Poster.pdf Poster on TES Bolometers]

attachment:gismo-team.png [[BR]]
The GISMO team in the control room at the 30m telescope, after one week of 24 hours observing time. From left to right:
Stephen Maher, Elmer Sharp, Johannes Staguhn, Dale Fixsen, Dominic Benford (Photo by A.Sievers on October, 27, 2008)

   * attachment:SPIE_GISMO_Staguhn.pdf
   * attachment:Staguhn_GISMO_SPIE_08_Rev1.pdf
Note that this page is already obsolete. It has been replaced by the new [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/GISMO/Main | GISMO wiki]].

Note that this page is already obsolete. It has been replaced by the new GISMO wiki.

GoddardIramSuperconductingTwoMillimeterCamera (last edited 2014-03-31 13:30:45 by gra-lx17)