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= GISMO - The Goddard-IRAM Superconducting 2 Millimeter Observer = #acl GismoTeam,NicolasBillot,hermelo:read,write,delete,revert,admin Default
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This page is maintained by CK, SL, and the GISMO team



== 3rd GISMO test run, April 2010 ==

=== Staffing of the test run ===

* GSFC: J. Staguhn, D. Fixsen, A. Kovacs, S. Maher, E. Sharp, D. Benford
* IRAM: S. Leclercq, A. Sievers, G. Quintana-Lacaci, R. Zylka

=== Test run schedule: 31.03. - 16.04.2010 ===

'''IRAM 30m schedule page: ''' [[http://www.iram.fr/IRAMFR/PV/sche/sche.html|Schedule]]

'''T16-09''' in 30m schedule = GISMO has telescope time

|| '''#''' || '''Dates''' || '''Main Task''' || '''Details''' || '''Lead (GSFC/IRAM)''' || '''Support''' ||
|| || 31.03. Wednesday || || Arrival of ES, first GISMO visitor, in Granada || || ||
|| || 01.04.-05.04. || Mount upgrades, close and cool down in the 30m workshop || Arrival of SM || || ||
|| || 06.04. Tuesday || Turn on GISMO, and 1st tests in the 30m workshop || Arrival of JS, DF, AK, SL, AS. || Johannes / Samuel || Albrecht (AoD) ||
|| || 07.04.-08.04. || Tests in the 30m workshop || Bias, Tuning, IV curves, internal LED, Computer... || Johannes / Samuel || Albrecht (AoD) ||
|| || 09.04. Friday || Installation in the cabin, cool down, alignment, background noise || Arrival of RZ || Johannes / Samuel || Albrecht & Guillermo (AoD) ||
|| || 10.04.-12.04. || Calibration on sky (alignment, pointing, focus, dips), observations '''T16-09''' || 12.04.: Arrival of DB, departure of AS, SL, RZ || Johannes / Samuel || Guillermo (AoD) ||
|| || 13.04.-15.04 || Observations '''T16-09'''|| || Johannes || Guillermo (AoD) ||
|| || 16.04. Friday || Dismounting || Departure of everybody || Johannes || Guillermo (AoD) ||

=== Daily reports ===

==== 31.03. - 05.04. ====

Arrival of Elmer & Stephen. Mount GISMO in the 30m workshop. The pictures below show several elements of the optical stage of GISMO: the 4K motors controling the neutral density filters (NDF), the neutral density filters in motion, the baffle with the NDF motors and the 3He sorption cooler, the connector box, and a general view of GISMO mounted.

==== 06.04. ====

Arrival of Johannes, Dale, Attila, Samuel. GISMO is already cold. Turn on the instrument, BIAS the SQUIDs, monitor the TESs responses, take IV curves: all 4 quadrants are working, few dead pixels (due to the MUX). Problem with the internal LED. Instal the GISMO frame in th cabin, but keep everything else (GISMO & electronics) in the workshop.


== 2nd GISMO Test run, October 2008 ==

In October 2008, the GISMO team Johannes Staguhn, Stephen Maher, Elmer Sharp, Dale Fixsen, and Dominic Benford spent two weeks at the 30m observatory to first install their GISMO bolometer in the lab and then in the receiver cabin to test its performance on the sky. GISMO consists of 8x16 pixels with transition edge sensors (TES). The super conducting TES are read out by SQUID multiplexers. The nominal bandwidth is 125-175GHz, pixels are spaced by 14", the telescope HPBW is 17" at 2mm. Data are taken while the telescope is performing Lissajous scan patterns, without switching the secondary, to increase the mapping efficiency. An automated pipeline merges the GISMO data with the telescope data streams to create FITS files, being triggered by the IRAM messaging system. Data are then further reduced using the Goddard data reduction package.

The 2mm spectral range provides a unique terrestrial window enabling ground-based observations of the earliest active dusty galaxies in the universe and thereby allowing a better constraint on the star formation rate in these objects. Preliminary results from this second observing run at the 30m telescope look very promising.

(CK, 28-Oct-2008)

{{attachment:gismo-team.png}} <<BR>>
The GISMO team in the control room at the 30m telescope, after one week of 24 hours observing time. From left to right:
Stephen Maher, Elmer Sharp, Johannes Staguhn, Dale Fixsen, Dominic Benford (Photo by A.Sievers on October, 27, 2008)
   * [[http://esoads.eso.org/abs/2008JLTP..151..709S|Staguhn et al. 2008]] GISMO, a 2 mm Bolometer Camera Optimized for the Study of High Redshift Galaxies
   * [[attachment:SPIE_GISMO_Staguhn.pdf]]
   * [[attachment:Staguhn_GISMO_SPIE_08_Rev1.pdf]]
   * [[http://www.astro.umd.edu/people/staguhn.html|Johannes Staguhn]]
   * [[http://gsfctechnology.gsfc.nasa.gov/Detector.htm|(Goddard)]],
   * [[http://www.phys.ufl.edu/tes3/pdfs/Benford_TES_Bolometer_Arrays_Poster.pdf|Poster on TES Bolometers]]
   * [[http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~sharc/crush/index.htm|Crush]]


== 1st GISMO Test run, November 2007 ==
Note that this page is already obsolete. It has been replaced by the new [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/GISMO/Main | GISMO wiki]].

Note that this page is already obsolete. It has been replaced by the new GISMO wiki.

GoddardIramSuperconductingTwoMillimeterCamera (last edited 2014-03-31 13:30:45 by gra-lx17)