GISMO run #5 (March 2012): new optics and permanent position

Staffing of the test run

Test run schedule: 02.03. - 12.03.2012

IRAM 30m schedule page:

GISMO does not appear with an explicit project number because the idea is to take up to 20 hours of the telescope time on the heterodyne pool (project 440-11). The decision for the time slots allocated to GISMO will be taken in real time (few to several hours in advance) through discussion between the GISMO team and the pool manager, based on observiong pool constraints (e.g. LST) and weather conditions.

Summarized schedule of the run:


Main event

Before 01.03.

Arrival of GISMO hardware at the telescope

02.03. Friday

Arrival of ES, SM and DF at the telescope, start mounting GISMO in the workshop

05.03. Monday

Arrival of JS, AK and SL at the telescope, GISMO cooled down

07.03. Wednesday - 11.03. Sunday

GISMO on sky slots (up to 20 hours total). DF takes plane on Fri 09.03.

More details on schedule, people, organization, hardware, and test plan: GISMO-On_Sky_Test_Plan_2012.pdf

GISMO final version

Daily reports
