Telescope System Status Wiki

under development, RMM 2005/03/30

(Date 2004-12-01)

System - General





Avoid wobbler throw of 120"; with a throw of 120" the specification of a phase time may not work properly. With a throw of 119 or 121 is should be OK. (2003-07-09) Results from first pointing after unlocking the wobbler can be wrong! Usually it's sufficient to ignore the first pointing and repeat the pointing (2003-07-09)

Wobbler rotation implemented. Current range: +/- 60deg (2004-12-01 AW)

Pointing Model

heterodyn: OK (last model update: 2004-11-17 ). bolometer: OK (last model update: 2004-11-02 ).

Operator/AOD: Check regularly that automatic P4 P5 is working (2002-12-13). Narrowband continuum pointing (for SiO masers) is out of service! (2003-07-09, 2003-07-30)

SIS Receivers

A, B, C and D receivers are aligned within 3", checked (2003-09-24)

Calibration Tcold temperatures have been checked by receiver group. New scaling factor of 1.0 has been implemented into obs. Obs Tcold should be ok (2004-01-17)

Pointing and Flux monitoring with SIS receivers:

Continuum instability ("ripple") can occur with all receivers, making pointing and focussing difficult.


Second polarization installed. One blind pixel. No SSB tuning tables except for few standard frequencies. Sideband rejections not determined (2004-12-01 AW)

Watch the computer control of the derotator closely (2002-12-22). Make sure the derotator tracking is stopped after observations, i.e, set to zero degrees in "frame". With VESPA, only two spectra per pixel can be used.


Mambo II is installed and ready for operation (AW 2004-12-01)



mrt-lx2 has a different "distribution" (Debian) than most other of our Linux systems. If you have problems with specific software try to use mrt-lx3 instead, which has an older version of SUSE Linux! (2004-03-24)

Mirroring between IRAM Grenoble ( ) and Granada( ) websites sometimes takes several days to update. (2003-07-01)

Other Items


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Udates/History (in reverse order by date!):

Created by R. Mauersberger, June 18th, 2002

The rest of the page is the original Front Page and can be deleted in the near future.

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