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21h00 - 24h00; Laurence: Observations for project 029-20 continued. Mean opacity between 0.3 and 0.4. 21h00 - 24h00; Laurence and Emmanuel (Artis): Observations for project 029-20 continued. Opacities better than expected from the forecasts, with a nice opacity window from 21:00 and 00:00UT with a mean opacity around 0.3, that allows us to complete a whole iteration on sources. Last 30min on project at elevation from 21 to 14 degrees
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00h00 - 03h00; Laurence: Large instabilities during the second half of the shift. 00h00 - 03h00; Laurence and Emmanuel (Artis): We went to Uranus for pointing/focus and short calibration scans (calib_1scan). Opacity started rising soon after 00:00 UT. Strong indications of atmospheric instabilities from tau225 fluctuations and beam profiles on pointing scans between 00:30 and 1:30. We did two skydips, hoping they could be used despite instabilities. Indication of improvements after 1:30. We launched 2 pointing "probe" scans at high elevation and found reasonable beam profiles.

Daily Reports

Because of the pandemic, no observers can come to the telescope. This pool is entirely in remote mode.

Nov 17th, Tuesday

16h00 - 21h00; Bilal: System check, acquisition started, observing setup. TAPAS is not recording new scans (reported). Opacity is pretty high (0.7 < tau_225Ghz < 1, strong instability). Monitoring strong pointing sources aiming for reasonable point corrections. Science observations started: project 029-20.

21h00 - 24h00; Laurence and Frédéric: We take over from Bilal and continue observing on project 029-20 until the targets reached El.~20 deg.

Nov 18th, Wednesday

00h00 - 01h00; Laurence and Frédéric: Opacity increases up to 0.6-0.7, with large fluctuations. Targets of NIKA2 Pool scheduled projects are not feasible.

01h00 - 09h00; Ángel; Stavroula and Suzanne since early morning: taking over at ~01h and switching to EMIR; observing the four B213* sources (3 mm) of the EMIR backup project 011-20. Observations of the EMIR backup project 078-20 started.

09h00 - 15h00; Mónica, Stavroula, Suzanne, Carsten: observations for EMIR project 078-20 continued. Opacity going down; its mean value dropped up to about 0.45 around noon. Bilal helps with switching over to NIKA2 at 13h00 to start with 029-20.

15h00 - 21h00; Bilal: take over and continuing with NIKA2. Observing for project 029-20 since then.

21h00 - 24h00; Laurence and Emmanuel (Artis): Observations for project 029-20 continued. Opacities better than expected from the forecasts, with a nice opacity window from 21:00 and 00:00UT with a mean opacity around 0.3, that allows us to complete a whole iteration on sources. Last 30min on project at elevation from 21 to 14 degrees

Nov 19th, Thursday

00h00 - 03h00; Laurence and Emmanuel (Artis): We went to Uranus for pointing/focus and short calibration scans (calib_1scan). Opacity started rising soon after 00:00 UT. Strong indications of atmospheric instabilities from tau225 fluctuations and beam profiles on pointing scans between 00:30 and 1:30. We did two skydips, hoping they could be used despite instabilities. Indication of improvements after 1:30. We launched 2 pointing "probe" scans at high elevation and found reasonable beam profiles.

03h00 - 09h00; Alexandre: Mean opacity between 0.3 and 0.4 with some spikes during the shift. Two repetitions were carried out on TMC1-C and TMC1-CP for project 006-20. One repetition on JINGLE0 for project 061-20 after that.

09h00 - 15h00; Stavroula, Suzanne, Carsten: 1 x JINGLE16/061-20. Continued on ngc2976/160-16 down to 30deg elevation. TAPAS and (as no IMBFits) piic/ql frozen for a while. IDL/rta used instead. Continued with ngc5198/160-16.

15h00 - 21h00; Bilal:

21h00 - 24h00; Frédéric:

Nov 20th, Friday

00h00 - 03h00; Frédéric:

03h00 - 09h00; Longji:

09h00 - 15h00;

15h00 - 21h00;

21h00 - 24h00;

Nov 21st, Saturday

00h00 - 03h00;

03h00 - 09h00;

09h00 - 15h00;

15h00 - 21h00;

21h00 - 24h00;

Nov 22nd, Sunday

00h00 - 03h00;

03h00 - 09h00;

09h00 - 15h00;

15h00 - 21h00;

21h00 - 24h00;

Nov 23rd, Monday

00h00 - 03h00;

03h00 - 09h00;

09h00 - 15h00;

15h00 - 21h00;

21h00 - 24h00;

Nov 24th, Tuesday

00h00 - 03h00;

03h00 - 10h30;

DailyReportsNika2Pool171120 (last edited 2021-06-22 14:08:15 by NikaBolometer)