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= Bolometer's Observation: = | [[TableOfContents(3)]] '''''Important: these notes are specific for observation in the Pool -- they are not the general Pako Cookbook!''''' = Bolometer's Observation = |
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Currently we are using the 117 channels MAMBO2 bolometer built at the MPfR in Bonn (Germany) by the group of Ernst Kreysa. | |
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Pako> '''@wbolo''' !'' Mambo2, central pixel 53, short onoff (@onf4)'' |
Pako> '''@wbolo''' !'' Mambo2, central pixel 53, short onoff (onf4), setup the bolometer commands'' |
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<!> Pointing sources: '''J1419+240''' not 1419+240 | <!> Pointing sources: '''J1419+240''' not 1419+240. [[BR]] <!> Pako is ''cASe-SenSiTIve'' for the source names. |
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== Focus, pointing, Skydip == Pako> '''focus 1.1''' [[BR]] Pako> '''start''' ! ''Start the focus'' [[BR]] Pako> '''set focus sfcz''' !''Correct the focus with sfcz. Correction from MOPSIC (@f or @fsn for weak sources)'' [[BR]] (!) Do a focus when atmospheric conditions are changing, typically after sunset/sunrise Pako> '''p40''' !''Short pointing for weak sources+start'' [[BR]] Pako> '''p60''' !''Long pointing for strong sources+start'' [[BR]] Pako> '''set pointing azcor elcor''' !''Correct the pointing with azcor and elcor. Correction from MOPSIC (@p or @psn for weak source)'' (!) Before each Onoff or map if they are longer than 30 mn. |
== Skydip, pointing, focus == |
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Pako> '''p40''' !''Short pointing for weak sources+start'' [[BR]] Pako> '''p60''' !''Long pointing for strong sources+start'' [[BR]] Pako> '''set pointing azcor elcor''' !''Correct the pointing with azcor and elcor. Correction from MOPSIC (@p or @psn for weak source)'' Pako> '''bf''' ''Perform the focus'' [[BR]] Pako> '''set focus sfcz''' !''Correct the focus with sfcz. Correction from MOPSIC (@f or @fsn for weak sources)'' [[BR]] (!) Do a focus when atmospheric conditions are changing, typically after sunset/sunrise |
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<!> Do a pointing before each Onoff or map if they are longer than 30 mn. | |
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Pako> '''@wbolo''' [[BR]] Pako> '''catalog ihet Calibrator_Name ''' [[BR]] |
Pako> '''catalog source ihet''' [[BR]] Pako> '''source Calibrator_Name ''' [[BR]] |
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Pako> '''@onf4''' ! Shor Onoff integration (4 Subscans of 10 s) | Pako> '''onf4''' ! Short Onoff integration (4 Subscans of 10 s) with central pixel 53 |
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<!> You may do a short @onf4 after a normal pointing to monitor the pointing source flux. | <!> You may do a short ''onf4'' after a normal pointing to monitor the pointing source flux. |
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== Onoff and map == | == Onoff and Map == |
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Pako>'''@onf 20 30''' !''Perform an on-off integration of '''20''' subscans of 60s with a wobbler throw of '''30"''' '' [[BR]] | Pako>'''onf 20 30''' !''Perform an on-off integration of '''20''' subscans of 60s with a wobbler throw of '''30"''' '' [[BR]] |
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<!> Don't try to make very long integration, you may loose the complete scan. In such case use a loop. | <!> Don't try to make very long integration, you may loose the complete scan. In such a case use a loop. |
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Pako> '''bsw throw''' !''Setup the wobbler throw'' [[BR]] | |
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<!> The speed should not be larger that ~8 arcsec/sec | <!> The speed should not be larger than ~8 arcsec/sec NOTE: [[BR]] '''roff20''' : set the pixel 20 for on-off (most sensitive one). [[BR]] '''roff53''' : set the central pixel 53 (default with @wbolo) [[BR]] [[BR]] == Typical Bolo Session == A typical starting session could be as following: {{{ Pako> @wbolo Pako> source Mars Pako> gain 2 ! special case for Mars, normal gain is 10 Pako> p60 Pako> bt !skydip Pako> p60 Pako> set pointing 2. -6. Pako> bf ! focus Pako> set focus -3.5 Pako> onf4 ! Measure the flux of Mars Pako> gain 10. Pako> @wbolo Pako> set project 175_05 Pako> catalog source ihet Pako> source J0854+201 ! Pointing source Pako> roff20 Pako> p40 Pako> set pointing 0.4 -6.4 Pako> onf4 ! Why not ? Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source 0927+2001 !Project source Pako> onf 20 35 ! Do an on-off integration of 20 subscans of 60s ! with a wobbler throw of 35¨. Pako> Ad Nauseam ... }}} <:( The '''set project Proj_Id''' will be necessary until it is automatically included in the source catalog. == List of Commands == These commands are specific of the Pool observations with the bolometer. || Command || Description || || '''@wbolo''' || Setup the default configuration and the commands. || || '''bf''' || Perform a focus. || || '''bmap''' ''Az'' ''El'' ''Elstep'' ''Azvel'' || Perform an OTF map with an extent ''Az'' x ''El'' (arcsec), an elevation step ''Elstep'' (arcsec) and a scan velocity ''Azvel'' (arcsec/s) || || '''bsw''' ''Throw'' || Setup the wobbler ''Throw'' (arcsec). || || '''bt''' || Perform a bolotip at the current azimuth. || || '''btaz''' ''Az'' || Perform a bolotip at the azimuth ''Az''. || || '''gain'''''Val'' || Setup the bolometer gain at ''Val'': use ''gain 10'' for all but ''2'' for Mars, Mercury (Venus, Saturn, Jupiter). || || '''onf4''' || Quick 1 minute onoff on a strong source (calibrator). || || '''onf''' ''Nsub'' ''Throw'' || Perform an onoff of ''Nsub'' subscans of 1 minute with a wobbler ''Throw'' (arcsec). || || '''p40''' || Perform a pointing (40 arcsec) on a week source. <!> NCS problem still. || || '''p60''' || Perform a pointing (60 arcsec) on a strong source. <!> To be preferred currently || || '''roff20''' || Set the reference channel 20, the most sensitive on ''MAMBO2'' (onoff).|| || '''roff53''' || Set the reference channel 53, the central one on ''MAMBO2'' (mapping).|| = Heterodyne Observation = Heterodyne observations are more complex in the sense there is much more options available. Since the NCS/Pako are still under heavy development, we give here a typical session. Some commands are the same that with bolometer observations. If the macros written by the PIs are not working ask the Pool coordinator or the AoD. {{{ Pako> @setup-186_05-1850 ! Setup the frequencies/receivers. Tuning... Pako> source Mars Pako> pointing ! Check if continuum backends are set Pako> start Pako> set pointing -1. 2. ! The correction are given using the mira program Pako> focus 2.0 Pako> start Pako> set focus -2.2 ! The correction is given using the mira program Pako> cata source ihet Pako> source J2240+245 ! Pointing source Pako> pointing Pako> start Pako> set point -1. 0.5 Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source N821 Pako> @backends-186_05 ! maybe included in the following macro Pako> @target-wsw-186_05 Number of Loops= 5 ! according the indications of the PI. Pako> @setup-186_05-1850 ! Setup the continuum backend. Pako> source J2240+245 Pako> pointing Pako> start Pako> set point -1. 0.5 Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source N822 Pako> @backends-186_05 Pako> @target-wsw-186_05 Number of Loops= 5 Pako> Ad Nauseam ... }}} |
Important: these notes are specific for observation in the Pool -- they are not the general Pako Cookbook!
Bolometer's Observation
Currently we are using the 117 channels MAMBO2 bolometer built at the MPfR in Bonn (Germany) by the group of Ernst Kreysa. The most important commands of the old system have been adapted to the NCS. Here is a typical starting sequence for the bolometer.
Setup the Bolometer
Pako> @wbolo ! Mambo2, central pixel 53, short onoff (onf4), setup the bolometer commands
Sources Catalog
Pako> catalog source pool ! Setup the project source catalog BR Pako> catalog source ihet ! Setup the pointing/calibration source catalog
Pointing sources: J1419+240 not 1419+240. BR
Pako is cASe-SenSiTIve for the source names.
Skydip, pointing, focus
Pako> bt !Skydip at the current azimuth+start
Every 2 hours in stable atmospheric condition.
Pako> p40 !Short pointing for weak sources+start BR Pako> p60 !Long pointing for strong sources+start BR Pako> set pointing azcor elcor !Correct the pointing with azcor and elcor. Correction from MOPSIC (@p or @psn for weak source)
Pako> bf Perform the focus BR Pako> set focus sfcz !Correct the focus with sfcz. Correction from MOPSIC (@f or @fsn for weak sources) BR Do a focus when atmospheric conditions are changing, typically after sunset/sunrise
Before an Onoff, be sure you are pointing with the right pixel (20).
Do a pointing before each Onoff or map if they are longer than 30 mn.
Calibration on a [primary|secondary] calibrator
Pako> catalog source ihet BR Pako> source Calibrator_Name BR Pako> p60 BR Pako> set pointing azcor elcor BR Pako> onf4 ! Short Onoff integration (4 Subscans of 10 s) with central pixel 53
You may do a short onf4 after a normal pointing to monitor the pointing source flux.
Onoff and Map
Pako>onf 20 30 !Perform an on-off integration of 20 subscans of 60s with a wobbler throw of 30" BR Pako> @onf30 !Some project may have their own on-off macro
Don't try to make very long integration, you may loose the complete scan. In such a case use a loop.
Pako> bsw throw !Setup the wobbler throw BR Pako> bmap laz lel elstep azv !Setup an OTF map of laz azimuth length, lel elevation length, elstep elevation step and azv azimuth speed (arcsec/s). BR Pako> start !Start the map after you checked it is correct (it gives you the total integration time).
The speed should not be larger than ~8 arcsec/sec
NOTE: BR roff20 : set the pixel 20 for on-off (most sensitive one). BR roff53 : set the central pixel 53 (default with @wbolo) BR BR
Typical Bolo Session
A typical starting session could be as following:
Pako> @wbolo Pako> source Mars Pako> gain 2 ! special case for Mars, normal gain is 10 Pako> p60 Pako> bt !skydip Pako> p60 Pako> set pointing 2. -6. Pako> bf ! focus Pako> set focus -3.5 Pako> onf4 ! Measure the flux of Mars Pako> gain 10. Pako> @wbolo Pako> set project 175_05 Pako> catalog source ihet Pako> source J0854+201 ! Pointing source Pako> roff20 Pako> p40 Pako> set pointing 0.4 -6.4 Pako> onf4 ! Why not ? Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source 0927+2001 !Project source Pako> onf 20 35 ! Do an on-off integration of 20 subscans of 60s ! with a wobbler throw of 35¨. Pako> Ad Nauseam ...
The set project Proj_Id will be necessary until it is automatically included in the source catalog.
List of Commands
These commands are specific of the Pool observations with the bolometer.
Command |
Description |
@wbolo |
Setup the default configuration and the commands. |
bf |
Perform a focus. |
bmap Az El Elstep Azvel |
Perform an OTF map with an extent Az x El (arcsec), an elevation step Elstep (arcsec) and a scan velocity Azvel (arcsec/s) |
bsw Throw |
Setup the wobbler Throw (arcsec). |
bt |
Perform a bolotip at the current azimuth. |
btaz Az |
Perform a bolotip at the azimuth Az. |
gainVal |
Setup the bolometer gain at Val: use gain 10 for all but 2 for Mars, Mercury (Venus, Saturn, Jupiter). |
onf4 |
Quick 1 minute onoff on a strong source (calibrator). |
onf Nsub Throw |
Perform an onoff of Nsub subscans of 1 minute with a wobbler Throw (arcsec). |
p40 |
Perform a pointing (40 arcsec) on a week source. |
p60 |
Perform a pointing (60 arcsec) on a strong source. |
roff20 |
Set the reference channel 20, the most sensitive on MAMBO2 (onoff). |
roff53 |
Set the reference channel 53, the central one on MAMBO2 (mapping). |
Heterodyne Observation
Heterodyne observations are more complex in the sense there is much more options available. Since the NCS/Pako are still under heavy development, we give here a typical session. Some commands are the same that with bolometer observations. If the macros written by the PIs are not working ask the Pool coordinator or the AoD.
Pako> @setup-186_05-1850 ! Setup the frequencies/receivers. Tuning... Pako> source Mars Pako> pointing ! Check if continuum backends are set Pako> start Pako> set pointing -1. 2. ! The correction are given using the mira program Pako> focus 2.0 Pako> start Pako> set focus -2.2 ! The correction is given using the mira program Pako> cata source ihet Pako> source J2240+245 ! Pointing source Pako> pointing Pako> start Pako> set point -1. 0.5 Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source N821 Pako> @backends-186_05 ! maybe included in the following macro Pako> @target-wsw-186_05 Number of Loops= 5 ! according the indications of the PI. Pako> @setup-186_05-1850 ! Setup the continuum backend. Pako> source J2240+245 Pako> pointing Pako> start Pako> set point -1. 0.5 Pako> catalog source pool Pako> source N822 Pako> @backends-186_05 Pako> @target-wsw-186_05 Number of Loops= 5 Pako> Ad Nauseam ...