Attachment ''


   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 ##############################################################################################
   3 ### Created by: P. Garcia                                                                  ###
   4 ### Revised by: A. Ritacco                                                                 ###
   5 ### Revised by: B. Ladjelate                                                               ###
   6 ### Revised by: A. Bongiovanni                                                             ###
   7 ### Title:                                                         ###
   8 ### Purpose: Calculation of the total integration time for observing proposals             ###
   9 ### Creation Date: 2016.JULY.28                                                            ###
  10 ### Date of last revision: 2018.JAN.20                                                     ###
  11 ### Revision history:                                                                      ###
  12 ###   - 2016.JULY.29: comments from C. Kramer & A. Sievers implemented                     ###
  13 ###   - 2016.AUG.03 : changed formula to N. Billot expression                              ###
  14 ###   - 2017.JAN.29 : - fpix set to 0.75 (commisi. results)                                ###
  15 ###                   - NEFD0 @ 2 mm set to 15 mJy/sqrt(hz) (commisi. results)             ###
  16 ###                   - overhead set as used defined parameter between 1.5 - 2.0           ###
  17 ###   - 2017.JULY.28: - According to the NIKA2 technical paper submitted on July, 3rd 2017 ###
  18 ###                   - fpix @1mm, 2mm set to 0.84 and 0.90, respectively                  ###
  19 ###                   - NEFD0 @1mm, 2mm set to 20 and 6 mJy/sqrt(hz), respectively         ###
  20 ###                   - FWHM set to 11.2 @1mm and 17.7 @2mm                                ###
  21 ###   - 2017.SEPT.28  - An error in the data software led sensitivities too optimistics    ###
  22 ###                   - NEFD0 @1mm, 2mm set to 40 and 10 mJy/sqrt(hz), respectively        ###
  23 ###   - 2018.JAN.20:  - NEFD0 @1mm, 2mm set to 33 and 8 mJy/sqrt(hz), respectively         ###
  24 ###   - 2019.FEB.18:  - Corrected a mistake in the calculation of the mapping speed        ###
  25 ###   - 2020.JUL.22:  - Implemented a warning regarding the scan size                      ###
  26 ###   - 2023.JUL.28:  - NEFDs and valid pixels updated; some warnings added                ###
  27 ##############################################################################################
  28 import numpy as np, sys
  29 import math
  30 import sys
  31 import os
  32 os.system("rm -f *.py~")
  34 #version = 'v 2017.JAN.29'
  35 #version = 'v 2017.JULY.28'
  36 #version = 'v 2017.SEPT.28'
  37 #version = 'v 2018.JAN.20'
  38 #version = 'v 2019.FEB.18'
  39 #version = 'v 2020.JUL.22'
  40 version = 'v 2023.JUL.28'
  43 class bcolors:
  44     HEADER = '\033[95m'
  45     OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
  46     OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
  47     WARNING = '\033[93m'
  48     FAIL = '\033[91m'
  49     ENDC = '\033[0m'
  50     BOLD = '\033[1m'
  51     UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
  53 print ''
  54 print bcolors.UNDERLINE + bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD + 'NIKA2 time estimator '+version+' '+bcolors.ENDC
  55 print ''
  56 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  + 'To optimize the correction of data instabilities, the size of scans along'
  57 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  + 'the scan direction must be at least:'
  58 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  + 'NIKA2 FOV (6.5 arcminutes) + 2 * NIKA2 beam width (12 arcseconds at 1mm,'
  59 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  + '18 arcseconds at 2mm) + source size above the noise + 2s * scan speed'
  60 print ''
  61 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  +  bcolors.UNDERLINE + 'Please check your source size and your scanning speed to evaluate the'
  62 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD  +  bcolors.UNDERLINE + 'correct map size fitting your needs, as well as the pwv [mm] adopted.' + bcolors.ENDC
  63 print ''
  64 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD + 'See the "Guidelines for observing time estimates with the NIKA2 continuum camera' + bcolors.ENDC
  65 print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD + 'at the IRAM-30m Telescope" for details on used parameters and calculations.\n' + bcolors.ENDC
  66 print ''
  68 raw_input('Press Enter to continue with the options given...')
  70 #user_input = ''
  72 #while True:
  73 #    user_input = raw_input('It is assumed that the scan size along the scan direction and the pwv are rightly set. Do you want to continue? (yes/no): ')
  74 #
  75 #    if user_input.lower() == 'yes':
  76 #        break
  77 #    elif user_input.lower() == 'no':
  78 #        print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD + 'See the "Guidelines for observing time estimates with the NIKA2 continuum camera' + bcolors.ENDC
  79 #        print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.BOLD + 'at the IRAM-30m Telescope" for details on used parameters and calculations.\n' + bcolors.ENDC
  80 #        exit()
  81 #    else:
  82 #        print 'Type yes/no'
  84 ################################
  85 ##### CONVERSION FACTORS #######
  86 ################################
  88 ##########  K_cmb ############
  89 def b_v_cmb(freq,tcmb):
  90     h    = 6.626070040*10**(-34) # (J.s) Planck constant
  91     k    = 1.38064852*10**(-23)  # (J/K) Boltzmann constant
  92     c    = 299792458             # (m/s^2) light speed
  93     freq = freq*10**9            # Hz    
  94     bv = 1.0/(((2*h*freq**3)/((c**2)*(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) - 1)))*(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb))/(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) - 1))*(h*freq/(k*tcmb**2))) / 10**20
  95     return bv
  97 ##########  Ysz ##############
  98 def y_sz(freq,tcmb):
  99     h    = 6.626070040*10**(-34) # (J.s) Planck constant
 100     k    = 1.38064852*10**(-23)  # (J/K) Boltzmann constant
 101     c    = 299792458             # (m/s^2) light speed
 102     freq = freq*10**9            # Hz    
 103     Ysz  = 1.0
 104     bv   = 1.0/(((2*h*freq**3)/((c**2)*(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) - 1)))*(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb))/(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) - 1))*(h*freq/(k*tcmb**2)))
 105     bv   = 1.0/bv
 106     y_sz = (bv*tcmb)*(((h*freq/(k*tcmb))*((np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) + 1)/(np.e**((h*freq)/(k*tcmb)) -1))) -4)*Ysz /10**(-20)
 107     y_sz = 1.0/y_sz
 108     return y_sz
 110 #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 111 #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIXED GENERAL PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
 112 #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 114 ################################################
 116 ################################################
 117 res_band1_spec        = 11.1  # From NIKA2 reference paper: Perotto et al. A&A 637, A71 (2020) # [arcsec]
 118 res_band2_spec        = 17.6  # From NIKA2 reference paper: Perotto et al. A&A 637, A71 (2020) # [arcsec]
 119 teta_band1_spec       = res_band1_spec*math.pi/180.0/3600.0 # in sr units 
 120 teta_band2_spec       = res_band2_spec*math.pi/180.0/3600.0 # in sr units 
 121 area_teta_band1_spec  = ((teta_band1_spec/2.0)**2)*math.pi  # in sr units 
 122 area_teta_band2_spec  = ((teta_band2_spec/2.0)**2)*math.pi  # in sr units 
 123 ############################
 124 ##### OTHER PARAMETERS #####
 125 ############################
 126 fpix_spec_1mm         = 0.86    # Changed in 2023 Jul. 31; based on PIIC calibration data
 127 fpix_spec_2mm         = 0.83    # Changed in 2023 Jul. 31; id.
 128 #
 129 bv_1                  = 0.075   # band1, do not change
 130 cv_1                  = 0.001   # band1, do not change
 131 bv_2                  = 0.025   # band2, do not change
 132 cv_2                  = 0.001   # band2, do not change
 133 tiempo                = 1.0     # [hours]
 134 FoV                   = 6.5     # [arcmin] diameter
 135 FoVArea               = ((FoV/2.0)**2)*math.pi # [arcmin^2]
 136 narrays1              = 2
 137 narrays2              = 1
 138 verbose_flag          = 0
 139 #foverhead             = 2.0 # value fixed for all proposals in 2016
 140 ##########################################
 142 ##########################################
 143 NEFD_band1_spec       = 30. # Changed in 2023 Jul. 31; NIKA2 reference paper: Perotto et al. A&A 637, A71 (2020) # [mJy sqrt(s)]
 144 NEFD_band2_spec       = 9.  # Changed in 2023 Jul. 31; id.
 145 #######################################
 147 #######################################
 148 sampl_vel_fast = 48.0    # [arcsec/second] 
 149 sampl_vel_mid  = 24.0    # [arcsec/second] 
 150 sampl_vel_slow = 12.0    # [arcsec/second] 
 151 sampl_rate     = 23.84   # [hz]
 152 sampl_rate_pol = 2*23.84 # [hz]
 153 slewing_loss   = 1.0     # to account for slewing of single OTF line
 154 ##########################################
 155 ##########################################
 156 ##########################################
 158 rango = len(sys.argv)
 159 for i in range(rango):
 161     if sys.argv[i] == ("--help") or rango == 1:
 162         print ''
 163         print 'USAGE:\n'
 164         print '  python --help '
 165         print '  python --band 1 --rms 2.00 --pwv 2 --elevation 40 --Xsize 6.5 --Ysize 6.5 --filter 1.0 --overhead 1.5'
 166         print '  python --band 2 --rms 1.00 --pwv 4 --elevation 50 --Xsize 15  --Ysize 15  --filter 2.0 --overhead 2.0 --verbose '
 167         print '\n'
 168         print 'OPTIONS:\n'
 169         print '         help =>  This help.'
 170         print '         band =>  Set 1 or 2 for the 1 mm or the 2 mm bands, respectively.'
 171         print '          rms =>  Wanted flux density per beam. Any value above the confusion limit in [mJy/beam].'
 172         print '          pwv =>  Precipitable water vapor in [mm].'
 173         print '    elevation =>  Values from 15 to < 83 [deg].'
 174         print '  Xsize Ysize =>  Map lengths. Xsize and Ysize are in [arcmin]. Minimum map size is 6.5x6.5 [arcmin^2] for homogeneous RMS noise distribution.'
 175         print '       filter =>  Factor for post-processing noise filtering. Values from 1.0 (point-like source) to 2.0 (extended bright emission).'
 176         print '     overhead =>  Factor for telescope overheads between 1.5 and 2.0 (slewing, pointing, focusing, calibration), i.e. all telescope time which is not spend integrating on-source.'
 177         print '      verbose =>  Set to get list of parameters used in the calculations, RMS noise unit conversion, and allowed OTF scan speeds.\n'
 178         print ''
 179         sys.exit()
 181     if sys.argv[i] == ("--band"):
 182         band  = int(sys.argv[i+1]) 
 183         if band == 1:
 184             narrays = narrays1
 185             mili    = 1.2
 186         if band == 2:
 187             narrays = narrays2
 188             mili    = 2.0
 189         if band < 1 or band > 2:
 190             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 191             print bcolors.BOLD +  bcolors.FAIL +'    Band %2i is not defined.' % (band) + bcolors.ENDC
 192             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 193             print ''
 194             sys.exit()
 196     if sys.argv[i] == ("--rms"):
 197         rms = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 199     if sys.argv[i] == ("--pwv"):
 200         pwv = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 202     if sys.argv[i] == ("--elevation"):
 203         elevation = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 204         if elevation < 15 or elevation > 83:
 205             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 206             print bcolors.BOLD +  bcolors.FAIL +'    Elevation %3i [degrees] is outside the telescope`s limits: 15 - 83 [degrees].' % (elevation) + bcolors.ENDC
 207             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 208             print ''
 209             sys.exit()
 211     if sys.argv[i] == ("--Xsize"):
 212         dx = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 214     if sys.argv[i] == ("--Ysize"):
 215         dy = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 217     if sys.argv[i] == ("--filter"):
 218         filtering = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 219         if filtering < 1 or filtering > 2:
 220             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 221             print bcolors.BOLD +  bcolors.FAIL +'    Filter value %2.1f is outside the standard limits: 1.0 - 2.0' % (filtering) + bcolors.ENDC
 222             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 223             print ''
 224             sys.exit()
 226     if sys.argv[i] == ("--overhead"):
 227         foverhead = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 228         if foverhead < 1.5 or foverhead > 2:
 229             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 230             print bcolors.BOLD +  bcolors.FAIL +'    Overhead value %2.1f is outside the standard limits: 1.5 - 2.0' % (foverhead) + bcolors.ENDC
 231             print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 232             print ''
 233             sys.exit()
 235     if sys.argv[i] == ("--verbose"):
 236         verbose_flag = 1
 238 area_obs        = dx*dy
 240 if area_obs < 4.0:
 241     print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 242     print bcolors.BOLD +  bcolors.FAIL +'    Introduced map size is %3.1f [arcmin^2]. Minimum value is 4.0 [arcmin^2]' % (area_obs) + bcolors.ENDC
 243     print '    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 244     print ''
 245     sys.exit()
 247 ###############################################################################################
 249 ###############################################################################################
 251 if band == 1: 
 252     tau = bv_1*pwv + cv_1
 253     NEFD_spec_eff      = NEFD_band1_spec*(np.e**(tau/np.sin(elevation*math.pi/180.)))
 254     rms_point_MJy_spec = rms/area_teta_band1_spec/10**9
 255     rms_point_cmb_spec = rms_point_MJy_spec*b_v_cmb(260,2.726)*10**6
 256     rms_point_ys_spec  = rms_point_MJy_spec*y_sz(260,2.726)*10**6
 257     rms_point_ys_spec  = np.abs(rms_point_ys_spec)
 258     #########################################
 259     ### ratio of areas with fraction of valid pixel in the 2mm band ###       
 260     #########################################
 261     factor_area_spec   = (1+(area_obs/(FoVArea*fpix_spec_1mm))) # from N. Billot Doc.
 262     ##########################################################
 263     ### Integration Time calculations for given conditions ###
 264     ##########################################################
 265     t_spec     = ((NEFD_spec_eff*filtering/rms)**2)*factor_area_spec*(foverhead)/3600.0 #hours
 266     s_map_spec = ((FoVArea*fpix_spec_1mm)/(((NEFD_spec_eff*filtering)**2)*foverhead))*3600.0            # arcmin^2 / hour^-1/ mJy^-2 
 267 if band == 2:
 268     tau = bv_2*pwv + cv_2
 269     NEFD_spec_eff      = NEFD_band2_spec*(np.e**(tau/np.sin(elevation*math.pi/180.)))
 270     rms_point_MJy_spec = rms/area_teta_band2_spec/10**9
 271     rms_point_cmb_spec = rms_point_MJy_spec*b_v_cmb(150,2.726)*10**6   
 272     rms_point_ys_spec  = rms_point_MJy_spec*y_sz(150,2.726)*10**6     
 273     rms_point_ys_spec  = np.abs(rms_point_ys_spec)
 274     #########################################
 275     ### ratio of areas with fraction of valid pixel in the 2mm band ###       
 276     #########################################
 277     factor_area_spec   = (1+(area_obs/(FoVArea*fpix_spec_2mm))) # from N. Billot Doc.
 278     ##########################################################
 279     ### Integration Time calculations for given conditions ###
 280     ##########################################################
 281     t_spec     = ((NEFD_spec_eff*filtering/rms)**2)*factor_area_spec*(foverhead)/3600.0 #hours
 282     s_map_spec = ((FoVArea*fpix_spec_2mm)/(((NEFD_spec_eff*filtering)**2)*foverhead))*3600.0            # arcmin^2 / hour^-1/ mJy^-2 
 284 #########################################
 286 #########################################
 288 T_SLOW = slewing_loss*((dx*60.0)/sampl_vel_slow)/60.0  # [minutes] 
 289 T_MID  = slewing_loss*((dx*60.0)/sampl_vel_mid)/60.0   # [minutes] 
 290 T_FAST = slewing_loss*((dx*60.0)/sampl_vel_fast)/60.0  # [minutes] 
 292 if verbose_flag == 1:
 294     print ''
 295     print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 296     print '%%%%%%%%%% General Parameters Used for the Calculations %%%%%%%%%%%'
 297     print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 298     print ''
 299     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 300     print '|      Parameters      |    Band 1 (1.2 mm)    |    Band 2 (2.0 mm)    |'
 301     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 302     print '|      opacity         |  %6.3fxpwv + %6.3f  |  %6.3fxpwv + %6.3f  |' % (bv_1,cv_1,bv_2,cv_2)
 303     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 304     print '| HPBW [arcsec]        |       %6.1f          |       %6.1f          |' % (res_band1_spec,res_band2_spec)
 305     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 306     print '| NEFDo [mJy.s^0.5]    |       %6.1f          |       %6.1f          |' % (NEFD_band1_spec,NEFD_band2_spec) 
 307     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 308     print '| fpix                 |       %6.2f          |       %6.2f          |' % (fpix_spec_1mm, fpix_spec_2mm)
 309     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 310     if band  == 1:
 311         print '| rms [mJy/beam]       |       %6.2f          |                       |' % (rms)
 312     if band  == 2:
 313         print '| rms [mJy/beam]       |                       |       %6.2f          |' % (rms)
 314     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 315     print '| FoV [arcmin]         |                   %6.1f                      |' % (FoV) 
 316     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 317     print '| h-filtering          |                   %6.2f                      |' % (filtering) 
 318     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 319     print '| h-overhead           |                   %6.2f                      |' % (foverhead) 
 320     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 321     print '| OTF slow [arcsec/s]  |                    %4i                       |' % (sampl_vel_slow)
 322     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 323     print '| OTF mid  [arcsec/s]  |                    %4i                       |' % (sampl_vel_mid)
 324     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 325     print '| OTF fast [arcsec/s]  |                    %4i                       |' % (sampl_vel_fast)
 326     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 327     print '| Dump [hz]            |                   %6.2f                      |' % (sampl_rate)
 328     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 329     print '| Dump POL [hz]        |                   %6.2f                      |' % (sampl_rate_pol)
 330     print '------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 331     print ''
 333     print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 334     print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   Units Conversion   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 335     print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
 336     print ''    
 337     print '     --------------------------------------------------------'
 338     print '     |         (User Defined)             |    Band %1i       |' % (band)
 339     print '     --------------------------------------------------------'
 340     print '     |rms [mJy/beam]                      |  %8.2f       |' % (rms) 
 341     print '     --------------------------------------------------------'
 342     print '     |rms point-like source [MJy/sr]      |     %6.2f      |'  % (rms_point_MJy_spec) 
 343     print '     |rms point-like source [K_CMB]x10^-6 |     %5i       |'  % (rms_point_cmb_spec) 
 344     print '     |*rms source [Ysz]x10^-6  |     %5i       |'  % (rms_point_ys_spec) 
 345     print '     --------------------------------------------------------'
 346     print '     |* for Ysz = 1.0                                       |'
 347     print '     --------------------------------------------------------'
 348     print ''
 351 #############################
 352 #### TABLE FINAL RESULTS ####
 353 #############################
 355 print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'    
 356 print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   Results  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'    
 357 print '     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'    
 358 print ''    
 359 print '     for: El = %2i (deg), PWV = %1i (mm), tau = %4.2f, rms = %6.2f'  %  (elevation,pwv,tau,rms) 
 360 print '     Area = %4.1f (arcmin^2), Filter = %4.1f, Overhead = %4.1f'  %  (area_obs,filtering,foverhead) 
 361 print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 362 print '  |    (User Defined)      |                          |         |'
 363 print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 364 print '  | Band                   |                          |    %1i    |'  % (band) 
 365 print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 366 if band  == 1:
 367     print '  | Total Integration Time at 1mm |         [hours]          | %6.1f  |'  % (t_spec)
 368     print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 369     print '  | Mapping speed          | [arcmin^-2/hour/mJy^-2 ] | %6.1f  |'  % (s_map_spec) 
 370 if band  == 2:
 371     print '  | Total Integration Time at 2mm |         [hours]          | %6.1f  |'  % (t_spec)
 372     print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 373     print '  | Mapping speed          | [arcmin^-2/hour/mJy^-2 ] | %6.1f  |'  % (s_map_spec) 
 374 print '  ---------------------------------------------------------------'
 375 print ' '
 377 if verbose_flag == 1:
 379     print bcolors.WARNING + '  WARNING 1: For proposed maps taking longer than 40 minutes, the total' 
 380     print bcolors.WARNING + '  integration time should be split into several maps.\n' + bcolors.ENDC
 381     print ' '
 382     print bcolors.WARNING + '  WARNING 2: Note that the confusion noise is not included in this Time' 
 383     print bcolors.WARNING + '  Estimator and it should be discussed in the proposal whether appro-'
 384     print bcolors.WARNING + '  priate. The RMS noise does not decrease indefinitely with integra- '
 385     print bcolors.WARNING + '  tion time but stops at the confusion limit caused by unresolved sour-'
 386     print bcolors.WARNING + '  ces within the beam. The exact threshold at which the RMS noise    '
 387     print bcolors.WARNING + '  reaches the confusion limit will vary with wavelength, beam size,  '
 388     print bcolors.WARNING + '  and the type of astronomical source (Galactic or Extra-Galactic). For' 
 389     print bcolors.WARNING + '  instance, for the GOODS-N field (part of the Deep Field GT Proposal),' 
 390     print bcolors.WARNING + '  a preliminary 1 sigma confusion limit around ~ 0.090 mJy and ~ 0.056' 
 391     print bcolors.WARNING + '  mJy at 1.2 mm and 2.0 mm, respectively, has been estimated (A. Beelen,'
 392     print bcolors.WARNING + '  private communication).\n' + bcolors.ENDC
 394     print ' '
 395     print '             Time per OTF line for allowed scanning speeds   '
 396     print '        -----------------------------------------------------'
 397     print '        |          | OTF Scan Velocity  | TIME PER OTF LINE |'
 398     print '        -----------------------------------------------------'
 399     print '        |          |     [arcsec/s]     |    [minutes]      |'
 400     print '        -----------------------------------------------------'
 401     print '        | OTF-SLOW |       %6.1f       |     %6.2f        |' % (sampl_vel_slow,T_SLOW)
 402     print '        | OTF-MID  |       %6.1f       |     %6.2f        |' % (sampl_vel_mid,T_MID)
 403     print '        | OTF-FAST |       %6.1f       |     %6.2f        |' % (sampl_vel_fast,T_FAST)
 404     print '        -----------------------------------------------------'
 405     print ' '
 407 ###############################
 409 ###############################
 411 if t_spec >= 1.:
 412    time_str_spec=str(round(t_spec,1))+' hours'
 414 if t_spec < 1. and t_spec >= 1./60.:
 415    time_str_spec=str(round(t_spec*60,1))+' minutes'
 417 if t_spec < 1./60. and t_spec >= 0.1/3600.:
 418    time_str_spec=str(int(t_spec*3600))+' seconds'
 420 if t_spec < 0.1/3600.:
 421    time_str_spec='0.1 (seconds)'
 423 slew_overhe = str(int((slewing_loss-1.0)*100.0))
 425 ##############################
 427 ##############################
 429 print ''
 430 print bcolors.HEADER + '***********************************************'
 431 print '***  Total Integration Time => ' + time_str_spec + '   ***'
 432 print '***********************************************\n'    
 433 print ''
 435 print bcolors.HEADER +  bcolors.UNDERLINE + 'Please include the following text into your proposal:\n' + bcolors.ENDC
 437 print 'According to the NIKA2 time estimator (2023), the total observing time using the NIKA2 '+str(band)+' mm band to map a region of '+str(round(area_obs,1))+' [arcmin^2] to reach an rms of '+str(rms)+' [mJy/beam], assuming '+str(pwv)+' [mm] pwv, '+str(elevation)+' [deg] elevation, Filter = '+str(filtering)+', Overhead = '+str(foverhead)+', was estimated to be *'+time_str_spec+'*, using the time estimator '+version+'.\n'

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  • [get | view] (2023-07-31 15:30:14, 268.4 KB) [[attachment:NIKA2_Time_Estimator_Guideline_2023.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2024-03-02 11:28:10, 253.9 KB) [[attachment:NIKA2_Time_Estimator_Guideline_2024.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2024-03-08 11:37:22, 256.8 KB) [[attachment:NIKA2_Time_Estimator_Guideline_2024_v2.pdf]]
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