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   1 import numpy as np, sys
   2 #
   3 print '\n time-estimator-IRAM30m-nika-gismo v 2014.03.28'
   4 print '\n Based on the Billot et al. (2014) time estimator guide. \n'
   5 #
   6 if len(sys.argv) != 17:
   7     print ' USAGE:\n'
   8     print '   python --camera "GISMO" --rms 0.5 --pwv 2 --elevation 30 --Xsize 4 --Ysize 6 --filtering 1.2 --overheads 2.0'
   9     print '\n'
  10     print ' OPTIONS:\n'
  11     print '        camera =>  IRAM 30m continuum camera. Options are GISMO, NIKA1mm, NIKA2mm.'
  12     print '           rms =>  Any value above the confussion limit.'
  13     print '           pwv =>  Precipitable water vapor. Possible values 2, 4, and 7 mm.'
  14     print '     elevation =>  Values from 20 to 83 degrees.'
  15     print '   Xsize Ysize =>  Mapping area. Xsize and Ysize must be equal (point sources) or larger than the Field of View.'
  16     print '     filtering =>  Data filtering scheme. Values from 1 to 4.'
  17     print '     overheads =>  Telescope/observing overheads (calibration, pointing, focus). Values from 1.6 to 2.6.\n'
  18     sys.exit()
  19 #
  20 #
  21 for i in range(8):
  22 #
  23    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--camera"):
  24       camera = sys.argv[i*2+2]
  25 #
  26    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--rms"):
  27       rms = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  28 #
  29    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--pwv"):
  30       if float(sys.argv[i*2+2]) < 3:
  31          pwv=2
  32       if 3 <= float(sys.argv[i*2+2]) < 5.5:
  33           pwv=4
  34       if float(sys.argv[i*2+2]) >= 5.5:
  35           pwv=7
  36 #
  37    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--elevation"):
  38       elevation = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  39 #
  40    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--Xsize"):
  41       Xsize = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  42 #
  43    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--Ysize"):
  44       Ysize = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  45 #
  46    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--overheads"):
  47       overheads = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  48 #
  49    if sys.argv[i*2+1] == ("--filtering"):
  50       filtering = float(sys.argv[i*2+2])
  51 #
  52 #
  53 #
  54 if camera == 'GISMO':
  55 #
  56     Np=100.                     #Number of pixels
  57     Sp=13.75                    #Pixel size (in arcsec)
  58     HPBW=16.7                   #Half-power beamwidth (in arcsec)
  59     Wavelength=1200.            #Central wavelength in microns
  60     NEFD=14.                    #Noise ==uivalent flux density
  61 #
  62     if pwv == 2:
  63        tau=0.06
  64     if pwv == 4:
  65        tau=0.11
  66     if pwv == 7:
  67        tau=0.19  
  68 #
  69     if Xsize <= 1.:
  70         Xsize=1.8
  71         Xpoint=1
  72     else:
  73         Xpoint=0
  74 #
  75     if Ysize <= 1.8:
  76         Ysize=3.7
  77         Ypoint=1
  78     else:
  79         Ypoint=0
  80 #
  81 #
  82 #
  83 if camera == 'NIKA1mm':
  84 #
  85     Np=136.                     #Number of pixels
  86     Sp=6.8                      #Pixel size (in arcsec)
  87     HPBW=12.                    #Half-power beamwidth (in arcsec)
  88     Wavelength=1250.            #Central wavelength in microns
  89     NEFD=35.                    #Noise equivalent flux density
  90 #
  91     if pwv == 2:
  92         tau=0.22
  93     if pwv == 4:
  94         tau=0.36
  95     if pwv == 7:
  96         tau=0.57  
  97 #
  98     if Xsize <= 1.:
  99         Xsize=1.8
 100         Xpoint=1
 101     else:
 102         Xpoint=0
 103 #
 104     if Ysize <= 1.:
 105         Ysize=1.8
 106         Ypoint=1
 107     else:
 108         Ypoint=0
 109 #
 110 #
 111 #
 112 if camera == 'NIKA2mm':
 113 #
 114     Np=114.                     #Number of pixels
 115     Sp=9.6                      #Pixel size (in arcsec)
 116     HPBW=17.5                   #Half-power beamwidth (in arcsec)
 117     Wavelength=2000.            #Central wavelength in microns
 118     NEFD=14.                    #Noise equivalent flux density
 119 #
 120     if pwv == 2:
 121         tau=0.06
 122     if pwv == 4:
 123         tau=0.11
 124     if pwv == 7:
 125         tau=0.19  
 126 #
 127     if Xsize <= 1.0:
 128         Xsize=2.0
 129         Xpoint=1
 130     else:
 131         Xpoint=0
 132 #
 133     if Ysize <= 1.0:
 134         Ysize=2.0
 135         Ypoint=1
 136     else:
 137         Ypoint=0
 138 #
 139 #
 140 transmission = np.e**(-tau/np.sin(elevation*np.pi/180.))
 141 #
 142 if Xpoint+Ypoint != 2:
 143    time=(NEFD*filtering/transmission/rms)**2*(1.+Xsize*60.*Ysize*60./Np/Sp**2)*overheads/3600.
 144    print '        camera => ', camera
 145    print '           rms => ', rms, ' mJy/beam'
 146    print '           pwv => ', pwv, ' mm'
 147    print '     elevation => ', elevation, ' deg'
 148    print '   Xsize Ysize => ', Xsize, Ysize, ' arcmin'
 149    print '     overheads => ', overheads
 150    print '     filtering => ', filtering
 151    print '                 '
 152 else:
 153    time=(NEFD*filtering/transmission/rms)**2*overheads/3600.
 154    print '        camera => ', camera
 155    print '           rms => ', rms, ' mJy/beam'
 156    print '           pwv => ', pwv, ' mm'
 157    print '     elevation => ', elevation, ' deg'
 158    print '   Xsize Ysize => ', 'Point source'
 159    print '     overheads => ', overheads
 160    print '     filtering => ', filtering
 161    print '                 '
 162    #
 163 if time >= 1.:
 164    time_str=str(round(time,1))+' hours'
 165 #
 166 if time <= 1. and time >= 1./60.:
 167    time_str=str(round(time*60,1))+' minutes'
 168 #
 169 if time <= 1./60. and time >= 0.1/3600.: 
 170    time_str=str(round(time*3600,1))+' seconds'
 171 #
 172 if time <= 0.1/3600.:
 173    time_str='0.1 seconds'
 174 #
 175 print '          time => '+time_str+' \n'
 176 #
 177 print 'Please include the following text into your proposal:\n'
 178 #
 179 print 'The total observing time using '+camera+' to map a region of '+str(Xsize)+'x'+str(Ysize)+' arcminutes to reach an rms of '+str(rms)+' mJy/beam, assuming '+str(pwv)+' mm pwv, '+str(elevation)+' deg elevation, Ffilter='+str(filtering)+', Foverhead='+str(overheads)+', was estimated to be *'+time_str+'*, using the time estimator v 2014.03.27. \n '

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