Differences between revisions 37 and 72 (spanning 35 versions)
Revision 37 as of 2014-02-19 13:48:30
Size: 10500
Editor: gra-lx17
Revision 72 as of 2014-04-07 21:16:48
Size: 11001
Editor: dhcp-77
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 13: Line 13:
'''[[ http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/FrontPage | Go to the Front Page ]]''' '''Go to the [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/GISMO/Main|GISMO]] |[[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/NIKA/Main|NIKA]] page.'''
Line 21: Line 21:
{{attachment:PoolDatabase.png}} {{attachment:PoolDatabase.png | Pool data base | width=1000 }}
Line 28: Line 28:
{{attachment:Visibility.png}} {{attachment:Visibility.png | Visibility plot | width=1000}}
Line 47: Line 47:
   ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx1.iram.es (ask the AoD for the name of the pool account and the password) $ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx1.iram.es (ask the AoD for the name of the pool account and the password)
Line 53: Line 53:
   pakoGISMO | pakoNIKA
$ gopako
$ pakodisplay
$ pakoGISMO2014 or pakoNIKA
Line 67: Line 67:
   ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx3.iram.es $ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx3.iram.es
Line 73: Line 73:
   azElToXephem.py &
  .xephem/xephem.exe &
$ useNCS
$ azElToXephem.py &
$ .xephem/xephem.exe &
Line 80: Line 80:
{{ attachment:XEphem.png | alt text | height=700 }} {{ attachment:XEphem.png | XEphem example | width=1000 }}
Line 90: Line 90:
   PAKO> set project XXX-YY PAKO> set project XXX-YY
Line 96: Line 96:
   PAKO> @ ~/193-13/setup_193-13.pako PAKO> @ ~/193-13/setup_193-13.pako
Line 109: Line 109:
Line 115: Line 115:
   NGC1569 EQ 2000 04:30:50.5 +64:50:55 LSR 0.0
   NGC4449 EQ 2000 12:28:09.4 +44:05:32 LSR 0.0
NGC1569 EQ 2000 04:30:50.5 +64:50:55 LSR 0.0
NGC4449 EQ 2000 12:28:09.4 +44:05:32 LSR 0.0
Line 122: Line 122:
   PAKO> source NGC4449 PAKO> source NGC4449
Line 132: Line 132:
   PAKO> source 0133+476 /cat *

Launch the '''cont_pointing_liss''' script:

   PAKO> @ cont_pointing_liss

=== NIKA ===

For NIKA, check with the AoD the pointing corrections. See [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/NIKA/DataReduction | here ]]

=== GISMO ===

For GISMO, check in the Nexus logsheet for the corrections in azimuth and elevation (columns pnt.dAZ and pnt.dEL), and calculate the new pointing values as:

   AZnew = AZcurrent + pnt.dAZ
   ELnew = ELcurrent + pnt.dEL

If the new pointing corrections are within 10" of the previous values, the array with its large field-of-view will still be well centered. To update the pointing constants used by PaKo, type:

   PAKO> set pointing AZnew ELnew
PAKO> source 0133+476 /cat *

Launch the '''cont_pointing''' script:

PAKO> @ cont_pointing

This script will launch a 1'x1' Lissajous map that takes 2 minutes. Once the pointing is finisihed, enter the pointings corrections:

 * For '''GISMO''', check in the Nexus logsheet for the corrections in azimuth and elevation (columns pnt.dAZ and pnt.dEL). To update the pointing constants used by PaKo, type:

 PAKO> set pointing AZcurrent+pnt.dAZ ELcurrent+pnt.dEL

 * For '''NIKA''' see the [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/NIKA/DataReduction | data reduction wiki ]] and ask the AoD.

Line 162: Line 156:
Check the focus using the '''cont_focus''' script:

   PAKO> @ cont_focus_liss

where Fcurrent is the current value of the focus.

=== NIKA ===

For NIKA, check with the AoD the focus corrections. See [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/NIKA/DataReduction | here ]]

=== GISMO ===

For GISMO, to calculate the new value of the focus, open another terminal and use the python script ~/Focus/Focus.py :

   cd Focus/
   python Focus.py
The python script will ask for the 1st scan of the focus sequence and the total number of scans (i.e., 5). Check if the two estimations shown (see image below) in the plot are consistent and set the new focus value:

   PAKO> set focus Fnew

'''IMPORTANT:''' The focus needs to be monitored every two hours or so, and it needs to be corrected online!

The focus needs to be monitored and it needs to be corrected online!
This should be done every three hours or so in the Z direction and every 12 hours in the X and Y directions.
To check the quality of the focus, type:

PAKO> @ cont_focusX Fx
PAKO> @ cont_focusY Fy
PAKO> @ cont_focusZ Fz

where Fx, Fy, and Fz are the current values of the focus in the X, Y, and Z direction, respectively.

This script will send 5 1'x1' Lissajous maps performed with 5 different values of the focus.
Each map will take 1 minute.
Once the 5 scans are finished, follow these instructions to calculate the optimal value of the focus:

 * For '''GISMO''' open another terminal and use the corresponding python script:

 $ cd Focus/
 $ python FocusX.py
 $ python FocusY.py
 $ python FocusZ.py
 The python script will ask for the 1st scan of the focus sequence and the total number of scans (i.e., 5).
 Check if the two estimations shown (see image below) in the plot are consistent.

 {{attachment:Focus.png|GISMO focus script|width=800}}

 * For '''NIKA''' see the [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/NIKA/DataReduction | data reduction wiki ]] and ask the AoD.

Finally, enter the new value:

PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir X
PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir Y
PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir Z
Line 200: Line 204:
For example, for a 6'x12' on-the-fly map rotated 25 degrees (measured North through West) type:

   PAKO> @ cont_onthefly 16 12 25
For example, for a 16'x12' on-the-fly map, with a position angle of 25 degrees and a tilt angle of 0 degrees (both measured '''anticlockwise'''), just type:

PAKO> @ cont_onthefly 16 12 25  0
Line 210: Line 213:
   PAKO> @ cont_lissajous 3 PAKO> @ cont_lissajous 3
Line 217: Line 220:
   PAKO> @~/193-13/observe_NGC4449 PAKO> @~/193-13/observe_NGC4449
Line 230: Line 233:
  PAKO> @ cont_beammap PAKO> @ cont_beammap
Line 242: Line 245:
  PAKO> @ cont_skydip PAKO> @ cont_skydip
Line 248: Line 251:
  NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> De-activate automatic relock of detectors NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> De-activate automatic relock of detectors
Line 254: Line 257:
  NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Activate automatic relock of detectors NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Activate automatic relock of detectors
Line 327: Line 330:
Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m continuum pool manager) Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m Continuum Pool Manager)
Line 331: Line 334:
Created: 2013.10.25

Last update: 2014.02.04
Created: 2013.Oct.25

Last update: 2014.Apr.04

Observing session

Observations are carried from a dedicated pool account (ask the AoD for the login information). Each project has a folder within the home directory of the pool account with instructions on how to proceed. Read carefully the README file before to start. For example, the file ~/193-13/README_193-13.txt shows you how to observe the project 193-13.

Go to the GISMO |NIKA page.

Choose a project

First log into the Pool data base (ask the AoD for the login information) and click on the GISMO/NIKA tab.

Pool data base

Projects have different priorities from 6 (highest priority) to 1 (lowest priority). Green color indicates that the project is scheduled, orange that the project is on hold, and red that the project is finished. Only green projects should be observed. To check the visibility of these projects go to the visibility tab:

Visibility plot

The red vertical line corresponds to the current time (UT). In this example there are four priority 5 projects. Project 077-13 is not visible at the current time. Project 079-13 is close to the low elevation limit so it is a bad option. Since project 103-13 sets first, you should first observe this project. After 2-3 hours change to project 100-13. In case that none of the priority 5 projects have weather requirements (see the README files) compatible with the current conditions, go for priority 4 projects and so on.

Starting PaKo

To run the observations at 30m telescope it is necessary to start a PaKo session. First log into the mrt-lx1 machine:

$ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx1.iram.es    (ask the AoD for the name of the pool account and the password)

Then start PaKo:

$ gopako
$ pakodisplay                   
$ pakoGISMO2014 or pakoNIKA

With these commands, PaKo will be running in the '~/PaKo/' folder.

Starting XEphem

Log into the mrt-lx3 machine:

$ ssh -X pool_account@mrt-lx3.iram.es


$ useNCS
$ azElToXephem.py &                   
$ .xephem/xephem.exe &

Click on the tab "View" and open the "Sky View". The "cross hair" shows the coordinates the telescope is pointing at. The filled blue circles are the pointing sources. The size of the circle is proportional to the flux of the target. Click on the tab "Data" and go to "Files". In the new window go again to "Files" and load the catalog of the project that you are observing.

XEphem example

Project setup

The standard method to set the project is:

PAKO> set project XXX-YY

However, for pooled observations this is often done using a setup script (see for example setup_193-13.pako). For example, before to start to observe the project 193-13 you should type:

PAKO> @ ~/193-13/setup_193-13.pako

It is IMPORTANT to set the project accordingly before each observation in order to identify the scans observed for each project, keep control on the time used to observe each project, and write the data files in the right directory. When you will be doing tests, or if you have to stop by wind, or whatever, just type "set project test". That way, no project will loose time due to technical problems, or bad weather.

Catalog of sources

Before to start to observe a certain project it is necessary to load its catalog of sources. Usually, this is automatically done within the setup script. If for some reason you need to load the catalog manually, type:


This command will load the following list of sources:

NGC1569   EQ   2000   04:30:50.5   +64:50:55   LSR   0.0
NGC4449   EQ   2000   12:28:09.4   +44:05:32   LSR   0.0 

To select any of these sources just type:

PAKO> source NGC4449


Check in the PaKo display for the current pointing values (AZcurrent and and ELcurrent) and write them down. Choose a nearby quasar as pointing and focus source (using e.g. XEphem):

PAKO> source 0133+476 /cat *

Launch the cont_pointing script:

PAKO> @ cont_pointing

This script will launch a 1'x1' Lissajous map that takes 2 minutes. Once the pointing is finisihed, enter the pointings corrections:

  • For GISMO, check in the Nexus logsheet for the corrections in azimuth and elevation (columns pnt.dAZ and pnt.dEL). To update the pointing constants used by PaKo, type:

     PAKO> set pointing  AZcurrent+pnt.dAZ  ELcurrent+pnt.dEL
  • For NIKA see the data reduction wiki and ask the AoD.


The focus needs to be monitored and it needs to be corrected online! This should be done every three hours or so in the Z direction and every 12 hours in the X and Y directions. To check the quality of the focus, type:

PAKO> @ cont_focusX  Fx 
PAKO> @ cont_focusY  Fy  
PAKO> @ cont_focusZ  Fz  

where Fx, Fy, and Fz are the current values of the focus in the X, Y, and Z direction, respectively.

This script will send 5 1'x1' Lissajous maps performed with 5 different values of the focus. Each map will take 1 minute. Once the 5 scans are finished, follow these instructions to calculate the optimal value of the focus:

  • For GISMO open another terminal and use the corresponding python script:

     $ cd Focus/
     $ python FocusX.py
     $ python FocusY.py
     $ python FocusZ.py
    The python script will ask for the 1st scan of the focus sequence and the total number of scans (i.e., 5). Check if the two estimations shown (see image below) in the plot are consistent.

    GISMO focus script

  • For NIKA see the data reduction wiki and ask the AoD.

Finally, enter the new value:

PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir X
PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir Y
PAKO> set focus Fnew /dir Z

Now the telescope is pointed and focussed, and ready to start to observe.

Science targets

Observations of science targets are performed via on-the-fly and/or Lissajous maps. For example, for a 16'x12' on-the-fly map, with a position angle of 25 degrees and a tilt angle of 0 degrees (both measured anticlockwise), just type:

PAKO> @ cont_onthefly  16  12  25  0

For a 3'x3' Lissajous type:

PAKO> @ cont_lissajous 3

A sequence of several scans can be commanded using scripts. For example, the script observe_NGC4449.pako combines several 10'x10' on-the-fly maps covering the whole galaxy environment and 4'x4' Lissajous maps to optimize the signal of the central regions. To launch this script just type:

PAKO> @~/193-13/observe_NGC4449

Beam map

The beam map consists in a 5'x5' map with ~3" steps between rows and a duration ~18 min for GISMO, and 6.7'x3.7' map with 4" steps between rows and a duration ~12 min for NIKA. Beam maps are designed to ensure the source is moved over all the detectors of the array, in order to characterize and calibrate them (field of view geometry, flat field, stability...). The aim is to calculate the actual pixel offsets in the focal plane (see figure below). To obtain a beam map go to a primary calibrator and launch the cont_beammap.pako script:

PAKO> @ cont_beammap



To run a skydip with the IRAM continuum cameras, launch the cont_skydip script:

PAKO> @ cont_skydip

Please note that when using GISMO, before running a skydip, the observer has to de-activate the automatic relocking of the detectors:

NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> De-activate automatic relock of detectors

And once the skydip is finished, the observer needs to switch-on by-hand the automatic relocking of the detectors:

NEXUS -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Activate automatic relock of detectors

Obsolete scripts

A set of fully tested scripts from previous runs are available within the ~/PaKo/obs/ folder. The following list shows how to launch some of the most popular obsolete scripts:


    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_pointing.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_2mx2m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_3mx3m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_4mx4m_2min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_4mx4m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_5mx5mfast.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_5mx5m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_GDF.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_tiny1min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_tiny2min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_tiny4min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_tiny5min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_lissajous_tiny10min.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_otf_6mx6m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_otf_8mx8m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_otf_10mx10m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_otf_30mx30m.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/gismo_otf_beammap.pako


    PAKO> @ obs/cross.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/diydown.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/diyup.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintliss1.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintliss1t.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintliss2.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintlissfast.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintliss.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/faintlisst.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/focusliss.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/focusp2.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/focusp.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/ngc891liss.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf10x10.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf10x2.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf15x10.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf3x3_el.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf3x3.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf4x2.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf4x4.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf5x5_half.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf5x5.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf5x5_pol.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf5x5slow.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otfgeom.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otfgeom_pol.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otf.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/otfsz.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/pointliss.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/pointliss_pol.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/skydip.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/skydip_test.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/skydip_updown.pako
    PAKO> @ obs/skydip_up.pako

Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m Continuum Pool Manager)

email: hermelo@iram.es

Created: 2013.Oct.25

Last update: 2014.Apr.04

Continuum/ObservingSession (last edited 2025-02-22 00:55:30 by NikaBolometer)