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Revision 1 as of 2014-02-06 10:24:41
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Editor: gra-lx17
Revision 4 as of 2014-02-06 10:41:03
Size: 3130
Editor: gra-lx17
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= Data Reduction = = GISMO Data Reduction =
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Author: Israel Hermelo (GISMO pool manager) Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m continuum pool manager)

GISMO Data Reduction

Go back to the GISMO Main Wiki

Basic reduction

To reduce GISMO data with crush, first log into your project account:

ssh -X 078-13@mrt-lx2.iram.es     

Raw data are stored in the directory ~/observationData/gismo. The scans are stored in a filing hierarchy, organised by source name, then an IRAM scan ID composed of a UT calendar date and a scan number. For example, the scan 113 taken on 2013-04-12 of NGC4449 is stored as:


To reduce this scan with crush, type in your terminal:

crush gismo -default                           \
            -datapath=~/observationData/gismo  \ 
            -object=NGC4449                    \
            -date=2013-04-12 113               \
            -outpath=~/crush_reduction         \

It is possible to add several scans:

crush gismo -default                           \
            -datapath=~/observationData/gismo  \ 
            -object=NGC4449                    \
            -date=2013-04-12 113-116 120       \
            -date=2013-04-13 1-6               \
            -outpath=~/crush_reduction         \

and also to combine different source-names:

crush gismo -default                           \
            -datapath=~/observationData/gismo  \
            -object=NGC4449                    \
            -date=2013-04-12 113-116 120       \
            -object=NGC4449-N                  \
            -date=2013-04-14 21-23             \
            -outpath=~/crush_reduction         \

Filtering options

Just replace -default by one of the following options:


deep fields when the most aggressive filtering of common mode is done


for structures larger than the field-of-view


faint sources (S/N<10)


bright sources (S/N>1000)

You may also want to use combinations like e.g. -faint -extended.

Don't forget that Attila Kovacs wrote good CRUSH documentation.

Skydip reduction

crush gismo -skydip                            \
            -skydip.elRange=25:50              \
            -datapath=~/observationData/gismo  \
            -object=TipCurrentAzimuth          \
            -date=2013-04-26 99                \
            -outpath=~/crush_reduction         \

Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m continuum pool manager)

email: hermelo@iram.es

Created: 2013.10.25

Last update: 2013.10.25

Continuum/GISMO/DataReduction (last edited 2014-02-12 10:44:49 by gra-lx17)