Weekly Checklist of Astronomers of Duty

This is page http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/AstronomerOfDutyChecklist maintained by CK.
Intended Audience: IRAM staff astronomers

Schedules: AoDs, Operators, Projects

News from 13-Jan-2012 CK

At the beginning of the AoD week

During the week

  1. Speak with the observers and operators to check and discuss any problems. Do not hesitate to contact other staff.
  2. Help the operators with the heterodyne tests while the telescope has to stay in stow position. These are described here.

  3. Remind the observers to check the frequency tuning by observing a line calibrator with strong and known lines (e.g. DR21, W3OH, OriIrc2, etc.).

  4. Get an idea of the pointing situation by speaking with the observers or checking TAPAS.
    • How large are the observed offsets ?
    • Are pointing & focus affected by anomalous refraction ?

    • In case of large pointing jumps:
      • If the jump is only in elevation, check that the relative humidity is read from the weather station. This is used to calculate the refraction correction. In case the humidity sensor is covered by ice and stuck at 100% humidity, the operators can use a handheld hygrometer and enter the value by hand in manual mode.
      • Check that the pointing constants p4/p5 do not show jumps here. These may indicate problems of the inclinometers.

    • Summarize the pointing situation in your AoD report. Do not only include only plots, but say whether or not there are problems. Remember that pointing offsets are not important, but their scatter. Attach a small selection of plots showing the pointing and focus corrections observed during the week by using TAPAS and the script developed by CB.
  5. Update the status page.

  6. Take a look at the cable spiral, telescope tower, and receiver cabin at least once during the AoD week.
  7. Measure regularly the time it takes to start and execute a standard calibration. See the AoD report of CB of 10-Jan-2012.
    • select a source that is close to elevation 45 degrees (in the elevation range 30 to 60 degrees.)
    • in pako enter:
      • START
      • START
      • (or more starts if you have time)
    • ignore the times from the scan after the first START, because they may include additional overheads, e.g., to move the antenna to the start position
    • read the times from the displays of the messages, e.g., in the top center panel of https://mrt-lx1.iram.es/mrt/ncs/monitor/scanInfo.html or the bottom panel in the antennaDataStream viewer

    • for the time to start, record the time interval from the message "scan loaded" to the message "calSky started"
    • for the time to execute the scan, record the time from the message "calSky started" to the message "scan done"

Weekly report
