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> * '''11-18 January 2022 - w21 Pool #1''' ~-[= Cryo Run 69, 57^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool110122 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool110122| Daily Reports]] * '''18-25 January 2022 - w21 Pool #2''' ~-[= Cryo Run 69, 57^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool180122 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool180122| Daily Reports]] * '''1-8 February 2022 - w21 Pool #3''' ~-[= Cryo Run 70, 58^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool010222 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool010222| Daily Reports]] * '''8-15 February 2022 - w21 Pool #4''' ~-[= Cryo Run 70, 58^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool080222 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool080222| Daily Reports]] * '''22 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2022 - w21 Pool #5''' ~-[= Cryo Run 71, 59^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool220222 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool220222| Daily Reports]] * '''1-8 March 2022 - w21 Pool #6''' ~-[= Cryo Run 71, 59^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool010322 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool010322| Daily Reports]]