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> * '''10-17 December 2019 - w19 Pool #1''' ~-[= Cryo Run 50, 38^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool101219 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool101219| Daily Reports]] * '''14-21 January 2020 - w19 Pool #2''' ~-[= Cryo Run 51, 39^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool140120 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool130120| Daily Reports]] * '''28 Jan - 4 Feb 2020 - w19 Pool #3''' ~-[= Cryo Run 52, 40^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool280120 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool280120| Daily Reports]] * '''11-18 February 2020 - w19 Pool #4''' ~-[= Cryo Run 53, 41^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool110220 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool110220| Daily Reports]] * [[D2DLogNika2Pool110220 |Day to day logbook]] : Table of scan types, Pipeline RTA logbook & quicklook plots * '''10 - 17 March 2020 - w19 Pool #5''' ~-[= Cryo Run 55, 43^rd^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool100320 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool110320| Daily Reports]] * '''21 - 24 March 2020 - w19 Pool #5 bis''' * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool210320 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool210320| Daily Reports]]