#acl RainerMauersberger:read,write WalterBrunswig:read,write SantiagoNavarro:read,write DavidJohn:read,write JuanPenalver:read,write SalvadorSanchez:read,write ManuelRuiz:read,write FernandoAnel:read,write MarianoEspinosa:read,write EnriqueLobato:read,write DavidMartinez:read,write JuanLuisSantaren:read,write NuriaMarcelino:read,write HansUngerechts:read,write SergioMartin:read,write AlbrechtSievers:read,write AxelWeiss:read,write FredericDamour:read,write GabrielPaubert:read,write KarlSchuster:read,write RosaMontalban:admin,read,write VictorEspigares:admin,read,write All:read ##language:en Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out! '''Tip:''' Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages. ---- == Attachments Test == [[attachment:out.txt]] NGC6764 [[attachment:ngc6764article.tar.bz2]] == Formatting == ''italic'' '''bold''' {{{typewriter}}} `backtick typewriter` (configurable) {{{ preformatted }}} == Linking == HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki http://purl.net/wiki/moin/ [[http://www.python.org/|Python]] someone@the.inter.net === Image Link === {{http://c2.com/sig/wiki.gif}} == Lists == === Bullet === * first 1. nested and numbered 1. numbered lists are renumbered * second blockquote deeper === Glossary === Term:: Definition === Drawing === {{drawing:mytest}} Here is a '''new''' test