== IRAM summer schools in Pradollano (Sierra Nevada, Spain) ==
Since 2001, the IRAM summer schools on Millimeter Astronomy are organized every second year, alternating with the [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-109-7-67-109-0-0.html|IRAM interferometer schools]] in Grenoble. The summer schools in Pradollano, are intended for PhD students, post-docs, and scientists who want to acquire a good knowledge of mm/submm astrophysics and observing techniques. The schools combine lectures with hands-on observations using the IRAM-30m telescope. One evening is reserved for a visit of Granada and the famous Alhambra palaces.
* [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-308-7-67-308-0-0.html|8th IRAM 30m Summer School, September 11-18, 2015]] '''Millimeter Astronomy''' <
> with Javier Goicoechea, Frank Bigiel, Alexandre Beelen, Nicolas Biver, Axel Weiss, Jerome Pety, Sebastien Bardeau, Carsten Kramer
* [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-265-7-67-265-0-0.html|7th IRAM 30m Summer School, September 13-20, 2013]] '''Millimeter Astronomy''' <
> with N.Biver, N.Peretto, F.-X.Desert, A.Fuente, B.Lefloch, A.Navarrini, J.Pety, H.Wiesemeyer, M.Gonzalez, C.Kramer
* [[http://www.iram-institute.org/EN/content-page-202-7-67-202-0-0.html|6th IRAM 30m Summer School, September 23 - 30, 2011]] '''Star formation - near and far''' <
> with F.-X.Desert, A.Fuente, B.Lefloch, A.Navarrini, G.Paubert, N.Peretto, J.Pety, A.Weiss, F.Wyrowski, C.Kramer
* [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/events/summerschool2009/index.html|Observing School 2009]] '''Paving the way: From Millimeter to Far-Infrared Astronomy''' <
> with S.Garcia-Burillo, B.Lefloch, R.Moreno, J.Pety, C.Thum, A.Leroy, A.Weiss, E.Caux, C.Kramer
* [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/events/summerschool2007/index.html|Observing School 2007]] '''Millimeter observing in times of Herschel''' <
> with P.Schilke, J.R.Pardo, A.Peck, P.Andre, J.Martin-Pintado, P.Cox, C.Thum, P.Hily-Blant, R.Mauersberger
* [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/events/summerSchool2005/index.html|Summer School 2005]] '''Millimeter observing techniques and applications''' <
> with E.Kruegel, T.Wilson, A.Weiss, M.Guelin, P.Cox, R.Mauersberger
* [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/events/summerSchool2003/index.html|Summer School 2003]] '''Millimeter observing techniques and applications''' <
> with F.Bertoldi, P.Cernicharo, P.Cox, A.Greve, S.Huettemeister, A.Alberdi, F.Combes, C.Thum, R.Mauersberger
* [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/events/summerSchool2001/index.html|Summer School 2001]] '''Millimeter observing techniques and applications''' <
> with F.Bertoldi, P.Cernicharo, D.Downes, S.Huettemeister, A.Greve, R.Mauersberger