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> * '''2-9 October 2018 - s18 Pool #1''' ~-[= Cryo Run 36, 22^nd^ of NIKA2]-~ (run lost, acquisition problems) * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool020918 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool020918| Daily Reports]] * [[D2DLogNika2Run22 |Day to day logbook]] : Pipeline RTA logbook (Quicklook plots table) * [[CalibNika2Run22 | Calibration]] : Calibration Observation Plan & Summary * '''30 October -6 November 2018 - s18 Pool #2''' ~-[= Cryo Run 37, 23^rd^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool301018 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool301018| Daily Reports]] * [[D2DLogNika2Run23 |Day to day logbook]] : Pipeline RTA logbook (Quicklook plots table) * [[CalibNika2Run23 | Calibration]] : Calibration Observation Plan & Summary * '''20-27 November 2018 - s18 Pool #3''' ~-[= Cryo Run 38, 24^th^ of NIKA2]-~ * [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Pool201118 |Observers and staff at the telescope]] * [[DailyReportsNika2Pool201118| Daily Reports]] * [[D2DLogNika2Run24 |Day to day logbook]] : Pipeline RTA logbook (Quicklook plots table) * [[CalibNika2Run24 | Calibration]] : Calibration Observation Plan & Summary