[[Continuum/NIKA2/Main|Back to the NIKA2 main page]] <> == Information for Observers on NIKA2 Bandpasses == === Bandpasses of the NIKA2 Arrays === For convenience, we provide one ASCII file with the three NIKA2 bandpasses and three atmospheric transmission curves for 2mm, 4mm, and 7mm of precipitable water vapour: [[attachment:nika2-bandpasses-atm.dat]]. The instrumental bandpasses have already been corrected for the Rayleigh-Jeans source emission. They are shown in the figure below and also in Figure 1 of [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020A%26A...637A..71P/abstract|Perotto et al. (2020)]]. These bandpasses were measured in the laboratory in Grenoble. === Atmospheric transmission curves === The ATM model of J.Pardo & P.Cernicharo was used to calculate the atmospheric transmission at Pico Veleta. See also the figure below. === Figures === {{attachment:nika2-bandpasses3.png||height=550}} {{attachment:atmos-transmission9.png||height=550}} === Old information === The spectral bands as measured in NĂ©el (note that the two 1.15mm arrays are pretty similar but there is a detectable difference): {{attachment:xavier_v1.jpg||height=615}} {{attachment:xavier_v2.jpg||height=615}}