; Mars, No Decorr ;---------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #183 for source Mars Mean AzEl offsets -32399.505 -0.78826937 Median AzEl offsets -0.14089976 -0.90130684 Avg recentering -14549.491 28948.925 Median recentering -0.86859671 -0.27883061 ARF: Best mean median average flux 170.635 170.635 +- 0.283270 measured with 53 values ARF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 170.635+- 0.283270 chi2n = 1.12188e-10 measured with 53 values BRF: Best mean median average flux 39.1138 39.1138 +- 0.00646254 measured with 97 values BRF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 39.1138+- 0.00669122 chi2n = 1.52274e-08 measured with 91 values ARF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 17.6194 16.6094 BRF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 17.3787 18.4147 Central X= -0.10525446, sigma= 1.2960362, FWHM= 3.0519321 Central X= -0.62576145, sigma= 1.3706802, FWHM= 3.2277052 RFA Flux from final map is 156.1542 +- 0.2811 RFB Flux from final map is 36.3491 +- 0.0064 IA Flux from final det avg is 157.3749 +- 0.3699 IB Flux from final det avg is 36.1828 +- 0.0087 RFA Flux from final det avg is 156.1203 +- 0.2812 RFB Flux from final det avg is 36.3675 +- 0.0065 Chi2 is 24.2279 1212.43 31.6466 967.008 A Flux evolution 156.1542 A Flux Error evolution 0.2811 B Flux evolution 36.3491 B Flux Error evolution 0.0064 ; Loss of flux is not due to bad centering ; 3C345 -------------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #188 for source 3C345 Mean AzEl offsets -85054.593 3.9469862 Median AzEl offsets -3.9454292 -1.5378336 Avg recentering -78819.457 31965.246 Median recentering -4.2341516 0.057477186 ; After correction: Mean AzEl offsets -105299.13 4.3556579 Median AzEl offsets -0.30762851 0.44533521 Avg recentering -97580.115 39573.062 Median recentering -0.11773553 0.52829641 ARF: Best mean median average flux 5.29572 5.95122 +- 0.166198 measured with 34 values ARF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 5.29571+- 0.166198 chi2n = 2.93199 measured with 32 values BRF: Best mean median average flux 2.91460 3.25526 +- 0.00788576 measured with 54 values BRF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 2.91460+- 0.00788576 chi2n = 474.605 measured with 53 values ARF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 15.1659 9.06949 BRF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 17.3640 17.3109 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -60.965421 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -88.139984 Median radec offset -3.2971146 -11.258303 Central X= 0.40112346, sigma= 1.0420721, FWHM= 2.4538921 Central X= -0.090738066, sigma= 1.8158245, FWHM= 4.2759399 RFA Flux from final map is 4.4556 +- 0.1473 RFB Flux from final map is 2.5326 +- 0.0063 RFA Flux from final det avg is 4.4436 +- 0.1525 RFB Flux from final det avg is 2.5870 +- 0.0073 Chi2 is 3.47353 1269.50 2.85325 418.038 A Flux evolution 4.4556 A Flux Error evolution 0.1473 B Flux evolution 2.5326 B Flux Error evolution 0.0063 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #189 for source 3C345 Mean AzEl offsets -109353.43 7.9845343 Median AzEl offsets 1.0530391 0.0000000 Avg recentering -100227.82 43732.798 Median recentering 0.96519309 -0.42106260 ARF: Best mean median average flux 6.08911 8.34292 +- 0.508331 measured with 8 values ARF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 6.08910+- 0.508331 chi2n = 2.05522 measured with 7 values BRF: Best mean median average flux 2.42870 3.07090 +- 0.0113200 measured with 48 values BRF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 2.42870+- 0.0113200 chi2n = 144.432 measured with 47 values ARF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 26.4367 8.90897 BRF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 20.1782 16.1478 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -60.129810 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -87.037097 Median radec offset -1.7204428 1.0627136 Central X= -0.070028968, sigma= 1.1638536, FWHM= 2.7406659 Central X= -0.30126709, sigma= 1.2997473, FWHM= 3.0606711 RFA Flux from final map is 3.6080 +- 0.2070 RFB Flux from final map is 2.2942 +- 0.0087 RFA Flux from final det avg is 3.4631 +- 0.2152 RFB Flux from final det avg is 2.3075 +- 0.0104 Chi2 is 2.81106 347.772 2.51386 112.318 A Flux evolution 3.6080 A Flux Error evolution 0.2070 B Flux evolution 2.2942 B Flux Error evolution 0.0087 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #190 for source 3C345 RFA Flux from final map is 4.0745 +- 0.1497 RFB Flux from final map is 2.4330 +- 0.0070 RFA Flux from final det avg is 4.0912 +- 0.1551 RFB Flux from final det avg is 2.4543 +- 0.0078 Chi2 is 3.26429 602.610 4.06279 213.587 A Flux evolution 4.0745 A Flux Error evolution 0.1497 B Flux evolution 2.4330 B Flux Error evolution 0.0070 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #192 for source 3C345 RFA Flux from final map is 4.4799 +- 0.1008 RFB Flux from final map is 2.4354 +- 0.0053 RFA Flux from final det avg is 4.4795 +- 0.1037 RFB Flux from final det avg is 2.4596 +- 0.0058 Chi2 is 3.61603 853.554 3.53154 253.477 A Flux evolution 4.4799 A Flux Error evolution 0.1008 B Flux evolution 2.4354 B Flux Error evolution 0.0053 ; B1800 with Decorr ------- IA, IB, RFA, RFB Final Azel maps per scan then all scans on: Scans 195 196 197 198 , Avg Central X= -0.050571509, sigma= 1.0744817, FWHM= 2.5302111 Central X= 0.064149454, sigma= 1.2465047, FWHM= 2.9352941 RFA Flux from final map is 0.3803 +- 0.0180 RFB Flux from final map is 0.1414 +- 0.0006 RFA Flux from final det avg is 0.3872 +- 0.0185 RFB Flux from final det avg is 0.1575 +- 0.0006 Chi2 is 3.86968 393.184 2.23715 82.0808 A Flux evolution 0.4314 0.4272 0.2832 0.3940 A Flux Error evolution 0.0387 0.0352 0.0345 0.0358 B Flux evolution 0.1395 0.1344 0.1408 0.1495 B Flux Error evolution 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 ; print, 0.6*sqrt(4*6.*60) : 23 mJy s1/2 divided by Filter efficiency and Scan efficiency ; CL0016+16 with Decorr, look for point sources in this deep survey ------------ print,fpc { -4.00000 -3.00000} Scan #201 to 217, 2 hours Central X= 0.0036090415, sigma= 0.99265188, FWHM= 2.3375165 Central X= -0.00061684503, sigma= 1.0775127, FWHM= 2.5373486 40 mJy and 1mJy rms noise maps. No source. e.g. flux at the center is: RFA Flux from final map is -0.0016 +- 0.0237 RFB Flux from final map is -0.0003 +- 0.0004 RFA Flux from final det avg is -0.0022 +- 0.0237 RFB Flux from final det avg is -0.0003 +- 0.0004 Chi2 is 0.954929 1.13638 0.957837 1.04166 A Flux evolution -0.2216 -0.1078 0.1926 0.1533 -0.1278 0.0706 0.0654 -0.0019 0.0025 -0.0450 -0.2505 0.1078 -0.0593 0.2774 -0.1118 -0.0251 -0.0906 A Flux Error evolution 0.1435 0.1237 0.1056 0.0928 0.0890 0.0892 0.0809 0.0823 0.1052 0.1028 0.0927 0.0894 0.1089 0.1052 0.0987 0.1005 0.1007 B Flux evolution -0.0040 -0.0011 0.0022 0.0007 -0.0003 -0.0035 -0.0027 0.0005 0.0055 0.0050 0.0005 -0.0011 -0.0005 -0.0030 -0.0026 0.0019 0.0025 B Flux Error evolution 0.0021 0.0020 0.0017 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0014 0.0014 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 0.0019 0.0023 0.0023 0.0021 0.0021 0.0020 So a 1 mJy rms map translates into a 0.4mJy point source rms flux. print, 0.4*sqrt(2*3600.*100.^2/(400.*180)) 13mJy s1/2 is a bit low! Some efficiencies are needed. ; 3C454.3 No Decorr, pointing corrected ;-------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #221 for source 3C454.3 Mean AzEl offsets -121487.10 2.2477624 Median AzEl offsets -0.16920484 0.57107587 Avg recentering -113410.97 43555.331 Median recentering 0.046773522 0.59377619 ARF: Best mean median average flux 66.1282 67.5195 +- 0.0896113 measured with 53 values ARF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 66.1282+- 0.0896113 chi2n = 649.514 measured with 48 values BRF: Best mean median average flux 27.5156 33.8728 +- 0.00982018 measured with 53 values BRF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 27.5156+- 0.00982018 chi2n = 23496.5 measured with 52 values ARF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 12.7952 10.9927 BRF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 16.0282 16.3734 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 172.54926 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 3.7709215 Central X= -0.17370674, sigma= 1.1274189, FWHM= 2.6548685 Central X= -0.44679430, sigma= 1.5663611, FWHM= 3.6884984 IA Flux from final map is 90.7622 +- 0.1547 IB Flux from final map is 12.9584 +- 0.0046 RFA Flux from final map is 64.5093 +- 0.0869 RFB Flux from final map is 25.9698 +- 0.0077 IA Flux from final det avg is 90.3891 +- 0.1695 IB Flux from final det avg is 14.4344 +- 0.0083 RFA Flux from final det avg is 64.4995 +- 0.0898 RFB Flux from final det avg is 26.1912 +- 0.0088 Chi2 is 1888.35 56842.5 534.960 18260.7 A Flux evolution 64.5093 A Flux Error evolution 0.0869 B Flux evolution 25.9698 B Flux Error evolution 0.0077 ; Uranus No Decorr Pointing corr. ------------------ ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #226 for source Uranus Mean AzEl offsets -16200.459 -0.096731845 Median AzEl offsets 0.024963398 0.35888699 Avg recentering -12512.890 10289.919 Median recentering 0.24723422 0.26133940 ARF: Best mean median average flux 78.7967 84.6031 +- 0.0842345 measured with 61 values ARF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 78.7966+- 0.0842345 chi2n = 1083.01 measured with 54 values BRF: Best mean median average flux 15.9070 18.4081 +- 0.00246642 measured with 98 values BRF: 2 - Sigma clipped value 15.9070+- 0.00246642 chi2n = 32862.4 measured with 97 values ARF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 12.3372 11.8017 BRF: Median FHWM (Gauss) is 16.6466 17.0899 Central X= -0.060754903, sigma= 1.1000013, FWHM= 2.5903052 Central X= -0.14634363, sigma= 1.3332460, FWHM= 3.1395543 RFA Flux from final map is 76.4501 +- 0.0842 RFB Flux from final map is 14.8696 +- 0.0025 RFA Flux from final det avg is 76.4465 +- 0.0842 RFB Flux from final det avg is 14.8802 +- 0.0025 Chi2 is 1912.86 91923.8 909.119 29767.8 A Flux evolution 76.4501 A Flux Error evolution 0.0842 B Flux evolution 14.8696 B Flux Error evolution 0.0025 To be compared with 55 and 21 Jy ; MWC349 No decorr Pb of scan limits? ;----------------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #228 for source MWC349 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -51.788772 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -79.664219 Central X= 0.37502435, sigma= 1.0879269, FWHM= 2.5618720 Central X= 0.085854627, sigma= 1.3711448, FWHM= 3.2287991 RFA Flux from final map is 3.1403 +- 0.0618 RFB Flux from final map is 0.9678 +- 0.0013 RFA Flux from final det avg is 3.2136 +- 0.0639 RFB Flux from final det avg is 1.0034 +- 0.0014 Chi2 is 9.83158 595.267 7.23810 750.578 A Flux evolution 2.7378 3.6852 A Flux Error evolution 0.0831 0.0864 B Flux evolution 1.0136 0.9547 B Flux Error evolution 0.0017 0.0017 ; DR21 No Decorr ;-------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #231 for source DR21 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -49.053905 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -79.389715 Central X= -0.0039232373, sigma= 1.1107278, FWHM= 2.6155640 Central X= -0.38315889, sigma= 1.3526506, FWHM= 3.1852488 RFA Flux from final map is 11.1408 +- 0.1034 RFB Flux from final map is 4.7617 +- 0.0020 RFA Flux from final det avg is 11.1279 +- 0.1034 RFB Flux from final det avg is 4.7573 +- 0.0020 Chi2 is 52.7964 4643.22 14.7325 7409.06 A Flux evolution 11.1408 A Flux Error evolution 0.1034 B Flux evolution 4.7617 B Flux Error evolution 0.0020 ; DR21(OH) No Decorr Problem of scan limit, but map ~OK ;--------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #232 for source DR21(OH) Median IRAM parallactic angle is -47.456704 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -76.557757 Central X= -0.17907980, sigma= 1.1693914, FWHM= 2.7537063 Central X= -0.27170902, sigma= 1.3914731, FWHM= 3.2766686 Badly placed ()'s. Badly placed ()'s. Badly placed ()'s. Badly placed ()'s. Badly placed ()'s. RFA Flux from final map is 6.6718 +- 0.1014 RFB Flux from final map is 1.0572 +- 0.0018 RFA Flux from final det avg is 6.6693 +- 0.1015 RFB Flux from final det avg is 1.0489 +- 0.0018 Chi2 is 19.4052 310.831 9.36649 395.966 A Flux evolution 6.6718 A Flux Error evolution 0.1014 B Flux evolution 1.0572 B Flux Error evolution 0.0018 ; NGC7027 No Decorr ;------------ ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #234 for source NGC7027 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -47.762312 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -77.555391 2nd Scan not used PB of limit scan ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #235 for source NGC7027 Median IRAM parallactic angle is -47.312476 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -76.691256 Central X= -0.029631140, sigma= 1.0954092, FWHM= 2.5794914 Central X= -0.15869191, sigma= 1.1436048, FWHM= 2.6929834 RFA Flux from final map is 6.0075 +- 0.1066 RFB Flux from final map is 2.8099 +- 0.0022 RFA Flux from final det avg is 5.9542 +- 0.1094 RFB Flux from final det avg is 2.8409 +- 0.0025 Chi2 is 15.0300 1897.31 14.0951 2404.29 A Flux evolution 6.0075 A Flux Error evolution 0.1066 B Flux evolution 2.8099 B Flux Error evolution 0.0022 ; CepA No Decorr Pb with Scan limits ;--------------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #237 for source CepA Median IRAM parallactic angle is -23.265387 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is -122.94952 Central X= -0.23371671, sigma= 1.2448955, FWHM= 2.9315047 Central X= -0.54759061, sigma= 1.5759436, FWHM= 3.7110635 RFA Flux from final map is 6.5235 +- 0.1244 RFB Flux from final map is 1.1105 +- 0.0023 RFA Flux from final det avg is 6.5221 +- 0.1244 RFB Flux from final det avg is 1.1039 +- 0.0024 Chi2 is 7.13152 638.056 7.44000 186.597 A Flux evolution 6.5235 A Flux Error evolution 0.1244 B Flux evolution 1.1105 B Flux Error evolution 0.0023 ; NGC1068 with Decorr ;-------------------- ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #239 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 117.32937 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 19.360644 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #1 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 122.03078 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 17.574792 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #2 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 127.07732 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 15.741155 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #3 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 132.48661 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 13.862255 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #4 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 138.27253 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 11.942502 ---> Start Reduce_one on scan #5 for source NGC1068 Median IRAM parallactic angle is 144.42971 Median AB (chosen) parallactic angle is 9.9899770 ; excluding first scan before improving the code to handle change of day Central X= -0.016539002, sigma= 1.0619065, FWHM= 2.5005986 Central X= -0.067528725, sigma= 1.1547670, FWHM= 2.7192685 RFA Flux from final map is 0.0876 +- 0.0112 RFB Flux from final map is 0.0398 +- 0.0004 RFA Flux from final det avg is 0.0873 +- 0.0118 RFB Flux from final det avg is 0.0426 +- 0.0004 Chi2 is 2.27494 67.7957 3.15062 25.9804 A Flux evolution 0.0567 0.2058 0.0449 0.0940 0.0473 A Flux Error evolution 0.0233 0.0256 0.0247 0.0264 0.0260 B Flux evolution 0.0388 0.0402 0.0401 0.0384 0.0395 B Flux Error evolution 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 ; That in 25 minutes!